The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 940: Dirty Sacred Tree, War on the Moon (7)

The moment Xi Wei touched the core of the World Tree, an indescribable malice attacked him.

This malice was so huge and complicated that even Xi Wei lost his mind for a long time.

Then he turned back and looked at the life master who was still cursing with complicated eyes... although the latter was about to turn into a ball due to out-of-control growth.

"I tried my best to overestimate you, but I still underestimated you..."

Even if the Plague Lord of this guy comes in person, I'm afraid he won't be able to do better than it does.

"As expected, you discovered it, but even so, it's already too late!"

The Master of Life shouted in a severely out-of-tune voice.

As early as after this guy occupied the core of the World Tree, it injected the rituals it had perfected over the past millennium into the core, and has been quietly advancing the rituals under its control.

The first stage of the ritual is the spring of germination.

Tens of thousands of monsters grew out of nothing on the World Tree, with different shapes and appearances, which symbolized the 'spring' of the resurrection of all things.

Then comes the prosperous summer.

After spring’s budding, summer begins with growth and flourishing. Monsters at this stage can not only continuously restore themselves,]8 but also gradually become stronger as their survival time prolongs. The principle may be similar to that of forest elf weapons.

When the summer is over, the harvest will naturally follow.

The monsters that survived the summer stage blossomed and bore fruit together, and finally produced the 'Nine Sacred Ring Divine Wood Tianyan Dragon', which was a fruit that Xi Weidu found a little tricky.

This is what the Lord of Life has been promoting, and it is also the ritual sacred tree's Four Seasons Song that even Xi Wei was not aware of.

"...Winter hasn't come yet." Xi Wei frowned.

chilling winter

That is the real trump card of this ritual. Once the ritual is successful, all affected existences will be cut off from life, and their vitality will be lost in an instant - including the World Tree.

If all goes well, the Master of Life will be drawing on the power of ritual. After creating the Shenmu Tianyan Dragon, stop the ritual.

This way you don’t have to face the winter afterward.

However, it was not only Xi Wei who underestimated the enemy, the Master of Life also made the same mistake, and his mistake was even more outrageous than Xi Wei's.

Although it took a little effort, Xi Wei was still able to deal with the enemy of the Lord of Life in the end, but the Lord of Life was unable to hurt Xi Wei no matter what, even in the legendary realm. The gap between the two is still evident.

However, after losing the master of life, the ritual that was originally blocked by him began to operate slowly again.

"No need to waste your efforts, you can't stop it... This ceremony can only be postponed, but cannot be cancelled."

The Master of Life spoke with great energy, as if he were reflecting back on the light.

"Don't compare me to you."

Xi Wei studied the ritual and found that he was actually a little dizzy.

"...Sure enough, even this ritual magic circle has been given divinity."

Although it is only limited to the divinity of the World Tree, no matter how simple it is, it still possesses divinity. It's not that simple to crack it...

If this thing cannot be cracked within the limited time, the best result is that Xi Wei leads the students to evacuate Feiyue, and then watches the entire Feiyue collapse due to the instant withering of the World Tree.

"Today is a really good day."

Xi Wei's voice suddenly sounded, causing the cursing master of life to pause.

"Being able to meet my opponent...even though he's still a little weaker...and also seeing such interesting things. Isn't this the best reward for a magician?"

"You can't do it!" The voice of the master of life became sharp, mixed with a trace of imperceptible panic: "You can't stop this ritual, everything is under my control!"

No reason. It suddenly had doubts about Xi Wei's ability to destroy his ritual magic.

"Including the fact that you're lying on the ground like a dead pig right now?"

Xi Wei didn't care about this, and even seemed eager to give it a try.

"Although there may be some mistakes in the style of painting. But in fact, if I want to solve this kind of thing, I have a trump card." Xi Wei grinned and touched the core of the World Tree with one hand: "——'This is not science'."

--Dividing line--

After inserting an academy beacon into the rock, Centaur Gila flicked his tail uneasily.

"How's it going? Is there a signal now?"

While subconsciously scratching his hooves, he asked the man next to him with a screw in his head.

"There is a signal. And it has stabilized." Franken tightened the screws on his head and adjusted various magic instruments from the academy.

It has to be said that for all magicians who want to delve into the study of magic, Edric is really a rare and good place. Every month, Xiwei can get a lot of things that Franken did not dare to think of or that he did not know when he was alive. A magic weapon that I don’t even know about.

For example, the brand new magic device he is playing with now has the words "Made in Magic City Endymion" on it... What the hell is Endymion? Never heard of it?

Putting back his increasingly perverse thoughts under the influence of the dean, Franken put the magic device back into his storage ring and asked the boy on the other side.

"Besides, are you sure you didn't go the wrong way?"

"You have asked this question thirty times thirty times!" Claude, a young man with a subtle killer haircut, replied impatiently: "I followed what the lost team said before, We found it bit by bit, if you don’t like it, you can find it yourself!”

Although he was yelled at by his son, Franken's mood did not seem to be affected in any way.

Rather, after Claude's ghost syndrome was cured by Xi Wei, Franken seemed to have never encountered anything that could affect his mood.

The three of them were the team selected by Sophia and sent out to investigate the lost underground city.

As a high-level magician, Franken has the top strength of Edric - of course, not counting Xi Wei.

Gila is Xiwei's student, but in addition to being a dabbler in magic, he also has good skills and the natural strong body of the centaur family.

As for Claude, after lying in bed for half a year, his physical condition had deteriorated a bit, but after receiving the blood of the ancient dragon, this guy immediately became alive and kicking, and there seemed to be some wonderful changes in him. It's just that it's hard to be sure at the moment. He was sent out this time with the intention of investigating this aspect.

"Mysterious underground city..." Franken touched his chin and grinned as if he wanted to make a strange smile. Unfortunately, his artificial vocal cords could not support such a sound: "Anything with 'mystery' Words are irresistible temptations for magicians..." (To be continued...)


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