The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 941: Dirty Sacred Tree, War on the Moon (End)

According to the classification of magic type, the miracle born based on Xi Wei's soul from the earth, "This is not scientific", actually belongs to barrier magic. In the area shrouded by that miraculous barrier, everything with a degree of mystery lower than Xi Wei will be forcibly terraformed, and all extraordinary powers and supernatural creatures (basically energy creatures) will dissipate.

This is unique among all miracles, and even comes into contact with the absolute truth to a certain extent. It was also one of Xi Wei's biggest trump cards.

It's just that before it became a legend, the area covered by the 'This is Unscientific' barrier was not very large. If Xi Wei hadn't come from the earth and was in the academy system, the mystery was so high that he wouldn't even know where it came from now. These two secrets allow him to look down upon all mysteries below the gods. I'm afraid this trick is not as effective as it seems so far.

What's more, this is unscientific and Xi Wei himself will become an ordinary person when using this trick.

After entering the legend, although that fatal weakness has not disappeared, with the interpretation of the law and the failed creation, Xi Wei's mystery has already approached that of a god in the general sense.

Regardless of other things, it is still possible to at least invalidate the magic rituals in the core of the World Tree.

"So don't force me to be serious. I'm pretending to be cool... Well, I'm afraid of being serious!"

Throwing the core of the World Tree that had been neutralized by 'this [∽ unscientific'] and changed from tree crystal to ordinary wood on the ground, Xi Wei looked at the piece of meat whose original shape could no longer be seen - okay, Shenmu Tian The physiological tissue of the dragon is closer to that of a plant, so this thing should not be a piece of meat but a root nodule.

It is said that soybeans can absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 800 meters underground with the help of rhizobia...

Xi Wei pulled out a stubble from his beard and grinned in pain while reining in his racing thoughts. He found that he seemed to like running trains in his mind more and more recently, and his imagination was so big. So scary.

The core of the World Tree was destroyed by him, and naturally the most important method of controlling the World Tree was lost.

But this is not a problem for Xi Wei.

The relationship between the World Tree and its core is simply like a computer and its operating system.

It is true that even Xiwei cannot build a new core from scratch - just like no matter how strong a programmer is, it is impossible to type out windows by just typing 0 and 1 on the keyboard.

So before destroying the core of the World Tree, he had already copied all the magical structures in it, as long as he found suitable materials from the academy system. You can copy them all.

Of course, the core of the world tree copied in this way still contains the chilling winter chapter in the magical ritual of the sacred tree's Song of the Four Seasons.

It's just that the so-called magic ritual requires a complete set to be effective.

Without the ritual prerequisites of the first three chapters of Shenmu Four Seasons Song, the last section alone would not have any effect, so after the copy is successful, the core can be used as it is.

All that's left is to wait until you have time to slowly peel it off.

"……Just kill me."

Seeing that even his last trump card was easily cracked by Xi Wei, the master of life gave up struggling and lay motionless on the ground like a dead pig.

"Actually, I'm very curious," but Xi Wei didn't make a move. He looked at the master of life who was filled with grief and despair: "The true consciousness of the Lord of Plague should have been annihilated as early as the age of mythology... Is your consciousness really inherited from that demon king?"

"Actually, I don't know either."

Since the core of the World Tree was destroyed, the final connection point between the Master of Life and the World Tree was lost. Without the supply of the World Tree's vitality, it did not continue to expand. It was just that the cells began to eat themselves due to lack of nutrition, and the appearance was that The swollen body began to wither.

"I don't even know when I was born. But when I realized my existence, the memory of my body continued to flow into the depths of my soul... I can't describe that feeling. But now Think about it, from that time on, the newly born 'I' should have been killed by the Plague Lord's soul fragment, and the only thing left was the 'I' who inherited all the Plague Lord's knowledge and hatred."

"—I have been just an undead spirit inherited from the mythical age from the beginning."

Although it was a bit self-deprecating, Xi Wei heard endless sorrow and pain from the other party's words.

In fact, not long after the fight, Xi Wei discovered that the other party was not the resurrected Plague Lord in the true sense.

In the Age of Mythology, Sylvie also fought against the shadow of the Plague Lord. Understand the Plague Lord's style to a certain extent.

To describe it, the Lord of Plague is like a fox. Although he is not as cunning as the Lord of Fear, he has a survival strategy far better than that of the Lord of Fear.

In critical moments, in order to survive. It can do anything.

But the Life Master is different. Its fighting style is more straightforward. From the beginning to the end, it only says, "Don't be cowardly, just do it." It can be described as a pig coming in suddenly. If it hadn't left the core of the World Tree so readily, Xi Wei wanted to solve it. It's not that simple. In the end, it even plans to take away the entire moon at its own expense.

This is completely different from the Plague Lord.

Looking back and thinking about it now, the other party's behavior seems to have a sense of self-destruction, as if he has been tortured enough by the memory and hatred of the Plague Lord and wants to have the most gorgeous curtain call...

"In that case," Silvera tugged on the collar of his cloak, then brushed off the dust on it, straightened his appearance, and then said to it: "Then do you want to live a new life?"

"What do you mean by this? Do you think I still have the qualifications to live?"

The voice of the life master sounded a little depressed.

"Why not? You have never massacred any race, never caused a war, never caused a natural disaster that destroyed the world... Well, you wanted to create it, but I stopped you."

Xi Wei shrugged: "Fortunately, nothing has happened yet and it can be rectified."

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"The fact that you were able to restrain the hatred of the Plague Lord and not leave the World Tree to massacre the creatures outside shows that your essence is not an abyss demon... Although I don't know that essence, I think it's not a bad thing."

Xi Wei scratched his face, and then said seriously: "So, are you interested in becoming a teacher?"

"Teacher? Chosen One, who are you..."

The voice of the master of life was still extremely depressed, but it seemed to contain a little hope.

"Reintroduce yourself," Xi Wei took out a pointed wizard hat with the Edric school emblem from the storage box and put it on his head, and then continued: "I am Xi Wei, the dean of Edric College. Viedric. You can call me Mr. Dean, my new professor of abyss, Mr. New Berlin (New Wave)." (To be continued.)


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