The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 942 The Death City under the Moon

While Xi Wei was busy poaching people, Franken and his team also arrived at the underground city in the report.

"What a surprise... I originally thought that I could only see a short and complicated underground city like the ones built by the goblins." Franken tightened the screws and said in an amazed tone: "I didn't expect it to be so grand."

"It seems that I should be glad that this place is not as short as you guessed..." Centaur Gila strolled around the entrance and returned to Franken: "Everything is normal around here."

The place where they are now is a circular platform. This platform is surrounded by a circle of white stone pillars full of ancient Roman style. If the stone pillars were not widely spaced apart, it would feel like a prison.

The platform is about a hundred meters above the ground. If you look down from here, you can see rows of roof ridges, rows of snow-white towers, and a pentagram-shaped underground lake with obvious artificial traces.

The continuous building complex even surprised Franken - he did not expect that there would be a city of this size underground.

"I can't feel any signs of life in the city... It's better to say that apart from us, I can't even feel any soul fluctuations."

I don’t know if it’s a sequelae of being cured of Spectral Syndrome, but now Claude is very sensitive to soul fluctuations, and can even connect to the soul realm to a certain extent and gain special powers.

Xi Wei calls this a divine attack... Anyway, the expressions are similar.

"The city is very well preserved. Life here should not have been suddenly wiped out by natural disasters or wars." Franken cast a feather fall spell on himself and the centaur and jumped off the platform.

Claude closed his eyes and muttered for a while, then a translucent blue shadow appeared behind him, grabbed his collar, and lifted him off the platform.

"This flying technique is quite special..."

Centaur Gila looked at Claude being lifted down like a chicken and suppressed his words.

Then, seemingly afraid of heights, he stood cautiously on the edge of the platform, looked at the densely packed houses below, and swallowed.

Finally he gritted his teeth and said: "God of War, bless me!" He spread his hooves and jumped down with a scream.

Fortunately, Franken's Feather Falling Technique worked very well, allowing Gila to fall to the ground without any danger.

"Damn, it's so exciting... I never want to jump from such a high place again..."

"Compared to that, haven't you centaurs always claimed to be warriors?" The shadow behind Claude had disappeared. He looked at Gila who was still trembling slightly and said jokingly: "That scream just now He doesn't look like a warrior... If there is anything else sleeping in this city, it will probably be awakened by your scream."

"My courage comes from the battlefield, not the sky..."

Gila, who knew she couldn't defeat the other party, could only murmur to herself to comfort herself.

At this time, Franken, who was the first to come down, walked out of a nearby house.

"Everything inside is there. Although it's a little messy, it doesn't look like it's been looted. In fact, many things that look valuable and some things that are probably daily necessities are still there, so it can't be like A whole family moved like the Great Migration.”

His voice deepened: "It seems that there may be dangers hidden on this moon that we don't know about."

"The crown of the World Tree has been red for a long time, but the teacher has sent us a letter not to worry about it," Gila curled her lips. For the centaur boy, Xi Wei can be regarded as the person he admires the most: "Even The holy trees of the elves have been surrendered by Teacher, and I feel that even if there are other things on the moon, they will not threaten us."

"It's a miracle that the centaur can survive until now." Claude didn't think so.

He also admired Xi Wei who cured him, but the habits and character he developed in the Plague City made him never blindly trust someone, and he would never let down his guard at any time.

"What if the dangers on this moon cannot threaten the dean? Can the dean always protect everyone? Let me tell you, as long as that unknown existence can threaten us... No, as long as it can Threatening students is enough reason to punish them."

"Okay, I admit that I didn't think it through." Gila said in a deep voice: "But please take back the words you just insulted the Centaur family, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise, do you want to fight?"

Claude narrowed his eyes and raised his head and asked.

"You two, please give me peace of mind."

Franken's voice suddenly became serious... Unfortunately, the words were also mixed with the clicking sound of screws, which greatly reduced the majesty: "We are not on an outing now. If we want to fight, I will wait until we get back to Edric. I'll give you a duel field and let you fight slowly. If the duel field isn't enough, the Sky Tower will do. As the dean of students, I still have this right."

Gila and Claude looked at each other, then turned their faces away at the same time and snorted coldly.

The exploration continues.

"Franken, I found something similar to a diary...but I can't understand the words on it."

At the top of a tall tower, Claude dug out a large piece of silk cloth, with many patterns that looked like words written on it with unknown purple paint.

Franken took the piece of silk cloth and looked at it carefully, and found that the writing on it was neither Lunar nor runes, nor did it look like the divine words that Xi Wei had mentioned.

"It's probably some kind of indigenous writing. Anyway, put it away first. Edric has a special cipher text interpretation laboratory. Just hand this over to them when you get back."

He put the silk cloth into the space equipment he carried with him, and was about to continue searching for clues about the city, but found that Gila, who could only stay under the tower because he was taller than the tower, seemed to be a little anxious.

"Gira, have you discovered anything?" So he asked the centaur boy.

"I don't know..." The centaur boy was a little confused, but his hooves kept scratching the floor tiles: "I don't know why, but I always feel that a very bad feeling is rising, and that feeling is getting stronger and stronger. …”

"Hey, what are you talking about again? If there is really a danger, I can't possibly... huh?" Claude, who was originally looking relaxed, suddenly changed his face halfway through speaking: "Getting ready to run away, I felt a strange wave begin. It's covering this city - wait, no, this is not a wave..."

His face became even more ugly, and he grabbed the railing with his hands to try to calm down, but the white joints still showed the shake in his heart: "Is this a soul huge enough to envelope this city?!" r1152


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