The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 952 The Mystery of the Moon Beast

Let's go back half an hour. ◇↓

Xi Wei originally planned to rush to the underground city to see the so-called giant soul with his own eyes.

However, the army of moon beasts that came back made him give up this idea temporarily. With the strong men in the academy such as Saran Frankenfleur leaving, it would be better for him to stay in the academy. Although the defensive measures of the Fourth School District are very complete, under normal circumstances, Moon Beast will definitely not be able to defeat Edric, but it is not a bad thing to be fully prepared just in case.

Of course, he could take action and get rid of all the moon beasts himself, but this would go against his original intention of taking the academy to the moon.

So Xi Wei could only sit in the dean's office and watch the students enthusiastically use the power of the college to fight against the moon beasts that came like a tide.


After yawning heavily, he finally decided to go to the alchemy workshop of the academy.

After all, the Fourth School District is a newly established school district. In terms of completeness of facilities, it is definitely not as good as the Third School District established in Morag, but the basic facilities are still available.

Now the alchemy workshop in the fourth school district has been vacated to study the characteristics of the moon beast. The person who set up this research project was Franken, and the person who led the research was several top students in the blue class.

So even if Franken is away now, the research on the moon beast has not stopped.

"Master Dean! Are you here to inspect the alchemy workshop?"

Xi Wei's arrival naturally attracted the attention of those students.

The blue class, with Liddell White as squad leader, is the class with the highest average theoretical score among the four ordinary classes. However, because it pays too much attention to theory, it is slightly behind the other three classes in actual practice.

It is precisely because of this that most of the students in the blue class who are engaged in theoretical research at Edric earn credits by writing papers.

If classified according to the traditional magician classification. More than half of the students in the blue class can be classified as academic academic magicians.

Of course, as students selected by the academy system, their magical talents are still extremely high.

"I'm just taking a look, you guys go on."

Xi Wei didn't want to make a big fuss. After waving his hand to ask the student representatives to leave, he casually strolled around the workshop.

The workshop, which was empty when it was first established, is now very different.

Various magical instruments moved from the Third School District occupied half of the area. In addition, there are many improvised magic items as well as specimens of moon beast corpses that have been made into specimens.

Different from the alchemy workshop that traditional magicians test secretly, Edric's alchemy workshop is much brighter and looks more like an earth laboratory than an alchemy workshop.

"Have you achieved anything?"

After wandering around for a long time, Xi Wei asked the student representative.

"A little."

The student representative was a bookish young man. He said excitedly at this time: "We found that the internal structure of the moon beast is very similar to that of primates, but it has many more organs than ordinary beasts. We think many of them are Special magical organs related to spell-like abilities."

As he said that, the other party took out a sarcoma-like thing and showed it to Xi Wei. to enhance persuasiveness.

Xi Wei used his mental power to sense it, and found that the tissue structure inside the sarcoma was indeed different from normal physiological tissue. It was very close to some kind of magic circle. It was not so much a biological organ, but more like a carefully crafted magic circle. device.

"In addition, we found almost signs of aging in the muscle fibers of the moon beasts. All captured moon beasts have exactly the same physiological age regardless of their size. This is theoretically impossible. So we speculate that the moon beasts do not 'grow' or 'age' The concept. The only difference between them is the mutation that occurs after enough energy is accumulated."

"If I have to describe it, I think the moon beast is not so much a living thing. Instead, it is more like a free-range magic weapon with self-awareness."

In the end, the student representative came to this conclusion.

After leaving the alchemy workshop, Xi Wei was still thinking about what the other party said.

Indeed, the existence of such a creature as the Moon Beast is incomprehensible. They are independent of the biosphere formed by the World Tree and are self-contained.

They have very different shapes and there are great differences between individuals. But in terms of anatomy and other biological sciences, these guys are all the same species - just like the Tibetan Mastiff and the Chihuahua. The two look completely different, almost like two species, but they are actually just dogs.

After researching in the Alchemy Workshop. Not only did it fail to solve the mystery of the moon beast, it actually made the mystery deeper.

On the way back to the dean's office, Xi Wei met someone unexpected.

"Oh, when did you come back?"

With her mouth stuffed with bacon that she got from nowhere, Holo asked Xi Wei inarticulately.

"I've been back for a while, but I just stayed in the dean's office. But you, despite the fierce fighting outside, are still in the mood to eat."

"What's wrong with eating? Even if you want to fight, you have to be full before fighting." Holo pouted dissatisfiedly, her oily red lips looking much more charming than usual: "And we have to beware of those elusive people. Shadow creatures, you can’t do anything if you don’t keep your spirits up.”

"Shadow creature?" Xi Wei raised his eyebrows and asked, "What shadow creature?"

"Don't you feel it?"

Instead, Holo glanced at Xi Wei curiously: "Many planes have their own shadows, that is, the shadow level. For shadow creatures, the shadow level is just like the sea for ordinary creatures, it is the cradle of life. This The shadow level of the world is quite large, and it is estimated that there will be at least a few shadow creatures hiding in it..."

"Can ordinary people enter the shadow plane?" Xi Wei asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, but it won't last long. Even you won't stay long. After all, turning yourself into an energy state is not a comfortable feeling... unless you are willing to work hard to modify the laws of the shadow level of this world." Holo was left. He also stuffed the pieces of meat into his mouth and spread his hands to show that he was helpless.

It seems that only shadow creatures and energy creatures have the ability to enter and exit the shadow plane at will.

"Then can you find the entrance to the shadow level?" Xi Wei thought for a while and continued to ask.

He had always felt that there was always a strange feeling on Feiyue, and now that he thought about it, it might have something to do with the shadow plane.

"Okay, we are also the gatekeepers of Hades after all. Finding the door is not a problem~"

The dog girl, who is a three-headed hell dog, shook her fluffy tail and said proudly.

If the bacon in her mouth hadn't been swallowed yet, maybe Xi Wei would have a little more admiration for her. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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