The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 953 Entrance to the Shadow Level (Part 1)

Although Holo patted her flat chest and vowed to Xi Wei, in fact, finding the entrance to the shadow plane was not that simple. ∽↗

"Wait, how are you going to find the entrance?" Xi Wei touched his chin and asked suddenly.

"How to find what?"

Holo, who finally swallowed the bacon in her mouth, showed a puzzled expression at first, and then answered with some confusion: "Of course you are looking for it like that?"

"...By the time you find it, the iron eucalyptus flower (the legendary magic plant, said to have a flowering period of thirty-two years) will be withered."

The Scarlet Moon is much smaller than the main material plane, but its area is still very vast, approaching or even exceeding the Eastern Plains. It is almost impossible to search the entire Feiyue in a short time.

In fact, it would take three to five days to circumnavigate the entire eastern plain on a tasseled falcon—this would still be a rough circumnavigation, not a detailed search.

"If you're lucky, you might be able to find it right away."

Holo obviously didn't expect this at first, her eyes wandered wildly, and she hesitated. However, he probably felt that his momentum was too weak, so he added: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated. The entrance to the shadow level cannot be that small, and as long as it is close to a certain level, our family can sense it."

Xi Wei sighed exaggeratedly in response to the girl's quibble.

"If you don't believe it, we'll go find it for you right now!" After saying that, Holo turned around and ran away, leaving Xi Wei alone with a wry smile.

Although he does want to find the shadow plane, it is not a big deal at the moment, so Xi Wei is not too anxious. He just tries to get in touch with the laws of this plane and waits until he finds a place to start. law. This way you should be able to quickly find the location of the shadow plane.

Although the workload is also heavy, it is at least more reliable than traveling around the Feiyue.

In addition, you can also pay attention to where shadow creatures appear. As long as you can catch a shadow creature, everything can be solved. It is much more meaningful to find the entrance to the shadow plane from the shadow creature than to search like a headless fly.

--Dividing line--

When Xi Wei was still thinking hard about the entrance to the shadow plane. Some wonderful changes also occurred on the World Tree side - a fruit was born on the tree.

In the age of mythology, the fruit of the World Tree looked a bit like a green longevity peach, which was very large and covered with snow-white lines. From within came the High Elves.

After the World Tree was contaminated by the Plague Lord's hand and sealed to the crimson moon, the fruits produced on it became like enlarged cantaloupes, blood red in color, and although they were also full of lines, the lines were all dark. Red. The Blight Elves are born from this fruit.

When Xiwei repaired the core of the World Tree, New Berlin extracted his will. After leaving the World Tree together with part of the Plague Lord's body, the World Tree theoretically returned to its original state, but the fruit it produced at this time was completely different from the previous fruit.

Rather than saying that it looks like a fruit, it is more like a rough gemstone that has not yet been polished and cut. It was about the size of a truck tire. Although Feiyue didn't have much light at this time, it still reflected the glow in the dark night, giving people the illusion of seeing a rainbow.

Since New Berlin had completely withdrawn his will from the World Tree, neither Xi Wei nor New Berlin discovered this.

The fruit grows very quickly. Before the withered elves, who had finally made enough trouble to leave, noticed it, the fruit fell from the branches. It shattered to pieces on the ground, revealing the little creature inside.

It was a humanoid creature that was very similar to a high elf. It was about half the size of an ordinary person. Although elves have no gender, judging from the face, the little guy was obviously more beautiful than handsome. More like girls than men.

She first opened her clear eyes wide and looked at her hands and naked body, with a look of surprise and surprise on her face. Then she closed her eyes again and made a babbling sound. It sounded like the meaningless tones of a babbling child.

But if Seavey or New Berlin were here, they would find that this little guy was actually speaking the words of God!

As the little guy chanted (if this can be considered a chant), white light emerged around her, and then the light that was originally formless and qualityless was bound by the divine words and turned into silky satin, And it was automatically cut into clothes that fit the little one's body shape, wrapping her green body as white as jade.

At this time, a lone moon beast discovered the little guy and quietly approached from behind.

However, the little guy was also very vigilant. He immediately noticed the malicious visitor behind him, turned around and stared at the deformed head, which looked about the size of a car and looked like a frog with tentacles. monster.

The little guy thought for a moment, then raised his hands and made a threatening sound like a wild beast.

If a large ape like a cherry baboon makes such an action, it will naturally give people a dangerous atmosphere, but if it is done by a little guy who only reaches the lower abdomen of an ordinary person, plus the expression on the little guy's face , except for being 'cute', it probably doesn't have any other effects.

Obviously the moon beast's brain has not evolved to the extent that it can understand the concept of "cute"... Of course, it may just be a simple aesthetic difference.

In short, it did not give up the idea of ​​hitting the little guy because of this.

The little guy also understood this, pouted his lips, and put down his hands somewhat depressedly, probably very dissatisfied that his intimidation failed to work.

Since intimidation doesn't work, then we might as well use a more direct method.

I don’t know if she thought about it this way. After that, the little guy yelled twice angrily, and then rushed towards the moon beast with his head...

This was a very weird scene. A little girl used her headbutt against a monster that was more than twice her size. Looking down from the sky, it looked like a small ant charging towards a big beetle.

If you think about it according to common sense, this is undoubtedly food delivery.

But what this world lacks most is things that are beyond common sense.

There was a "clang" sound, and the moon beast was knocked away by the little guy's headbutt!

It's not the power of the headbutt itself. In fact, just when the little guy was about to hit the moon beast, and the moon beast was about to fight back and prey on the little guy, there was a line between them that was invisible to the naked eye. The inherent concept was 'inviolable'. 'Wall of Law, this thing didn't have any impact on the little guy, but it bounced the moon beast away completely.

Even ordinary great magicians cannot understand what is going on. Only a small group of top magicians in the mythical era and Xi Wei, who is very well-informed in a sense, can identify it. the nature of this phenomenon.

This is the absolute suppression of 'mortal things' by 'divine nature'. It has not reached the level of being able to touch the law (that is, the legendary level). No matter how strong the mortal things are, they cannot harm the existence of 'divine nature'.

Let's not talk about it for the moment. The moon beast that was knocked away rolled twice on the ground and immediately ran away... For mortal beings, the pressure of divinity is absolute, and it can be overcome with reason and willpower. Leaving aside the fearful creatures, this coercion has a greater impact on uncivilized beasts.

The little guy raised his head in a daze, shook his whole body for a few moments, and then waved his fist happily in the direction where the moon beast was escaping.

It seems that she is very satisfied with her results.

The ground shook slightly, as if some giant creature was heading here.

The little guy tilted his head, not knowing what happened, but this did not affect her decision.

After circling the World Tree twice, and feeling that she had had enough fun here, she threw a branch into the sky, and then set off in the direction that the branch pointed after it fell.

And that direction is exactly where the fourth school district of Edric College is located, the center of the battlefield against the Moon Beast herds... (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: I have been playing Plague Inc: Evolution recently... let me tell you, the feeling of being a boss behind the scenes is subtly exciting!

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