The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 960 Return from the Moon

Neither the Ge Laohui nor the Edric Academy are the type to make a fuss about what they are doing known to the world.

So until Edric College plowed the entire Scarlet Moon, and then returned to the main material plane through the passage from the forest elves, except for a few people in the entire eastern plain, few people knew about the fire above their heads not long ago. What happened on Feiyue...

But after returning to Morag's Third School District, Xi Wei heard news about one.

The vampire princess, who had been in a coma for some time, and even Xi Wei almost thought she was in a vegetative state, woke up and left without saying goodbye two days before Xi Wei came back.

"But after all, she is the eldest princess of the Dark Night Nobles. There should not be many people in the entire Eastern Plains who can match her, so you don't have to worry." After receiving the news, Xi Wei could only comfort the depressed Shalan: "And besides Timothy Dark She doesn’t have many places to go outside the alliance. When she is free, the worst case scenario is that you and I will go to the Cliffs of the Western Continent again..."

"Then when will you be free?"

The little vampire asked immediately.

"Uh..." Xi Wei immediately lost his temper.

It is not difficult for Xi Wei to simply go to Timothy. The problem is that it is a bit troublesome to find the vampire princess in the huge territory of Timothy. It's not that she can't find it, but it takes a lot of time. less time.

But soon it will be the Demonic Promotion Examination. As an upper-level college, Edric has fifty recommended spots. However, there are hundreds of second-year students in Edric, and the mere fifty spots are simply not enough, so those who have not been allocated the recommended spots are Students need to take the preliminary examination of Qiyao Master Association.

During this period, the professors in the college had to work overtime to make up lessons for the students - even the purely theoretical Sophia was involved in the battle. At this time, as the dean, he sneaked out with the little vampire to find (you) people ( wan) can't be justified...if he really dares to do this. I guess I will receive a bunch of resignation letters when I come back...

"Anyway, it's really not possible during this time..."

Xi Wei had just tried to explain to the little vampire when he saw the door to the dean's office being pushed open with a very powerful movement. With a teeth-piercing crash, what appeared at the door was a man with bloodshot eyes. Sophia.

"Shalan, I said you have classes scheduled for today, right? Excuse me. It's obviously class time, why are you here?"

The red-haired girl said with a smile.

This made the little vampire Shalan, who was nearly a hundred times stronger than her, look frightened.

"Eh? Is there such a thing..." Her eyes drifted up, with an expression like 'Although I remember it now, if I forget it, I will definitely be killed, so I can only pretend to be confused and pass it by'.

Before she finished speaking, Sophia grabbed Shalan's back at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. Regardless of the latter's resistance, he dragged her out of the dean's room.

"——Forgive me, I haven't slept for two days!"

"It's okay, I have medicine for insomnia."

"It has nothing to do with insomnia. There are too many scheduled classes. What's so densely packed on the class schedule! She's obviously just a teaching assistant!"

"It doesn't matter, I will propose to Xiwei to upgrade your title to professor."

"That's not the point! This is over-exploitation of labor!"

"People who have unused labor are fools, right? When you see someone who can help, you naturally want to grab him and help."

"You vampire!"

"Stop it, Shallan, you are the vampire. Getting the wrong race is not what a professor should do."

"I don't want to be a professor, huh..."

Listening to Shalan's pitiful voice coming from afar, Xi Wei didn't know whether he should be happy or sad for the little vampire.

Although Sophia's approach was a little rude, Xi Wei believed that she actually saw that Shalan was a little depressed because of her sister's incident, so she assigned so many tasks to the little vampire. You want her to be busy with work and forget about those unhappy things.

...Well, probably.

If it was just the vampire princess who left Edric, Xi Wei wouldn't have anything to worry about.

Just like what I just said. That guy's strength is indeed at the top of the Eastern Plains. As long as he doesn't encounter legendary perverts like Xi Wei or weird beings like Ozark, he can almost be said to be invincible in the world.

That's why he doesn't worry much about the other party. What's more, Xi Wei has felt that the other party seems to be hiding something from him a long time ago, so his trust in the vampire princess is not as high as Shalan's.

However, in addition to the vampire princess leaving Edric, Venus, the 'Agent of Beauty' who was temporarily detained by him in Edric, also took advantage of most of the members of the academy to go to Feiyue. This space, which made defense and management sparse, slipped away from the place where it was held.

Xi Wei took this matter very seriously.

The other party has been in Adric College for a long time. In addition, she was occasionally allowed to wander around the academy under the surveillance of golems during outings, so she was quite familiar with Edric's internal structure. In addition, after all, the other party was once the manager of the large organization of the Sublime Will. To say she has no intentions is as ridiculous as saying crows are white.

I am afraid that through her careful attention, her understanding of some of Edric's internal defense measures has even surpassed that of ordinary students. It would not be a good thing to let such a guy who has no good impression of Edric Academy escape from the academy.

It is true that as long as Xi Wei is in charge of Adric, no matter who wants to take advantage of Adric Academy, he has to consider whether he is qualified. But unfortunately, Xi Wei couldn't sit still at all and would sneak out of the academy every now and then...

Not to mention anything else, even now, when the demon promotion exam begins, I will definitely not stay in the academy, but will follow the team participating in the exam and go north to Hohenheim.

"Sure enough, ordinary things are not good. I need it to be bigger and stronger..." Xi Wei sighed and complained softly.

The place where Venus was previously imprisoned was not a regular cell, just a small dormitory guarded by devils. It's okay when the guards are tight, but once they relax, it's obviously unreliable.

Maybe we should build a prison or something through the system. Although it's not as good as Hohenheim's cubic prison, at least it can't let people escape so easily...

"Yes, that's right, even more wild!"

The elk-nosed tapir specimen on the wall speaks volumes.

"shut up."

Xi Wei said viciously. (To be continued)

ps: Regarding the recent instability of updates, it is one thing that 3D is relatively busy. In addition, there are also some computer problems recently. It often takes three minutes after typing a sentence to appear on the document. The lag is long enough for me to type. One game of Yu-Gi-Oh!… I was completely exhausted after writing one chapter.

In short, I will try my best to keep it updated, and I ask all readers to bear with me.


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