The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 961: Corpse Transformation

Hernocent is an oriental city by the sea. Ampera County, which belongs to the Horngorath Empire, is not so much located by the sea. In fact, half of the city is built on the sea and is usually used as a port. ←,

The architectural style of Hernossen is very peculiar. Many houses look like enlarged conches or shells. Although it is strange, it looks quite beautiful.

The reason is simple, not because the aesthetics of the residents of Hernocent are different from those in the interior, but because the original builders of this city were not humans, but the sea tribe.

During the Great Migration, the original natives of the eastern plains, such as kobolds, gray dwarves, and many other subhuman races, were expelled, annexed, or enslaved by humans. What's even worse is that they are not far away from annihilation.

The sea tribe is also one of the victims.

After occupying Hernocent, the Sea Tribe lost its last stronghold on land. Later, they tried to attack human merchant ships in the sea, and achieved considerable results for a certain period of time, until the Horngorath Empire sent ten Several high-level magicians plowed the entire offshore sea.

For a whole month, the offshore sea was covered with the corpses of the sea people. Every day, densely packed carnivorous fish could be seen coming following the smell of blood, devouring so many corpses that they could almost cover the surface of the offshore sea.

After realizing that nothing could be done, the King of the Sea Tribe at that time took the surviving Sea Tribes to escape into the deep sea. Humanity's offshore routes were thus stabilized. Although they were still robbed by the Sea Tribes occasionally, they were less common than before. It can only be regarded as scabies.

As a famous port city with an excellent geographical location, Hernossen has also become a hub for several popular shipping routes after its expansion. It is natural for it to become wealthy.

The daily throughput of several ports in the city is extremely astonishing. In this city, half of which is built on the sea, commercial taxes alone account for nearly 20% of Horngorat's income. For Horngorath. Hernossen is undoubtedly an important economic source, like an inexhaustible gold mine.

It's just that something seems a little wrong today.

The old boatman responsible for guiding the berthing of the ship frowned and looked at the ship in front of him that passed through the huge gate and slowly sailed into the city's harbor.

The big two-masted ship with 'Silver Banner' painted on the bow looked like it had just experienced a violent typhoon. Just looking at it gave people a shabby and miserable look.

The original two-masted ship had its middle mast broken. Half of the mast could be vaguely seen standing bleakly in the center of the ship, with only a broken sail hung from the mizzen mast guiding the sailing. The uppermost layer of the cabin seemed to have been completely torn off by the typhoon, and the cabin that exposed the hull can now only be described as a ruin.

The hull was dilapidated and covered with scars from being attacked by some kind of weapon, and sea water was still flowing out of many holes. To be honest, it was a miracle that the ship could return to Hernossen safely.

There seemed to be no professional navigators on the ship, and even the number of sailors was insufficient. After finally sailing into the harbor of Hernossen, there was still no room to berth. In the end, it hit the dock hard, smashing the entire bow into pieces, and the ship finally ended its life.

Several old shipwrights from Haiernosen worked hard for a long time before putting the wooden planks that served as bridges on the deck of the Silver Flag.

After a while, several ragged people staggered out of the room.

One of them was wearing a captain's uniform and had a green beard. Although he looked tired, he grabbed a boatman by the collar and roared at him: "Take me to see the Lord of the City quickly. It will be too late if it is later. !”

Several old boatmen looked at each other awkwardly.

Although the city lord of Hernocent is quite good-tempered, he is not as domineering towards the residents of the city as ordinary nobles. It has a good reputation in the city, but it is not something you can see casually.

"I have something very important." Maybe he realized that his tone was not very good. Bearded tried to calm himself down. He let go of his hand and said in a very serious tone: "I have something very important to inform the Lord of the City. If we fail to report it in time, maybe the whole of Hernosn will be burned to the ground! Can you bear this responsibility?"

"This gentleman has extraordinary bearing. He is not an ordinary person who crosses the Caspian Sea. (The Caspian Sea refers to an offshore area where there are no sea people. Crossing the Caspian Sea is a common saying among sailors. It is similar to running around in rivers and lakes. If you don't cross the Caspian Sea, it means that the other party left. Ocean routes require extraordinary courage and skill as well as a considerable degree of luck, but people who have traveled the ocean are more respected in this industry)," an old shipman probably realized that the other party was not being alarmist, so he sank Face asked: "I wonder if I have the honor to hear your name?"

"I am Jernod, the chamber president of the Silver Banner, the chamber of commerce affiliated to the great mercenary group 'Silver Hand'. There should be a branch of the Silver Hand in Haiernosen. You can ask them to authenticate my identity."

The bearded man said in a deep voice: "But again, you have to act quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

half an hour later

"You mean, you found the Dragon Island overseas?"

The city lord of Hernocent put his chin on his hands and asked.

"That's right, we even landed and went up to see it." Jernold replied respectfully.

"This is not news... In fact, there are quite a few merchant ships seeing that drifting island, especially those on ocean routes." The city lord shrugged, his expression indifferent.

"I know. I grew up listening to the legend of Dragon Island."

Jernold's face was still very ugly: "But the problem is... all the dragons on Dragon Island are dead."

The city lord of Hernocent shook his hand and almost knocked over the coffee cup placed aside.

"What did you say?! Are you sure what you said is true?"

"Sorry, my crew and I only saw the body of one dragon... That guy's dragon crystal is still placed under our cabin. The news that all the dragons on the island were wiped out was told to us by another survivor of the fleet on Dragon Island. of."

Jernold's expression changed, and he finally spoke truthfully.

"Survivors from another fleet?"

"Yes, we met him on the edge of Dragon Island. He was in a very embarrassed state when he was fleeing..."

"Wait a minute," the city lord raised his hand to interrupt Jernold. He took a sip of coffee and continued to ask: "Since all the dragons on Dragon Island are dead, why is that guy still trying to escape? When it's time to plant, wouldn't it be normal to take advantage of the heat to... ahem, I mean, take the opportunity to collect precious materials from the dragon's corpse?"

"This is the purpose of my coming to see you." Jernod's face became even worse: "The dragon corpse on the island has transformed into a corpse. Now there are probably hundreds of dragon zombies, giant dragons and bones. The dragon is coming here."

Hearing this, the face of the city lord of Hernocent suddenly lost all color. The exquisite coffee cup in his hand that had managed to escape the disaster finally failed to escape its fate and was dropped to the ground by mistake, making a crisp sound. Finally, it turned into a pile of debris. (To be continued...)

ps: The Return of the Great Sage is a really good movie. There are only a few conscientious Chinese animations left. After watching it, we have become tap water. I recommend readers who are interested to watch it. Quandangba supports domestic animation~

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