The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 965: Soul Tool War·Prologue


As the corpse dragon group approached, the army on the city wall became more and more shaken.

"Oh, damn...I must have been kicked in the head by a gorgon to join the army."

As a new recruit who had just become a guard, Layton cautiously looked at the group of corpse dragons that were approaching Hernocent aggressively. Cursing softly, he retracted his head, curled up and tried to let the city wall cover his entire body. Block.

There were many people on the city wall who imitated what he did, and even many members of the war team made similar moves, which showed that they were not optimistic about the subsequent battle.


I don't know who roared, but the sound, which was not too loud, actually instantly overwhelmed the sound of the waves, the wind, and the roar of the dragon that gradually became clearer, and spread throughout most of the defense line.

As if to verify his words, a huge explosion-like dull sound came from outside the city wall. The entire city wall shook violently, frightening the guards.

Layton even thought for a moment that the wall was going to collapse.

He was one of the few people who could see clearly what happened because of the angle. A dragon that was about thirty feet long hit its head on the city wall, denting the wall slightly.

Thirty feet is not too long for a giant dragon, it can even be said to be underage, but compared to ordinary people, it is terrifying enough.

And this dragon is completely different from the one in the rumors.

The dragon horns on its head are slightly damaged, and I don’t know whether they were there originally or the result of the collision just now. There are no eyeballs in the dragon’s eye sockets, replaced by a gray sphere with green ones that look a bit like it. A jelly-like gel with a foul smell flowed out of its eye sockets, and was then carried away by the howling sea wind; its wings were also very tattered. The flesh membrane is full of holes, and bones are exposed in many places, which is enough to make people wonder why the wings are so damaged that it can still fly; although the limbs are still intact, there is a small wound on its chest, which can be seen through You can even see the dark red internal organs that have begun to rot in the wound...

Layton looked at the other party's deathly aura. The somewhat rotten body swallowed subconsciously.

This is a dragon zombie.

There may be something wrong with its vocal cords. In short, the roaring sound is not as majestic as a real dragon, but a sharp, harsh, scalp-numbing sound.

It was as terrifying as the shrill laughter of an evil ghost.

"Oh, damn it. May necessary evil grant equal punishment to all living beings..." Layton muttered softly: "Including these damn dragons..."

He is not a believer of the Church of Necessary Evil, but recently in Haiernocen, with the tacit approval and secret fueling of the city lord, the propaganda of the Church of Necessary Evil can be said to be all over the streets, just like the people of China are tired of a certain advertisement. Everyone knows that "you don't accept gifts during the New Year or the holidays, you only accept gifts." Even if they don’t know much about the Church of Necessary Evil itself, after being exposed to it for a long time, people in Hernocent can casually say one or two common doctrinal slogans.

From this point of view, the strategy of the Church of Necessary Evil is correct.

"Why don't these monsters just fly over the city wall and cause harm to the city?"

Layton heard a guard not far away from him questioning the veteran.

So he also tried to listen to the other party's answer.

"You are a new recruit who has just entered the industry, right? When we were in the military academy at Burleyton, these questions were all basic... Now even you novices can become guards, so I said Expanding the army is not a good thing..."

The veteran who was questioned muttered for a while, and then replied: "Almost large cities have special barriers. Even giant dragons can't break them in a short time, so they attack the city walls. As long as they are on the wall, A hole was dug out of the body. Even when the dog excrement was transported, the wall stacks where the barrier nodes were buried were lifted, so that they could enter the city."

So that's it.

Layton felt enlightened.

At this moment, the dragon zombie that arrived first had climbed up the wall. Probably only a relatively small dragon like it could do this. Although the place where the battle took place was nearly a hundred meters away from Layton, it was still enough to make Layton They all felt fearful and nervous.

Guards were constantly being slapped off the wall by the dragon zombie or simply being corroded by the black dragon breath until they were reduced to skeletons. The screams also filled the ears of the survivors, torturing the will of the survivors. .

At this juncture. Reinforcements arrived.

"Its quality is a hammer and its shape is an arrow."

Several bright green arrows hit the dragon zombie from behind the city wall.

But no one was optimistic about what damage the arrows could do to the dragon zombie before this. There were guards who were not afraid of death and used crossbows on the city wall to shoot at dragon zombies. The arrow is still stuck in the latter's neck, with only half of its tail feathers exposed.

However, the consequence of this was that the warrior and the crossbow were knocked off the city wall by the dragon zombie's claws.

Ordinary arrows are useless. We need a crossbow, no, it should be a magic cannon... No, maybe a crystal-burning cannon will be useful...

But the next moment something shocked them happened. Even though they didn't have glasses, the dragon zombie would stagger every time it was hit by an arrow, as if it had been hit hard by a blunt object, and waited until all the arrows had hit it. By that time, it had been knocked out, scraped twice on the city wall and then fell heavily to the ground.

It was only then that the guards turned their attention from the dragon zombies to their reinforcements.

The reinforcements all wore white uniforms, which looked a bit like the standard uniforms of the Knights Templar of the Pure White Church, but were actually more gorgeous and lighter.

The one walking in the front was a girl. There was still a ball of light flame composed of bright green photons in her hand, which made it possible to tell at a glance whose hand the attack that could knock down even a dragon came from.

"No need to be afraid! These are not real dragons, they are just some undead ghosts resurrected by the dragon's corpse! We will be with you and protect your home together!"

Although she has been at odds with the elders on weekdays, when necessary, Horna still doesn't mind standing on the side of necessary evil, using her position as pope to comfort others and give the guards a spirit they can rely on. pillar.

She raised her head and looked at the sparkling sea. Those huge corpses were trudging across the sea and heading towards the city wall of Hernocent.

Haiernosen City Lord's Mansion City Lord's Study Room

When the city lord of Hernocent was reviewing documents in the study, the window of the study was smashed open from the outside using extremely violent means.

Then a figure that was not too tall, could even be said to be short, jumped in from the outside.

"Hello, Lord City Lord."

The visitor grinned and looked at the city lord with a smile that was as uncomfortable as looking at a plate of food.

The strange thing is that the city lord didn't seem to care at all about this, and didn't even look frightened. He just said lightly: "I don't agree with your way of visiting. If you can, please come in through the front entrance next time." .”

"I'm a very direct person in speaking and doing things, so I just get straight to the point."

The visitor didn't pay attention to the city lord's words that contained some complaints, and just said to himself: "You are the holder of the soul tool, right?"

"I won't beat around the bush, just hand over the things." Looking at the city lord who finally changed his expression, the visitor chuckled: "I'm not very good at talking, if there's anything I said wrong... you're the one to call me its me!"

Before he finished speaking, a dark red long sword engraved with runes appeared inexplicably in the hand of the visitor, and his whole body turned into a dark light and shot towards the city lord.

The city lord calmly closed the document he was reviewing.

Countless hair-like black threads emerged from the shadow between his feet and the desk, forming a wall in an instant.

The seemingly light wall was extremely tough at the moment. Even the attacker's sword with all his strength was unable to cut down the wall made of silk threads.

Not only that, these threads even had the intention of bypassing his weapons and trying to bind him.

The attacker immediately released the weapon in his hand, stepped back a few steps, and left the attack range of the silk thread.

But then he noticed that black threads began to emerge from the shadows of everything in the room.

Obviously, this was a carefully laid trap.

"I think what you said is right." After sorting out the documents at hand, the city lord looked at the young man with a face face: "So I decided to teach you a lesson."

Then, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, revealing a smile that could be said to be sarcastic: "Also, don't try to escape. None of the elders of the Church of Necessary Evil have gone to the city wall. They are all waiting for you outside."

"You knew I would come?" The young man was a little surprised.

"No, I'm just guessing." The city lord laughed, and those silk threads wrapped the young man's whole body, and then strangled him into minced meat.

However, after that, the boy's body did not shed a drop of blood, but began to gradually dissipate into the air.

The city lord's face suddenly darkened.

He stood up, walked to the dark red sword that fell on the ground, looked at it carefully, and then frowned.

"...It's just an ordinary magic item, not a soul tool?"

In a small room three miles away from the city lord's palace, the boy who was supposed to be strangled with black silk thread just now was sitting there peacefully.

In his hand he held a well-made and richly decorated mirror. It’s just that what is reflected in the mirror now is not the boy’s face, but a puddle of minced meat…

"It's rare to meet such an interesting guy," the young man couldn't help but laugh: "Once you reveal your soul tool and start fighting, you will immediately enter a state of immortality due to the curse of the soul tool. If you die too quickly, it will be too boring. This Just let me be happy for a while~"

At the same time, Edric's magic ship heading to Hernocent finally officially set off, heading towards the ocean city at full speed using the third type of navigation method... (To be continued)

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