The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 966 Soul Tool War·Contact

readx; Since this operation was not suitable for a big fanfare, Xi Wei did not launch the extremely powerful magic battleship, but only asked the little leprechauns to launch a moderately sized one. [ads: This site has a new URL, shorthand method:,]

In fact, if he didn't have magic coordinates in the city of Hernosn, this trip wouldn't even require a magic ship, and it would be over in a snap.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid at all..." Naiya's small body huddled in a chair, holding her knees with her hands, and kept whispering to encourage herself.

How should I put it, seeing her like this, Xi Wei felt a little sorry. He originally promised to give her a normal life, but it ended up like this...

"Little Miss Naia, I think it will make you even more nervous."

In contrast, Jon, who had experienced life and death, and later followed Edric's group in various big scenes, was much more natural: "Actually, you can also come over and take a look at the scenery below. Apart from anything else, Just the vastness of the sea can relax your body and mind.”

"Really, really?"

The girl's eyes lit up, she took a deep breath, jumped down from her seat, and wanted to run to the round window and overlook the scenery below like Jon to relieve her nervousness.

As a result, as soon as she landed, the magic ship vibrated slightly due to the air current, and the ship's hull tilted slightly. The girl who was caught off guard fell over like that, with a thud, her face hit the floor, and then her whole body Like an oil drum, it rolled along the sloping floor and rolled into the corner...

"Wow, little Miss Naya, are you okay?" Jon ran over in a panic and asked.

"The world... is gurgling... spinning..." The dizzy Naiya lay on the ground and made a sound as if she was about to be summoned by the Lord.

Xi Wei, who was sitting in the captain's seat not far away, sighed involuntarily as he watched the farce performed by the two living treasures.

Then he turned his attention back to the information.

The activity mission was a new type of mission, and Xi Wei was completely unprepared for it, so he naturally did some homework when he set off.

Although the system seemed to have laid out all the rules and laid them out in front of Xi Wei, in fact it still left out some important information - considering that this thing has always been a rip-off, it's not that Can't understand.

First of all, although the ‘white list’ originally used to prevent damage to soul tools is still there. However, Raven, Naya and Jon who were named by the system can no longer be added. Even Raven, who was added before, was inexplicably kicked off the white list.

There is also Naia's soul tool that can stop time, the "Time-Eating Clock". Every time it is used, the stopping time will increase a lot next time, although it sounds like a good thing at first. But in fact, when Xi Wei found the girl, the girl had spent hundreds of years alone in the gray-white time-stop space. If she didn't go crazy, it could only be said that this girl who looked weak and weak also had a strong heart.

However, after Xi Wei re-studied the Time-Eating Clock, he discovered that the 'time' of this soul tool had also been reset with the start of the event.

In other words, it is the same now as when it was first given to Naia by Xi Wei, and it can only stop for less than a minute.

Although looking at it from my own side. It is undoubtedly a good thing to get such a big help, but Xi Wei always feels that the system is doing this as if it is deliberately dragging Naia, who was originally able to stay out of the matter, back into the soul war...

Sighing again, Xi Wei scratched his head in distress.

Becoming a legend... No, in fact, after becoming a great magician, his strength has reached the pinnacle among humans, which has also led him to develop the habit of beating him up before talking about anything. When he encountered the current situation where he was prohibited from taking direct action, he felt a little powerless.

Obviously, when I was a junior magician, I didn't have this tricky feeling before... It is indeed easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. The ancients do not deceive me.

Xi Wei didn't want the mission to fail unless it was absolutely necessary.

It's not that he's afraid of the unknown punishment... actually. Even if the system deprives him of his legendary power, relying on his understanding of the laws over time, it is only a matter of time before Xi Wei can climb back up.

If the system's punishment is really just for him, it will not put pressure on Xi Wei, but will give him something to look forward to - this is undoubtedly an opportunity to test the power of the system.

But what if the system's punishment is not directed at you, but at those closest to you in the college?

Because of this, Xi Wei acted like he was facing a powerful enemy.

Just as Xi Wei was thinking about the next countermeasures, a green magic beam suddenly rushed towards the magic ship from a distance.

Naturally, Xi Wei couldn't hide such an obvious attack. Considering that the magic ship had just been sailing at high speed using the third type of navigation method, and the magic power of the star pulse furnace was somewhat insufficient, Xi Wei didn't bother to let the little leprechauns open the barrier, but raised his hand in vain. A hexagonal shield that was common in science fiction animations appeared in front of the magic ship, easily blocking the incoming green beam of light (which was actually a flow of magic power).

The flow of magic energy that was blocked and scattered in all directions was like meteorites, leaving quite a few holes on the ground. Black smoke emerged from those holes, indicating the powerful power of the flow of magic power itself.

"Xi Wei, a high-density magic reaction was found on the right front. It is speculated that it may be a creature like a giant dragon."

Raven, who temporarily acted as Xi Wei's secretary, received the report from the leprechauns. This information was forwarded to Xi Wei.

"There is such a grand welcome ceremony even before arriving in Hernossen. The owner here is so hospitable." Xi Wei casually closed the information window he was looking at just now, intending to warm up here and soothe himself. Mood.

The viewing mirror of this small magic ship was not very capable and could not see too far, so Xi Wei simply waved his hand to create a smooth mirror, then locked the enemy through the mirror and started to focus. .

Just as the leprechauns expected, they were attacked by a 'giant dragon'.

Judging from the several hurriedly fleeing Peng birds used as reference objects, the opponent's size is about three hundred feet, and his whole body is wrapped in white armor, so that it is even impossible to identify the opponent's dragon species, even the easiest None of the sunken wings were exposed - this guy seemed to have been flying through instinctive anti-gravity magic.

"Sit tight, the second shot is coming!" Just when Xi Wei was about to do something, the other party once again spit out a stream of green concentrated magic power.

Although it looks like a beam of light, it is actually a flow of magic power that has been specialized through indigenous magic (Dragon Language Magic). Its properties tend to be highly poisonous. A normal person will not be hit, even if he stays in a place where the magic power evaporates. All nearby areas will be affected.

Of course, Xi Wei blocked it easily.

However, the shock caused by the magic flow still made the magic ship tremble.

"With such enthusiasm, it makes no sense for me not to reciprocate." Xi Wei snorted coldly, and the magic power in his body began to flow.

But just when he was about to cast magic, he felt a burning pain on the life mark on his right hand.

Xi Wei took the time to look at the thing and found some words floating on it.

Warning: The enemy is the object of the soul possession, and attacking it will cause your mission to fail.

"whispering sound……"

After dissipating the large amount of magic power that could overload a high-level magician to death, Xi Wei, who showed no signs of being affected by the magic, looked at the strange dragon again, with a rare expression of regret on his face. .

"I thought it was quite handsome and wanted to catch it and use it as a mount or something."

The dragon on the opposite side was holding back a new breath again. Since all the soul tool users on his side were of the melee type, Xi Wei felt that there was no way to endure it no matter how hard he tried.

"If you can't do anything to it, then you have no choice but to run away!"

Xi Wei, who showed no air of master at all, waved his hand, and his magic enveloped the entire magic ship - anyway, the rules only said that you were not allowed to fight with the soul tool user, but they did not say that you could not help your own soul tool user escape...

The next moment, the originally powerful magic ship became as thin as paper. Finally, with the center of the ship as the origin, the entire ship disappeared strangely like the water in a bathtub with the stopper removed. (To be continued.)


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