The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 967 Soul Tool War·Joining the War


After the invasion of the corpse dragons yesterday, there is now a light green translucent barrier like a pot lid in the sky above Haiernosen.

That was woven by the Pope of the Church of Necessary Evil, Holna's soul tool, and was the best defensive measure for those zombie dragons who were also controlled by the soul tool.

Layton, who was on routine patrol, carefully looked up at the corpse dragons that were still hovering over the city. He was a little curious: these had become undead (in fact, strictly speaking, the corpse dragons controlled by soul tools were not undead. However, Layton did not understand this) the monster has not eaten or performed any similar energy replenishment behavior for a whole day, but it is still able to move without being affected. Sure enough, the legendary 'perpetual motion theory of the undead' is true. Is it...

No matter what, with the bright green barrier above their heads as protection, they could feel a little more at ease.

"After all, it's a necessary evil. The church has a barrier set up by the Pope himself. It's impossible for anything to get in easily."

As if to make himself feel more at ease, Renault murmured to himself in a low voice.

It's a pity that no one told Renault that nothing would happen if he didn't lag.

Almost at the moment he finished speaking, something suddenly appeared in the sky above the harbor within the barrier.

Because the appearance was so sudden, it took half a second for Renault to hear the scream caused by the air being squeezed out of its original position. Along with the scream, it hit him and made him almost lose his balance and fall from the wall. Down the strong wind.

"What is that? What happened!" Unable to understand the situation, he could only hold the spear in his hand tightly as if holding a life-saving straw, and shouted loudly: "Is the enemy invading?"

But then he discovered that the thing that suddenly appeared in the sky was not the terrifying corpse dragon wandering outside. The damage caused by the dragon zombie yesterday still could not be repaired. There was a huge gap in the wall not far from Reno.

What appeared there was a sloop.

The long and narrow hull was painted black, and the sides of the ship were painted with many beautiful and mysterious patterns and words using paint that might be fluorescent materials. On the observation deck, there was a small painted with the Edric College emblem. The flag flutters in the wind.

In addition, the magic ship's unique crystal-burning cannon muzzle and many magic force field generators also add a lot of charm to this magic ship.

The mysterious and powerful aura is so strong that it can only be seen from a distance. There is a fascinating feeling.

The next moment, the magic ship, which had lost its air support, began to fall towards the water surface under the drag of gravity!

The sound, like a dead fish falling into a frying pan, was amplified a hundred times and exploded in Renault's ears. It even made this ordinary soldier worry about whether those guys who still didn't know whether they were friends or foes had been affected by this bad thing. To an indescribable landing and a shock to death...

"What should I do? Do you want to go up and test it?"

Renault, who had never encountered a sailboat from the sky, was hesitant.

In the end, he decided to try sneaking in alone first.

But when he cautiously arrived at the nearest berth of the ship, the ship had already extended its landing board.

A young-looking man walked down from the top first.

Dividing line

Xi Wei didn't stay there for long.

Considering that Hernocent was tortured by the corpse dragons, Xi Wei brought his few soul tools with him before contacting Hernocent's guards. Disappeared into the cabin.

The driving system of the magic ship was completely locked after the leprechauns teleported away. Only people with high authority, such as Xi Wei and Sophia, could restart it. In this way, there was no need to worry about the people of Heilnoson attacking the magic ship. Make a fool of yourself.

Not long after, Xi Wei and his party arrived at one of the main destinations of the trip, where Horna was.

Probably to prevent someone from attacking. The residence where Horna lives is very tightly guarded.

But for Xi Wei, no matter how tight the guard is, it's just like that...

After walking through the garden where there were many secret sentries lurking, and asking several of his spirit tools to wait in the living room, Xi Wei found Holna basking in the sun in the sunny backyard.

The latter didn't show any surprise when he saw him, as if he had expected Xi Wei to come here.

"Did you guess that I would come?" Xi Wei asked curiously.

The sunshine today is not particularly good, and there is a strange feeling after passing through the bright green barrier. However, the girl half-squinted her eyes as if unaware of this, and just replied casually: "Outside this city I was the one who held up the barrier. I noticed your ship as soon as it appeared. I can’t forget the school badge that easily even if I wanted to... I guess the news of your appearance will cause confusion among the church’s upper echelons for a while..."

"But you're not surprised at all."

Xi Wei blinked, feeling that what the other person just said didn't seem to be on point.

"There's nothing surprising." The girl then opened her eyes and looked at Xi Wei, her eyes filled with complex emotions that even Xi Wei couldn't understand for a moment: "Because this incident is all about 'soul tools' Caused by it, and didn’t all the soul tools in this world flow out from your hands? In this case, isn’t it natural that you would appear here.”

Only then did Xi Wei remember. The girl in front of her was one of the few people who knew the relationship between the soul tool and herself.

"Okay, let me ask a boring question." Xi Wei sat down next to the girl: "Then let's talk about something else...for example, why did the Church of Necessary Evils come to this city?"

"This matter has to start a few days ago..." The girl sighed. Start talking slowly.

In fact, the specific story is not complicated, it was just some time ago. At almost the same time as the members of the King's Council were assassinated, the soul tool users that many countries had managed to win over were killed by unknown persons and their soul tools were taken away.

Of course, Horna was also targeted. As a necessary evil, the Pope, in order to prevent the church from losing face, the church's top leaders unanimously decided to move the headquarters to a safer place. In fact, Horna originally planned to go to Morag. He asked for asylum from Adric College, but Xi Wei and his students were not on the main material plane during that time, but were fighting with the moon beast in Feiyue. So in the end, she accepted the invitation of the Lord of Haiernosen City, and came here to take care of each other with the Lord, who is also a soul tool user...

I just didn't expect that the soul tool hunter would catch up here so quickly. (To be continued)

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