The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 973 Desperate situation?

In short, the strategy of concentrating strength, luring the enemy out and then executing the beheading plan to determine the outcome failed, and Xi Wei could only consider new strategies.

Of course, during this period, they didn't just sit and do nothing.

After Xiwei loaded a large number of magic products transported by magic ships to Hernosn, the combat efficiency of the soul tool users was significantly improved.

It does not directly improve their combat effectiveness. After all, the strength of soul tool users almost all comes from their soul tools, and almost all magic tools are far inferior to the soul tools produced by the system in terms of mystery. In a head-on confrontation, it is completely The situation of being crushed.

In fact, the magic artifacts Xi Wei brought were only thousands of solidified mage eyes similar to surveillance cameras set up in Hernocen, and imitation college beacons that could be used as radios. Both of them were designed by Edric. Made in the alchemy workshop.

In addition, there are some devices that can support large protective barriers. Although such things are rare in the eastern plains, they are not completely absent.

Although the progress is slow, there is no doubt that Edric's various magic technologies are indeed improving (and have already left other magic technology institutions in the Eastern Plains several blocks behind), which also allows Xi Wei to gradually get rid of the academy. The constraints of the achievement mall that come with the system.

In short, after completing the two major aspects of surveillance and communication, Xi Wei and his team at least have a good understanding of the city of Hernosen. Several times the soul tool hunter tried to incite the people to create chaos, but they were discovered in time and stopped. .

After failing several times. Even try to go to extremes. After the soul tool users on Xi Wei's side failed one after another and were almost caught by Xi Wei and the others, the soul tool hunter seemed to have given up on using this small method in the city. When Xi Wei and the others were unprepared, Suddenly concentrating firepower, they broke out and escaped from Hernossen.

After he left, even the groups of corpse dragons that had been hovering over and around the city gradually disappeared.

The city lord of Hernocent once thought that the crisis had been resolved, and asked Xi Wei to lift the barrier.

Although when the corpse dragon group exists. The barrier set up by Xi Wei effectively became a barrier for Hernosn, but when the enemy retreated, the barrier was like a prison cage and seemed a bit unsightly.

Xi Wei did not agree to this request. He believed that the enemy had not left.

The reason is simple, because his activity mission has not failed.

You must know that there is a rule in the mission rules that if the enemy soul tool hunter takes the soul tool and leaves the designated location, that is, Hernocen and its surroundings, the mission will directly fail.

The current situation is obviously just a strategy of the other party.

After weighing the strength comparison between himself and Xi Wei. The city lord of Hernocent wisely gave up and continued to argue with Xiwei.

Two days later, the corpse dragon group appeared again in the sky above Hernocent. The soul tool hunter used his actions to prove that Xi Wei's guess was not wrong.

This also made the city lord glad that he did not forcefully ask Xi Wei to withdraw the barrier, but the people who came to Hernocent later made the city lord unhappy.

"I am Frederick Ranjit from the Horngorath Empire, my military rank is Brigadier General."

The man, who looked shabby and no better than a beggar, probably felt that he had finally escaped the danger of his life. He showed an unruly expression towards the Lord of Hernossen, who was one step below him in official position.

"Comrades, what are you doing...?"

Although I checked the opponent's military emblem and found nothing wrong. But a brigadier general who came out of nowhere without even a guard or attendant was a little unreasonable. This situation naturally puzzled the city lord.

"My general led his troops and was ambushed by the enemy on the way here."

The brigadier general's face turned red, and then returned to normal in a moment: "There were heavy casualties, so we can only rest here for a while."

Rather than saying that there were heavy casualties, it would be better to say that you are the only one left, right?

This was ignored by the brigadier. Xi Wei, who was listening to their conversation, was naturally a little noncommittal.

In comparison, the news that the soul tool hunters were trying to block Hernocent was more valuable.

He took the brigadier general, who could be considered useless, and would at most make a good relationship with him after the matter was over, and put him under house arrest in disguise. The city lord of Hernocent started a discussion with Xi Wei.

"It was my decision to ask for help from the Horngorat royal family... Before you arrived, I sent people to break out and deliver the message. This idiot should have brought reinforcements to relieve us, but I didn't expect..." In order to In order to avoid Xi Wei's suspicion, the city lord of Hernocent told the whole story, but when he said this, he couldn't help but sighed: "Hernocent is a big commercial city, and it is already a very bad situation for the sea route to be controlled by those corpse dragons. If even the land assistance is cut off, it can only be described as unimaginable."

"How long can the supplies currently stored in Hernossen last?"

Xi Wei asked.

"At most three days."

The city lord told the truth.

"That's enough." Xi Wei didn't explain much: "If you still can't kill the soul tool hunter after three days, then I will do it myself."

The mission time limit will be up in three days. Once the mission fails, there is no need to continue to abide by the rules and not fight the opponent personally.

Even though that guy had a lot of soul protection, Xi Wei still had no doubts that he would lose to him.

"That's good...will we still act according to the method you decided before today?" The city lord showed a slightly more relaxed expression. I don't know if he is really relieved or if he is just acting on purpose.

As for the method he said Xi Wei had set before, when no special countermeasures had been formulated, the soul tool users would quietly kill the corpse dragons and try their best to reduce the opponent's strength.

Dragon corpses are not so easy to obtain. Every time one of these corpse dragons dies, one will be missing.

Xi Wei nodded as an answer. Just when he was about to continue discussing the future action plan with the city lord, the ground under their feet suddenly began to shake.

Xi Wei frowned. He ignored the panicked city lord beside him. Instead, he closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and snorted coldly.

The vibration stopped quickly, and before the city lord could ask him anything, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and Horna appeared at the door.

Her eyes stayed on Xi Wei's face and she said seriously.

"Hernocent City is floating in the sky." (To be continued.)

ps: Originally this chapter could be uploaded before twelve o'clock... Then it took me half an hour to log in to my mother... Also, Legend of Knights is so toxic that I can't stop playing it...

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