The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 974 The Return of the Missing Person (Part 1)

James is an ordinary resident of Hernosen.

It is said that his ancestors settled in this seaside city during the Great Migration Era. And James also grew up listening to the sound of the tides at the beach.

It's a pity that he didn't realize his childhood dream of becoming a brave sea warrior, even though he had a long nose and had some talent and experience in using gunpowder weapons made by dwarves.

He was not selected as a crew member of the United Empire Fleet of Horngorath, and after being lost on the road of life for a long time, he inherited his father's family business and became the owner of the Bluebell Tavern with peace of mind.

Half a week ago, our store manager James was thinking every day about which winery outside the city would be cheaper to buy from, and how to get the daughter of the wealthy Mephilen family in the city to go out for a meal, but such is the fate of life. Miraculous, no one would have thought that a group of undead dragons would suddenly attack four days ago.

four days ago

After digging out his old equipment from the backstage of the tavern, James put the dwarf's crystal fire gun on his back, picked up a ammunition belt filled with special alchemical ammunition and walked out of the tavern.

The streets outside were in chaos. Even though the guards on the city wall were still trying to reorganize their formation under the supervision of the war team, the residents of Hernocent could no longer calm down after discovering that the enemy was a giant dragon. .

In addition, there are some ruffians who take advantage of this time to rob and hurt people, which makes the already chaotic situation even more dangerous.

After all, James was also someone who had participated in the selection of the Horngorath United Empire Fleet, although he was not as good as the elites in the fleet. But in terms of strength alone, they are no worse than the mercenaries and adventurers on the street... or even better under certain conditions.

For example, at this time.

The attacks of ordinary mercenaries and magic swordsmen cannot hit the corpse dragons flying in the sky. But James' musket does.

He used the butt of his gun to knock over a few criminals who were trying to rob the Bluebell Tavern. James, like a mayor of Schwarzenegger, swung the blazing blunderbuss. Automatically loaded the gun, squeezing the special alchemy bullet into the barrel.

Then he raised the Yaojing Fire Gun with one hand and pulled the trigger hard.

In an instant, the sound of gunfire could almost overwhelm the hustle and bustle of the entire street. It even knocked several residents who were too close and caught off guard to the ground...

on the contrary. It was the wings of a corpse dragon in the sky that had been pierced... No, it wasn't so much pierced, it was more like it had been completely folded off, leaving only a thin layer of skin connected to the back.

The flying ability of the dragon is different from that of birds. In fact, the dragon wings, which are too short and thin compared to the body of the dragon, cannot support the flight of the dragon in a true sense. The reason why these behemoths can soar in the sky, more This is because the flying dragon species are born with the 'anti-gravity' spell-like ability.

Although these undead dragons have lost most of their abilities in life, it seems that this anti-gravity characteristic is still there, so they can still fly in the sky. Although it is much slower than when they were alive.

But although wings are not the main factor that enables them to fly, they are also important organs used to control the direction of flight, and even take off and land. It is okay to break a few holes in the skin of the dragon wings, but if the whole thing is broken, then the flying dragon The consequences of planting can be imagined.

"Dragon. The dragon fell!"

The residents on the street, who had finally calmed down because of James' gunshots that were comparable to artillery fire, immediately started shouting in panic again.

The dragon whose wings were broken by James was like a malfunctioning fighter jet. Dive towards here.

"Hey, it's not as expected..."

James was also a little stunned.

Although he did intend to shoot down one or two giant dragons, he did not expect that the other party would rush towards him with the momentum of dying together. The power of this fatal blow was so powerful that it even directly penetrated the magic barrier above Hernosn (at this time, Horna had not used her soul tool to open the barrier)!

If he was the only one on the street, even though his physical fitness had deteriorated a lot due to being the boss, he would still be confident that he could escape before the opponent fell.

The problem was there were a lot of people on the street, and his tavern was right behind him.

"Asshole, what are you going to do to my tavern!"

He quickly came to his senses and began to continue shooting at the fallen corpse dragon, trying to change the place where it fell.

It's a pity that although the Yaojing Fire Gun is very powerful when combined with the alchemy bullets. But wrestling with a giant dragon is still too much.

If this continues, the Bluebell Tavern will never be spared, and the entire street will be destroyed by the corpse dragon.

What's more, the undead are also called undead. From this name, you can know how strong the vitality of these things is. Generally speaking, even a giant dragon will die from breaking its neck when diving down from such a high place, but for the undead, There is almost no difference between breaking a neck and breaking a fingernail...

If the corpse dragon is not dead, not to mention this street, the entire area will be in danger.

"damn it!"

The barrel of the fire gun was so hot that it could no longer be used. It was estimated that the alchemical bullet filled with unstable red crystal powder would explode as soon as it was loaded.

James could only grit his teeth and look at the corpse dragon that was still falling here, cursed in a low voice, reluctantly looked back at the Bluebell Tavern where he had devoted half his life, and planned to escape with the others.

However, when he looked back, he saw something incredible.

A blond girl who was eating in his tavern didn't seem to see the giant dragon in the sky that was crashing down like a meteorite. Instead, she walked out of the tavern calmly and looked around on the chaotic street, waiting to see herself. Then he showed a gentle smile.

"Ah, I finally found the boss." The blonde girl took out her small wallet and took out a few silver coins: "I haven't paid for the grilled fish I just ate..."

"Isn't this the time to talk about this?"

Although the situation was so urgent that it was imminent, James still couldn't help but complain...

"Yes, yes, teacher, now is not the time to pay!" Another girl following the blond girl also raised her head to look at the corpse dragon, and said somewhat sarcastically: "And after the money is paid, we I don’t have enough money for dinner…”

The point is not whether this is good or not...

James suddenly felt a little sincerely powerless in the face of these little girls who couldn't figure out the situation.

"Don't be nervous." At this time, the blond girl suddenly showed a sweet smile: "It's just a small undead, no need to worry about it." (To be continued.)

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