The Death Knell

Chapter 1003? Mastermind

If the distance is close enough, Charles is a humanoid plug-in. He can sense the enemy's position very accurately and kill Sebastian.

Because the ability is related to brain waves, Charles only needs to erase the opponent's brain waves, and then the enemy will die due to brain death. This is a very inhumane method of creating a vegetative state.

Su Ming knew that Charles couldn't do it, he was too soft-hearted, so all he asked of Charles was to let him control the enemy to come out on his own and come to the Seine River.

As for the plans and tasks mentioned before, they only made Magneto suspicious and would not rush in rashly.

With Charles here, how good would it be to let the enemy come out on his own and stick out his neck to die on his own initiative?

The only possible problem is that secretly controlling Sebastian to suddenly go out may attract other people from Hellfire at the same time. Others need to deal with it, and Su Ming has to go to the 'mastermind' Jason to ask about Mustache. question.

There is also a problem with this code name. No matter what bad things happen, when you think of the mastermind, you will think of him. How much blame does this have to bear?

Within a few minutes, while several people were warming themselves by the fire in the cold wind around the Ghost Rider, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit walked over from the gate of Les Invalides.

Su Ming looked at Magneto aside. At this time, he had turned the fitness ball in his hand into a large cone and suddenly threw it towards Sebastian.

Needless to say, he recognized his enemy and couldn't wait another second.

When interfering with other people's brain waves, if that person is killed, Charles will also experience exactly the same pain and empathize with him. However, since he is determined to help Magneto, he cannot do it himself, so he grits his teeth and perseveres. , without letting go of control over Sebastian.

In his vision, he seemed to be able to see the silver cone getting closer and bigger, as if it would pierce his eyes in the next second.

But Charles suppressed his instinct to avoid and let Sebastian stand there, waiting for death to come.

But at this moment, a red figure suddenly appeared in front of Sebastian, raising his hand to knock away the metal cone that was shot at him.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's so dangerous. I almost asked you to kill Xiao, but that's not okay." A slightly frivolous voice said with a smile.

The red figure looked like some kind of hellish creature, the image of the devil in common human knowledge, with a tawny scream on its head and an arrow-shaped tail.

Su Ming took off a small drop of the I’ve given it to you, you don’t have to kill me, just hold me back.”

"Hey! Who are you?! How do you know my details? Oh, how dangerous!"

The Red Devil tilted his head and started shouting, but Ciri suddenly appeared next to the Red Devil, with a sword coated with Wild Hunt venom extract in his hand making a straight stab.

He flashed away, and Shirley followed almost at the same time. The two of them seemed to have cut off the continuity of space, appearing everywhere in the surrounding area.

On the roof, on the frozen river, and under the bridge in the distance, the two figures kept chasing each other.

Now Xili can not only use a sword, but also a gun. The past of fighting various monsters has made her good at dealing with enemies that can suddenly disappear. As long as you avoid the small fireballs and red beams that the red devil spits out from time to time, this is nothing. What a tough enemy.

Su Ming is relieved to hand over the Red Devil to Shiri to deal with it. As one of the oldest mutants, the Red Devil's strongest skill is actually escaping...

The principle of his flash is somewhat like the night shadow next door, passing through another plane and appearing in different places on the earth. The reason why he can live so long does not mean that he is stronger than Apocalypse and Romulus, it only means that he can run faster and hide better.

There is no way for outsiders to capture him from that independent plane, so he can just stay in there and be a tortoise, and the enemy will leave after three to five years.

Not leaving? Then just wait for another hundred years.

Most creatures cannot survive the Red Devil. He is immortal and has a certain ability to heal himself. How can he survive?

And he is also a little clever. For example, he will not mess with the high-level vampires headed by Dracula and the powerful wizards represented by the Ancient One. These are those who can survive better than him or who can restrain his ability at first sight, so he will not provoke them. Life was going pretty well.

On weekdays, his mind control ability can solve most problems, which makes him live a happy life.

But when the enemy is immune to this, his fighting skills are not enough in front of a real professional fighter. He wastes too much time on entertainment and pranks, and has not developed any good martial arts for thousands of years. It can be said that all his talents have been wasted.

The starting point is very high, but because I have been invincible for too long and there is no sense of urgency, this is the result of being completely wasted.

Now it seems that he has probably never encountered Ciri's ability to infinitely teleport to the target after meeting him once, so even if he hides in another plane, Ciri can follow him and force him out. .

Now it's really hard.

Su Ming tilted his head and signaled Magneto to come again.

Magneto showed a cold smile, he raised his hand, and the steel cone that had just been knocked away and embedded in the wall flew up again, heading towards Sebastian again.

But a strong wind blew and swept Sebastian away, and the shiny steel awl pierced the air.

A man dressed in black and with fangs appeared behind Sebastian and slapped him twice, but this still did not free him from Charles' mind control.

So the new person looked in the direction of Su Ming with a ferocious look on his face, and quickly zeroed in on the suspect, the little bald man, because only Charles had his eyes closed and was pressing his temples with two fingers. At first glance, he was 'exerting power' .

Su Ming tapped the chin of his mask: "There's something wrong. I thought it was a 'strong wind', but I didn't expect it to be a 'wind demon'. Hello! Where is your master?"

Storm is a mutant, a pure German aristocrat. He joined the Nazis during World War II and joined the Hellfire Club after their defeat. He is a humanoid electric fan that can generate powerful airflow by rotating at high speeds.

And Feng Mo, as the name suggests, is a demon, the black-hearted follower of the Demon Prince. The ability also uses the power of wind, and can also be elementalized, becoming untouchable and physically immune.

Feng Mo took a deep breath. There was panic in his dark eyes. Unlike the Red Devil, he recognized the Supreme Mage Deathstroke and the Ghost Rider over there. This was simply a case of being caught causing trouble in the main dimension. current.

But he was determined not to say that his master was banned by His Majesty Mephisto because his conspiracy was exposed!

"Supreme Mage, I'm just passing by and have nothing to do with everything here. I'm going back to hell!" After saying that, he really left Sebastian behind and prepared to escape in the form of Black Wind.

Su Ming let out a sneer. He came and left as soon as he wanted. How could it be so easy without explaining clearly how to sneak into the main dimension?

"Ghost Rider, he leaves it to you."

Parham raised the revolver in his hand and pushed the brim of his hat. The hand cannon decorated with skulls suddenly lit up in the firelight. He raised his hand and pulled the trigger, like a swirling hell flame. With traces of rifling, it directly hit the black smoke in the air.


The wind demon fell out of thin air. The lethality of this flame of judging sins to demons is really terrible. Different from ordinary hell fire, there is also a powerful idea of ​​revenge in it, which has the ability to maintain the black and white balance of the world.

But seeing the Ghost Rider charging toward him on horseback, with a flaming saber in his hand, he gritted his teeth and turned into Black Wind again, and began to run away desperately.

Su Ming just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. Ghost Rider had a crushing advantage over demons, so he signaled to Magneto again, allowing him to kill Sebastian for revenge.

Being interrupted twice in a row, Eric's emotions were as exciting as riding a roller coaster. In order not to be interrupted again, he chose to control the metal elements in Sebastian's body and make him explode from the inside. .

But a black circle suddenly appeared at Sebastian's feet, and he fell down and disappeared from Magneto's sight. Even Charles' mind control was cut off.

"Damn it! Who is it?! Stand up and die!"

Magneto roared like crazy, but Charles just lowered his head and silently wiped his nosebleed.

Just now, the target seemed to be suddenly transferred to a very far place, and his spiritual connection seemed to be torn off, which caused him to suffer some backlash.

The situation is not serious, but I need to rest for a while.

A middle-aged man wearing a brown trench coat and a British-style mustache emerged from the hole where Sebastian disappeared, like a bamboo shoot growing out of the ground. He first bowed in a gentlemanly manner, and then stood up. He straightened up and spoke.

"I didn't know that the Supreme Mage was here. I was really neglectful."

He looks a bit like Monaco, but his gentlemanly demeanor is just an act. His squinting eyes show that he doesn't have any good ideas, and his beard is not as well maintained as the Magic Prince.

How should I put it? It looks like the kind of nouveau riche who wants to get into the upper class but can't get rid of his slum habits. He looks very vulgar, and even his style is plagiarized from Monaco.

"Jason Wyngarde, the mastermind, right?" Su Ming signaled Magneto to retreat, and pushed forward a few steps. The magic floating cloak suddenly opened, and he floated up, as if he was standing in mid-air. , full of the spirit of the Supreme Mage.

Mysterious, yet majestic. Compared with Ancient One, he has more murderous intent. The red one eye seems to indicate that he comes from hell.

"It's true that the code name is the mastermind, but no matter what you are pursuing, I have nothing to do with it, let alone the mastermind. Kama Taj wouldn't be so overbearing that he has to manage a lone magician like me, right?"

"That's not true. The magic world is free. Of course you can use black magic to do what you want, but if you support the Nazis, it's another matter." The night sword in Su Ming's hand was knocked. Makes a crisp sound.

Jason frowned. He didn't seem to understand: "Support the Nazis? Are there still such stupid people now? They have been defeated, and there is no profit in investing in them."

"But there are always people who want to make a big gamble, and targets that are not favored by others often have higher odds, right?" Su Ming laughed. Jason hadn't given birth to a child yet. He couldn't die now. Su Ming just wanted to Scare him and get him to reveal the information.

Jason was silent for a moment. After listening to Deathstroke's words, he was thinking, and then showed an angry expression: "So, no matter what I say, you won't believe it, so you identified me as the mastermind and wanted to give me Accused of non-existent charges? Kamal Taj is too dictatorial. In this case, mages should let magic speak for themselves!"

Su Ming shrugged. You chose that codename yourself. Who can blame you?

Anyway, it's time to make the Supreme Anti-Mage's presence known in the magic world.

Su Ming put away the Night Sword, took out the God Killer and turned it into a golden mallet. He raised his hand and made a sign of invitation, and asked Jason to cast the spell first.

The magic floating cloak was ready for defense, and Strangler had also converted his armor into N metal. Su Ming wanted to see who was stronger between Jason's magic level and Monaco.

But just when Su Ming was thinking whether to let this unlucky guy be slightly injured or seriously injured, a golden portal opened beside him, and an old man with white hair and beard walked out holding a staff. He helped his half-moon Wearing glasses, he smiled and said to Su Ming: "Master, let us British resolve matters in the British magical world."

Su Ming sighed and put away the big stick in his hand: "Okay, Naughty Master, don't play him to death, it's still useful."

"Hehehe... I obey." The old mage turned around with a smile and raised the long staff in his hand. The thing that looked like a mop pole suddenly began to glow and deform, becoming curved and growing. twigs.

A huge red gem was embedded in the ring formed by the staff, and after he chanted the incantation quickly, his magic came first, finishing faster than Jason, summoning a large number of unmanned armors. These armors held various weapons made of energy in their hands, and surrounded Jason like evil men.

From the moment he saw the old mage appear, Jason's expression was unnatural, and when he saw him taking action in place of Deathstroke, Jason even shouted.

"Master Merlin, you can't interfere in other people's duels like this! It's not fair!"

The old mage chuckled, made a fingerprint in his hand, waved his staff, and the pace of the armors suddenly accelerated: "He is the Supreme Mage, and I am the Archmage of the Holy Sanctuary in London. I fight on his behalf. In fact, you still occupy It’s an advantage, because the opponent’s level has dropped.”

"Damn it! You Karma Taj cheated! You...ah! Ah! Ouch!"

The second half of Jason's sentence was drowned out by cries of pain, and the sound of those armors waving their weapons could be heard in the air. How did the old mage use magic to manifest magic-immune armors and weapons, and allow them to manifest energy on their own? Weapons, the things in them were a bit confusing to Su Ming.

But when Jason called out that name before, Su Ming still heard it: "Are you Merlin? The Merlin who assists King Arthur? The almighty guardian of the universe?"

"Well...Merlin is right, but what does Almighty Guardian of the Universe mean?" The old man turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

Su Ming frowned. This rhetorical question represented denial. What did denial mean?

Is it ‘not yet’?

‘Not at all’?

Or worst of all ‘pretending not to be’?

But he didn't say anything more, instead a smile appeared on his face: "Hey, why didn't you tell me earlier? I have heard about Master Merlin's story for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be right in front of me."

"You didn't ask me, either." Naughty Master, or the current Master Merlin, said with a smile: "You see, such an opponent is not worth your while."

Seeing Jason being beaten wildly by a group of golems with heavy luminous weapons, Su Ming always felt that something was wrong.

Then he figured out the key.

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