The Death Knell

Chapter 1004? Master of Illusion

"Click, click, ring, ring, ring!"

Watching those automatic armors surrounding Jason, the middle-aged man's screams became weaker and weaker, until he closed his eyes and seemed to have died. The armors still didn't stop, making him as crazy as a rice cake. hate.

Su Ming just crossed his arms and looked at the old mage beside him, while the old mage was holding his staff and looking at him.

No one spoke between the two of them, the air became quiet, and the wind from the Seine blew with the cold, slightly sweet smell of winter.

"Uh... aren't you going to take a look? He seems to be dying." Finally, the old mage couldn't hold his breath and asked.

"What are you looking at? Your illusion show? Or your way of sneaking up on me from behind?" Su Ming smiled and clapped, took out the God Gold Gauss from his pocket, inserted a few God Gold bullets, and then pulled the bolt and loaded the gun.

This is indeed a good illusion experience. The combination of light, shadow and magic is used to deceive people's vision. Jason is indeed a master in this area, and the plan is not bad.

"What are you talking about? I am Merlin, and his illusion has not been released yet."

"Stop pretending. In fact, before you showed up to rescue Sebastian, weren't the illusions already prepared? Teleportation, elementalization, and portal. Among the three skills, your movement speed should be ranked second, and it is definitely faster than Xiao needs to walk fast. Maybe before he walks out, you have already arrived according to the direction and laid out a plan. The Red Devil and the Wind Demon will delay you. Their mission is to delay, and the trump card is your illusion plus Dark magic, right? Pretty clever."

The old mage in front of him disappeared like a bubble, and Jason, who was beaten by the active armor, also disappeared with the chaotic battle group. Jason's figure appeared again not far away by the river.

Compared with before, although his appearance has not changed much, his wretchedness has faded away. Now he is a very standard British gentleman, with a majestic air, deep eyes, and old-fashioned but shrewd eyes.

He had disguised himself in a disgusting appearance before, just to meet everyone's expectations of a villain, but he didn't expect Deathstroke to see through it.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that if he is really so wretched and has no temperament, how can he be on an equal footing with Monaco in the British magical world and get the code name of Mastermind?

If you really have no brains and no momentum, how can you plan for it? How to make the decision?

By playing this trick, he just wanted to take advantage of the fact that no one on Deathstroke's side had ever seen him before, and planned to create a misunderstanding based on the first impression. And as soon as he appeared on the scene, he dealt with Charles, a psychic, and prepared the conditions for releasing the illusion.

He took a deep breath, turned around and leaned against the railing by the river, gently patted off the non-existent dust on his sleeves, and tugged on his collar: "How did you find out? I think my illusion is perfect. "

Su Ming nodded, shook his head, looked at the sky and sighed: "You are an excellent magician, but not a qualified spy. The footprints of the movable armor, the movement of the fists to the flesh, and the light and shadow effects of the magic are all perfect. , you even took into account the influence of the wind, the magic fluctuations are completely consistent, and the magic floating cloak can't distinguish between you and him... To be honest, this is the best illusion I have ever seen, even I can't tell the difference between you and him... I almost fell for it.”

"But you still saw through it." Jason smiled faintly. He touched his beard, took out a cigarette butt from his arms and put it into his mouth, inhaling hard to rekindle the tobacco inside.

"I guess you recognized me and knew that I was the Supreme Mage, and the Holy of Holies closest to Paris is the Holy of Holies in London, so you used illusion to generate the Archmage there, because he had the most reason to come, regardless of Whether it’s to please a superior or whether it’s a personal grudge, the logic of this scene makes sense to outsiders.”

Su Ming held the rifle in one hand and put the other hand on his belt, his tone full of approval.

"But he is an outsider after all, right?" Jason smiled bitterly. He already knew where the problem was.

"Yes, you can play any mage from Karma Taj, but you can't play three people. Master Merlin from the London Temple, Master White from the New York Temple, and Master Ouyang from the Hong Kong Temple. Do you know why?" Su Ming nodded and explained to him patiently.

Jason took a deep breath, took off the pipe in his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke: "It seems that it is because they want to protect the magic node of the earth and cannot leave the Holy of Holies."

This is the fact. Now that Su Ming has maintained the protective circle left by Ancient Yi very well, the old rules will naturally remain the same.

It's not like when Strange was the Sorcerer Supreme in the comics or movies, he was broken and broken, and even Karma Taj didn't care. He's free, he can wander around, go out with the Avengers and act cool.

But everything related to magic comes with a price. What is the price of his freedom?

Demon kings from all walks of life came to the earth every two days to travel, and even captured his supreme mage and sent him to hell to play games. However, other archmages were killed and injured, and in the end, he was the only one left with Kama Taj's huge family fortune. He Wang, plus a bunch of useless apprentices.

It is precisely because there are people stationed in the three holy places to maintain the magic nodes, and Kama Taj gathers the three nodes to form a magic circle, that the earth can be so stable.

"But luckily you told me that the old man is Merlin, otherwise I would have been calling him Naughty Master, haha..." Su Ming shook his head and sighed: "This name is just right. It makes people feel troublesome, how could Master Gu Yi leave him to me and keep it hidden."

Speaking of which, Master Merlin is also a legend in the magic world. According to the information Su Ming knows, there are many parallel Marvel worlds where the Supreme Mage is not the Ancient One, but Merlin.

Merlin the Wise, Merlin the Almighty, and the Invincible Merlin, these are all his titles in other universes, but the title that people are more familiar with is another one, the Guardian of the Almighty Universe.

There is a saying that Merlin exists in every parallel world, but they are all some kind of containers, tentacles of a great consciousness placed in different worlds for observation. The existence that lives above the omnipotent universe is called Extraordinary Merlin (Otherworld) Merlyn).

When Su Ming mentioned the Almighty Universe, the fake Merlin played by Jason didn't know about it, and it can be said that he was completely betrayed.

The mastermind shook his head, perhaps because he was amused that he had inadvertently revealed such an obvious flaw, but instead he spoke to help Su Ming clear up his doubts: "Master Merlin is good at almost all types of magic, except for time magic, he seems to be connected with time. This concept is insulating, I think Master Ancient One defeated him just by relying on time."

"What you said makes sense, but that's not important anymore. Now that you have no way out, why not explain who helped him train the Warlock Commandos under Mustache?"

Su Ming didn't worry about Merlin. After all, according to legend, Merlin's time was a horizontally expanded network, somewhat like that of Kang the Conqueror. As long as he doesn't go crazy, even if he is the monitor of a certain high-level Merlin, he is still a good helper in protecting the single universe.

So now it is better to focus on solving the problem at hand. Merlin in his own world does not have any crazy signs at present. He just needs to prepare a backup plan. With the time stone in hand, Su Ming is still certain.

"This is an obvious question, isn't it? I am an illusionist, and demonology is not my major, let alone help that war maniac build a half-human, half-demon army. I am British, remember?"

Jason spread his hands helplessly. He joined the Hellfire Club because he wanted to rule Britain and the world, so there was no reason to help Mustache.

"You really have no reason to do this, but I just want to ask you the answer. So is the answer a black heart?"

Su Ming turned his head and looked at Feng Mo, who was being chased by the Ghost Rider in the distance. If there was any difference between this place and his previous information, then it was that the subordinates of the Prince of Hell appeared.

"I don't know about that. Before you came, I didn't even know that Feng Mo was Black Heart's subordinate. I thought it was just a lone devil."

Jason pressed the hole of the pipe with his thumb, adjusted the air intake, and shook his head slightly.

The illusion he was most proud of had been seen through. The Supreme Mage could not give him a chance to prepare a second illusion. Now he could only let it slide.

"You have nothing to do here. Hand over Sebastian, and then you can leave." Su Ming picked up the rifle with one hand: "As the Supreme Mage, I have to remind you that demons are like mold , if you see a small point with the naked eye, it means there is a large group of them in invisible places, so never take them lightly."

Jason smiled and took off his hat and saluted, waved his cane and threw Sebastian out of the endless void: "Then I would like to thank the Supreme Mage for his magnanimity. I take my leave. I sincerely wish Kama Taj gets better and better."

"Don't thank me, thank the magic and evil gods. It was their plan that kept you alive."

Jason: "???"

Su Ming casually waved his hand to tell him to open the door and get out. Then he no longer looked at the tangled face of the mastermind, but once again looked at Magneto, who had been silent since just now. He had been standing behind Su Ming. If Looking thoughtful.

"Go ahead, isn't your enemy right there?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Sebastian who was not far away and seemed to be planning to escape.

The middle-aged man looked a little panicked at this time, and it was obvious that he recognized Magneto.

Perhaps because three consecutive sure-kill moves failed, Magneto has become much calmer now. He realizes that an opportunity is only an opportunity if it is grasped, otherwise it is nothing and will only leave a sigh of regret.

Missing out on success is more despairing than taking a hopeless adventure from the beginning.

So he looked away. He was really calm at this time, and he had the aura of being the leader of mutants in the future.

He did not rush to take action, but first asked Deathstroke with a smile: "What is his weakness? How do you think I can kill him?"

Su Ming showed a cowardly look, strangulation flowed from his face. He took out a golden bullet from the rifle and handed it to Magneto. Then he took a cigarette and lit it. His instructions came from the smoke:

"Sebastian's ability is to absorb all kinds of energy. If you want to kill him, you can make him absorb nothing."

Eric smiled. He took the bullet, turned it into a thin golden disc with a flick of his finger, and chased towards Sebastian who was running away: "Thank you, I will remember this kindness." .”

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