The Death Knell

Chapter 1007? Thor’s changes

Facing the Immortal Lion with a numb look on his face, Su Ming just patted him on the shoulder, and he probably would only be busy for a while.

As long as you get your mustache straightened out, you should be fine for a long time.

Speaking of which, Odin was really stingy. He just used a little energy from the World Tree, which was like eating his rice. That tree is there, and the energy is also used through photosynthesis. Why don't you keep it?

But that's okay, Odin and Heimdall thought Su Ming was interested in the teleportation ability of the Rainbow Bridge.

But in fact, if you want to teleport, the Supreme Mage has many ways, such as taking a mage with you, or borrowing a passage from the Mysterious Hell Border, or even flying by yourself.

He was mainly interested in Heimdall's surveillance ability. Those eyes that could see the nine realms and Odin's two crows were indeed powerful surveillance tools.

Su Ming had an 'Eye of Ra' in his hand, but since strangulation replaced armor, this prop has never been put to use. He has thought about integrating it into the Earth's 40k protective array to achieve global surveillance.

The idea is good, and there is no problem with the logic, but the key is that the existing people in Kama Taj are not capable enough. Monaco and Hamil can't do it. Ancient One has not taught them the principles of the earth's defense circle at all. .

And now, after knowing that the Naughty Master is Merlin, this artifact from the DC universe cannot be used anymore.

Merlin had shown special interest in Su Ming's Night Sword before. N-metal seemed to have a lot of attraction for him. He couldn't blame Deathstroke for being stingy, but when facing the possible extraordinary Merlin, he still had to be on guard, and he had to be careful. Keep it hidden.

As expected, this problem still has to be solved after finding the Ancient One, but she said she was looking for trouble with Karu, but she never heard of any movement in other dimensions. Where did she go?

If it doesn't work, why not go to Elminster for consultation? There is Mystra behind the Great Sage of Shadow Valley, so it should be no problem to identify an artifact.

There is also the existence of Merlin. Merlin in each world is like a terminal individual under the hive mind. In this case, you also need to consult a high-level mage to get the answer, or will the Upside Down understand the nature of that existence? ?

Moreover, these two targets are easy to find. Unlike Gu Yi, no one in her own world can find her whereabouts.

"Where to go?"

Hamdall held his sword feebly and inserted it into the control base. The surrounding walls of the magnificent observatory also made his face look even paler.

"Oh, help me find out where Jibo, the traitor of Kama Taj, is, and send the three of us and this horse to each other. Make sure it's smooth and not bumpy, thank you." Su Ming thanked him politely.


Heimdall turned the giant sword in his hand expressionlessly. Seeing Deathstroke and his party disappear in front of him, he dejectedly pulled out his weapon and sat on the steps of the observatory.

He took off the bull-like horned helmet and rubbed his face vigorously.

The dark and deep sea of ​​stars outside the observatory seemed to be his mood at the moment. Under Odin's connivance, the death knell seemed to appear more and more frequently in the fairy palace.


Before he could take a breath and lament how difficult the job was, the weak-minded eldest prince called him again.

Heimdall took a closer look and saw that Thor was taking Loki and the Three Warriors to go shopping in Vanaheim, and his silly sister Sif was also following him.

Now everyone in this group of people has bought a lot of fast food in their hands, and they are waiting happily for Heimdall to respond.

Thor was holding a dozen hamburgers, Loki was holding a plastic bag of hot dogs, the other three warriors were holding various wine bottles, and even Sif was holding a large watermelon.

Heimdall felt dazzled when he saw the black and yellow w logo on the packaging bags.

How could he not know that it was the product of the reforms carried out by Deathstroke and Gullwig in Vanaheim? Authorized chain stores, transformation of industrialized assembly lines, industrialization and scale-up of agricultural products, what are those things?

But there is no way, young people just like that thing. Even though he knows that burgers are chicken legs coated with some powder, fried in oil, and then sandwiched with vegetable leaves and bread, Thor still takes people to Vanaheim to eat.

Thor has changed, and Heimdall can't tell whether he's become stupider or better.

After he came out of confinement last time, he heard from his mother that in Vanaheim, Aunt Gullwig's territory, there were novel foods called hamburgers, instant noodles, etc., as well as things called 'Feed to Death Chicken' and 'White and Blue'. 'He wants to try all kinds of fine wines as soon as possible.

The food was delicious and the wine was delicious, but because he had no money to pay the bill and even threw the glass, he was taken to Gurweig's place.

No one knows what his aunt told him. In short, Thor has been talking to himself about 'fair trade', 'negotiating terms', 'you agree with me' and so on after coming out of Gullweger's palace. rare vocabulary.

Thor couldn't remember exactly what he said. He only remembered that his aunt was leaning on the throne, eating grapes and spitting out the skins. While watching a play performed in a black box, she seemed to say something unintentionally:

"You are almost 10,000 years old, and you still rely on your father Odin to support you. Just be calm and let him sleep well."

There is no currency in circulation in Asgard. All food, clothing, housing and transportation there are all borne by Odin. Everyone is actually fed by Odin, and materials and work are distributed uniformly. After all, ever since the Asa clan was still a tribal system, it was the chief's responsibility to feed everyone. Every god-king was a practitioner of this theory, and this is how the power of rule came.

In the reformed Vanaheim, food and various supplies must be exchanged for other things. Vanaheim will separate the economic system from Asgard and implement a new set of rules.

I can’t say which one is better, but the fresh, fun, delicious and delicious things can only be found in Vanaheim.

So Thor became a hunter, and every day he was either hunting in various places, or on his way to Vanaheim to eat and drink.

Anyway, after that, Yu Toor felt that even the chefs at the Golden Palace could make burgers, and the meaning was different.

The food exchanged for prey is the result of his own labor, a fair trade, and it tastes delicious. He doesn't want to eat Odin's food.

Just like Odin can feed the entire Asgardians, Thor also has to prove that he can feed his friends and younger brother through hunting and fighting. He thinks this is very meaningful.

As long as you can feed enough people, it proves that you are qualified to inherit Asgard, right? Isn't this a demonstration of the clan leader's abilities? If Odin likes to sleep, he will sleep well enough, and Asgard will be left to him.

Odin was naturally aware of this situation, but for some purpose, he did not stop it, but allowed Thor to do whatever he wanted. Maybe for him, Thor being a hunter was better than causing trouble everywhere?

Loki naturally knew that this behavior would not give Thor any points, so he was even more happy for his idiot brother to waste his time. Moreover, he could just follow and eat for free. He didn't need to contribute to hunting and trading, and he could still mock Thor when he had nothing to do. Such a life was not bad. .

Not to mention the Three Warriors, they are where Thor is, and whatever the prince says, do it, it's that simple.

As for Sif, she still had to protect Frigga, so she didn't have much free time. She wanted to get along with Toldo, so she naturally followed suit.

Thor didn't know the details, but Heimdall, who could see the nine realms, still knew. A beautiful pure white ice wolf fur, exchanged for a hamburger?

More than just a little darker...

But the profit generated from this transaction was half of that of Vanaheim and Deathstroke, and Odin, Frigga, and Thor themselves had no objections. Even if he, the gatekeeper, knew something was wrong, he couldn't tell it.

He didn't know why, but he seemed to have a feeling of being extremely lonely in a busy city.

In fact, if Su Ming, who had left a few minutes ago, knew what Heimdall was thinking, he would have splashed ink on the spot and left a calligraphy for him, just four words - it was rare for him to be confused.

Odin, who seems to be at a disadvantage, is he really at a disadvantage?

No, because Deathstroke also sold him the information about the Tenth Realm. What he needs now is a united and unitable force, ready to deal with a series of problems such as the Orochi, the Ten Realm War, Ragnarok, etc.

He was not worried that Thor would suffer a loss in Vanaheim, but he was worried that Gullweg would take care of the hatred of the past and not give Thor a chance to suffer a loss. That would be the biggest hidden danger.

The last time Vanaheim attacked Asgard, although the leaders of both sides made excuses to get past it, both Odin and Gullweg knew what went wrong.

The hatred caused by inequality must be eradicated.

This should be enough now. It seems that Asgard is suffering a loss, Odin himself is suffering a loss, and even the eldest son Thor, the future God King, has been sent to Vanaheim to suffer a loss. Is this sincerity enough?

Only by peaceful coexistence and the two major protoss standing on the same side can Vanaheim continuously benefit from Asgard's losses. This is Odin's way of control.

Now Gullweg's focus is on developing the economy, and Thor's activities in Vanaheim are no different from before, which shows that the blood connection between the two major gods is still useful, so the future still lies with Odin Under control.

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