The Death Knell

Chapter 1008? Master Jibo

"In the name of Ice Exelon, freeze!"

Jibo was sweating profusely as he released the magic, and his fingers even trembled violently with fear. In just a few dozen seconds, he had to admit that although the new Supreme Mage didn't know a single magic, he was better than The Ancient One is even more terrifying.

Space magic was ineffective. Deathstroke was able to suddenly escape from the mirror space inexplicably, and the other two people he brought with him were also unable to be trapped. Jibo could only be sure that the Ghost Rider used hell to get out of the mirror space. How the other white-haired girl and Deathstroke jumped out, he couldn't understand at all.

Not to mention time magic. Deathstroke holds the time stone. In this single universe, time is an indicator that he can control at will.

All other control or attack magics were useless against Deathstroke. He didn't even hide, but floated slowly and slowly at a constant speed, holding his arms and resisting various attacks. Flying slowly towards Jibo.

There is no need to counter-spell or dodge, all kinds of magic are either lightly deflected by the magic floating cloak, or are annihilated by hitting the black and yellow armor.

Deathstroke was unharmed, and the red one-eye on the mask seemed to get brighter and brighter as the distance got closer.

Exelon's Ice Grasp is a magic that slows down the target through low temperature. If the price is high enough, this magic can even freeze the target's time.

But it was still the same as before, Deathstroke didn't even look at the blue ray, and let it hit him without any sign of being slowed down, and he still approached Jibo very calmly.

The other two people didn't even have the intention to take action. They just continued to deal with the dwindling warlock troops at a short distance.

"Where did Ancient One find this kind of monster? How can this kind of mage's nightmare become the Supreme Mage?! That damn woman! Ah!!!" Jibo was still gritting his teeth and cursing in his heart, and released another flame magic. It seemed that It is intended to affect Deathstroke's armor through the temperature difference between hot and cold.

However, the huge fireball was lifted up by a small corner by the magic floating cloak and whipped far away, exploding into a large crater full of flames.

"Did you learn this in another dimension? Didn't Karu teach you any real skills?" Death Knell's hoarse voice sounded in the battlefield. Surrounded by ice and fire all around, his tone was uncertain.

Jibo retreated while trying to draw a circle to release the teleportation spell, but Deathstroke raised his hand and shot him in the arm, causing his arm to hang down weakly.

How could he be allowed to run away? Just because you don't interrupt the spellcasting doesn't mean you can't do it. God Gold Gauss, please understand?

"Hiss!" Jibo covered his injured arm, a look of pain flashed on his face, but he immediately released a black magic to replace the lost flesh and blood: "You don't understand anything, that woman Gu Yi is The most insidious traitor is her betrayal of Master Karu.”

Su Ming continued to float toward him indifferently, showing off all his momentum and inducing Jibo to keep casting spells: "I also know what happened between the two of them. I just want to say that Master Gu Yi did the right thing. Haha, if you don't accept it, you will bite me." Me? Oh, you can’t bite."

In fact, if we were to be more serious, what Jibo said was indeed correct.

Gu Yi and Karuben were villagers in a small mountain village named Kama Taj at the southern foot of the Himalayas hundreds of years ago. Needless to say, the geographical location determined that the place was extremely poor.

At that time, Gu Yi was a farmer and Karu was a hunter. They were good friends. Not only were they neighbors, they even ate together.

They usually eat ancient vegetables and the grain they exchanged. If Karu has a harvest, the two of them can eat some meat to improve their lives, and their daily lives will be pretty good.

But one day, Karu discovered a luminous stone statue while hunting. The stone statue instantly taught her a massive amount of magic like an initiation, turning her into a powerful black mage.

Just by making an oath and chatting with an unknown existence, you can gain power as powerful as a god. How great!

Of course, Kalu would not forget his good friend, so he also took Gu Yi to the stone statue. The stone statue also gave Gu Yi powerful magical abilities, which were also black magic.

But Gu Yi was more attentive. She noticed something was wrong with the stone statue. How could there be such a good thing as picking up power out of thin air? Where do these powers come from?

You must know that even if villagers in the same village want to eat rice and noodles grown by others, they have to exchange vegetables grown by themselves. This power like a god is given for free by a stone statue of unknown origin. No matter how you look at it, there is something ghostly about it. .

But Karu was more nervous. After seeing her friend also learn magic, she destroyed the stone statue. Power, like truth, is better left in the hands of a few people.

Both she and Gu Yi had gained infinite life and could be together forever. As for the doubts raised by Gu Yi, she didn't take it to heart at all.

Anyway, it's just good luck and I just picked it up, so why bother with so much.

So for the next hundred years, they developed Kama Taj, using the power of magic to eliminate diseases and misfortunes in the village, and gradually made Kama Taj what it is today.

But when everything developed, the two had differences in their views on the use of magic. Ancient One hoped to use his power to help others and protect the world.

But Karu feels that guarding the world is meaningless. Their future should be the stars and the sea. They are destined to conquer all multiverses. Why should they care about the survival of the earth?

It turns out that during the past hundred years, Karu has relied too much on her spellcasting ability and has become severely addicted to black magic. There are always voices in the dark tempting her to do something, and her behavior has become more and more extreme and dark.

Gu Yi realized that he was also at risk of becoming black, so he developed spells such as astral projection, which allowed his soul to leave his body and go to the vast universe to find solutions.

Maybe she was lucky, maybe she was noticed by someone who was interested, but in short she 'just happened' to find Emperor Weishan. This relatively gentle group of ancient gods intervened in the magical contract between her and the big demon shadow, converting Ancient One into become their spokesperson on Earth.

After all, two of the Weishan Emperors came from the earth, and their stance on the earth is the same as that of the Ancient One. In short, both parties are very satisfied.

But by the time Ancient One returned to Kama Taj and planned to ask Emperor Weishan to save his friend, Karu had gone completely crazy.

All life within thousands of kilometers of Kama Taj has been sacrificed to the Great Demon Shadow by Karu, and is summoning it to come through some kind of ritual in exchange for more powerful power.

Sithorn was chased for countless universes by the God-Eater Atum, but if someone summoned him on a certain earth at this time, he would not only be able to escape instantly, but he could also directly drain the earth while its defenses were empty. This planet transforms into its own power.

Gu Yi had no choice but to fight with his friend to stop her behavior.

The situation turned into the ancient one, Garvey Mountain Emperor, fighting against Kaluga Xithorn, and the result was that the world would collapse and both sides would suffer.

Although Emperor Weishan had a lot more power over Sithorne, after all, it was three against one, but at that time, the Ancient One had neither experienced the multiverse, nor did he have the Time Stone in his hand, and he had not been exposed to white magic for a long time, so he was not Karu's at all. The opponent cannot exert the full power of the god behind him.

But she is the Ancient One after all. At the critical moment, she realized the truth that "power is power, regardless of black and white", so she sacrificed the eternal life and power she obtained from Sithorn as a price, and attracted the Crimson Tyrant. Settorak, together with Emperor Weishan, defeated Karu and Sithorn.

The loser fell into the rift in reality opened by the battle, ending the earth's crisis.

Ancient One lost her immortality. Although she aged slowly, her death was doomed from this moment on. She also lost all kinds of superhuman abilities and became a pure mage with only knowledge and wisdom left.

But this is the price. She has looked away from the tragedy that is inevitable for magic users, so she began to retrain herself, strengthened herself by venturing into other universes, and finally gradually became a top powerhouse in the true sense.

Karu, who fell into the rift of reality, wandered into another dimension. Sithorn was stuck with Atum and had no time to deal with her, so she gradually recovered her strength and became the supreme mage in another dimension. Sithorne is useful.

Her thinking also returned to normal, or it could be said that her hatred for the Ancient One covered up other madness. Since then, her dimension has been against the Ancient One, and it has been hundreds of years now.

Jibo just knew about this and thought he had some truth. He might have believed Karu's words, or he might have been dazzled by Sithorn's power.

In short, after he betrayed Karma Taj last time, he has obviously not been idle during this period, and he is working hard to subvert the main dimension.

However, the Supreme Mage has now been replaced by Deathstroke. Su Ming has no master-disciple relationship with him. He didn't kill him last time because Gu Yi was present. At that time, Su Ming was not sure of Gu Yi's attitude, so he He raised his hand.

It's different now. Kama Taj has the final say. Jibo also comes to the main dimension to do things, so he can just arrange a top-notch package.

Many people in DC know that Deathstroke's services in another world are divided into three categories: euthanasia, tragic death, and death.

Su Ming is now trying to make Jibo draw a lottery and die in a quantum manner, that is, he is dragged to death by the cost of casting the spell. No one knows what his death will be like before the demon gods swarm in to collect the debt.

Could it be that all the internal organs are missing and the whole person becomes like a mummy? Or was it squeezed into a pulp with the marrow sucked out? Or is it being dragged into an indescribable world where thoughts cannot connect to each other?

But it must be the level of death.

The debts of the demon gods are not easy to pay, and if you try to fool them, you will inevitably suffer backlash, sooner or later.

So again, although magic is good, don’t be greedy.

But now that Su Ming had unleashed all his aura and faced Jibo with a crushing attitude, he was actually giving him fake wine and letting him cast spells at any cost, thus killing himself.

Maybe Jibo can be physically immune and the death knell can't kill him. Maybe he can repair his own flesh and blood, super self-healing in disguise, and all kinds of magic can cope with conventional means.

But as long as he uses magic, he can't get around the devil.

This was Su Ming's tactic. He didn't take any action, but only exerted mental pressure to let Jibo commit suicide in disguise.

In fact, if my little cousin was here, it would be more suitable for him to do this job. It would probably be enough to only show half of his face.

But every time he thought of Wade's 'body fragrance' that was like Ganges River water, Su Ming decided to reluctantly go into battle himself.

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