The Death Knell

Chapter 1009? The unbearable price

A moment later, Ciri and Parham had already eliminated most of the warlocks, and were not far away watching how Deathstroke dealt with Jibo.

Ghost Rider contributes more, and his Eye of Judgment is too lethal to demons.

The flaming lasso swung twice in the air, and a person in the lasso was pulled off the horse. Flames flashed in the skull's eyes, and the other person instantly turned into a pool of pale ashes.

In addition, Ghost Rider is extremely resistant to magic, and ordinary bullets or swords cannot threaten him. Most of the warlocks have been eliminated by him. Ciri only needs to keep tracking those who use the badge to escape.

After cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, it was of course good news for Su Ming, but it was different for Jibo. He became more and more panicked, but could not escape at all. The death knell always hit him not far or near, like a cat catching a mouse. .

Among the barren mountains and ridges, Jibo's bald head reflects the sunlight, like a guiding light.

Su Ming couldn't tell where exactly this place was, but it should be somewhere in the southern hemisphere, because it was still summer here and the sun was very bright.

But it doesn't matter where it is. People like Jibo built a small village in this mountain nest as their base. Maybe there will be some good things.

Quickly corner him and then go loot it.

Su Ming started strangulation again, showing some indescribable images, evolving his appearance from the G1 infected body of Resident Evil to G5. As soon as this series of slimy and bloody images appeared, not only Jibo, but also Xili They were all disgusted.

She stuck out her little tongue with a sad look on her face and turned her head away.


Su Ming also grinned when he saw Jibo, who was half-casting the spell, suddenly foaming at the mouth and shrinking into a ball, instantly turning into a blackened charcoal shape, as crisp as a doll that had been baked in the fireplace.

Although he knew that being dragged to death by the cost of casting a spell often resulted in a miserable death, this was the first time he had seen this miserable situation of burning and collapsing from the inside out like a candle.

Sure enough, magic can make people die in all kinds of weird ways. The original Upside-Down Man was less creative than the Demon God from Marvel.

But with the internal organs and brain burned out, Strangler can no longer obtain memories by eating the brain. It seems that he must go to Jibo's small base and use the old method to find clues.

No matter how short the original Jibo was, he was still over 1.6 meters tall, a little taller than Wolverine.

However, after the demons took away the price, he shrunk to the point of being worse than a little monkey, with only a few dozen centimeters left. His limbs and facial features were all squeezed together, and his whole body was pitch black, with a metallic texture on his skin. luster.

Su Ming thought for a moment, put away the little body, stuffed it into his pocket, and sighed.

Jibo's Emblem +1.

"What? Are there still times when you can't bear it?" Xili walked over angrily, walking around the slippery ice on the ground and the burning magma, her little mouth curled up in a very unhappy manner.

It's too dark that the enemy who can obviously be crushed by strength has to conjure up so many disgusting things.

Su Ming glanced at her inexplicably: "No, I want to bring Jibo back to Kama Taj, find a jar and soak it in it to use as a negative teaching material, so that all the apprentices will know the consequences of following the evil god and becoming a traitor. ...It’s just that his facial features have shrunk so much that I can no longer recognize his previous appearance, so I have to hang a sign for him, and I don’t know if others will believe it or not, which is really annoying.”

Shirley: "..."

She knew she was wrong. She shouldn't have considered whether Deathstroke had any compassion in the first place. Maybe he was usually very nice and gentle, but after putting on the black and yellow armor, he became a humanoid weapon born for the mission.

The words mercy and forgiveness never seemed to enter his mind.

"How did you do it?" Parham returned to his human form and led his horse over. He also raised his chin as he spoke: "I saw with my own eyes that you were hit with hundreds of powerful spells, but you actually... Nothing happened, not even Mephisto could bear such a blow.”

Su Ming asked Strangler to remove his armor. He moved his neck, opened his collar and looked at the bruises on his chest. He found that he was not unscathed. After all, the impact of some magic was still there, but he still smiled. road:

"Press f to enter the tank, you can too."

The former southern officer shrugged and shook his head. He knew this was a death knell and didn't intend to say it, but was it necessary to tell lies?

What tank? Where are the tanks?

"Okay, don't worry about the details. When the mission is over, I'll treat you to a bath. Who do you like in Hollywood? I'll invite them all for you to make you happy." Su Ming smiled and patted Parham on the shoulder. , bypassing him, taking the lead and drifting towards the small village from where they came.

I guess Parham and Geralt have something in common. They both like to take baths.

"It's a deal."

A smile appeared on Parham's usually calm face. Hundreds of years of life as a Ghost Rider made him want to find the feeling of being alive.

In fact, he doesn't like female celebrities. What he likes more is the cheapest wandering girl in a roadside hotel, just like his former lover...

But the reality is this, she is dead, and the others are not her, and there is nothing worth choosing. Apart from his vengeful rage, he couldn't tell how much of a human he was.

Ciri, who didn't know why, sighed. She just felt that she had entered the rhythm of the demon hunter's mission again.

Accepting quests, killing monsters, collecting money, and taking a shower, she and Geralt have always lived like this, and now it's the same with Deathstroke. It's like this endless cycle. Is life just repeating itself like this?

She thoughtfully activated Flash and was the first to return to the enemy base.

Originally this place was a mountain, and the red earth was very solid. Jibo's men, together with the Nazi's warlock commando team, dug out several entrances here, and then lived in the mountain.

Anyway, Ciri felt that from a distance, this place looked like a large grave mound, but Deathstroke didn't talk about a small base, which was really strange.

Just in case, she drew her poison-quenched steel sword, stepped over the corpse in front of the door, and walked into the mountain.

Passing through the gate is a very wide tunnel, like the trunk of a tree, which extends in all directions and connects to other directions.

There was an extremely bright giant electric light above her head, and there was a faint moist smell in the air. The weak air flow was like a small animal licking her exposed skin with a cool little tongue. The cold environment made her feel cool. A lot.

To be honest, she found it quite interesting to go from Paris in the winter, to the warm fairy palace, and then to the hot mountains in just a few minutes.

"Huh? Are there really tanks here?"

Seeing that there was indeed no one alive, Shirley jumped up and ran towards the tank at the end of the tunnel.

Deathstroke and the others were thrown to the door here by the Rainbow Bridge from the very beginning. Under the surprise attack, the opponent was unable to form effective resistance at all and could only retreat through the other door. As a result, Deathstroke chased them to death, which was very miserable.

As for finding information, let Deathstroke do it. She just wants to drive the tank for a ride now.

While she was going to refuel the tank, Su Ming and Parham also entered the giant bunker.

To be honest, if Heimdall's eyes were not sharp enough, the satellite might not be able to tell that there is such a huge mountain-like building hidden here.

But at this point, the shortcomings of leading Parham and Ciri are also reflected. They are not people who can patiently look for clues.

The officer didn't know what Deathstroke was looking for. He didn't know much about things like magic and technology. Xili, on the other hand, kept slipping away due to lack of concentration. In the end, Su Ming had to search the places she searched in person, which was a waste of time.

On the Marvel side, there are very few superheroes who are as professional as support players like Xiao Fu, Steel Armor, and Barry. Before Natasha or Wang grew up, Su Ming had to rely on himself for a long time.

"Well...waste paper, leftovers, kitchen waste, this is a garbage disposal facility." Su Ming roughly rummaged through the things in the iron pool, and then led Parham to search the next room with no interest.

"Garbage disposal? Wouldn't it be more convenient to throw it in the wilderness to feed wild beasts and insects?" Parham was a little confused.

"Maybe they need biogas. Speaking of which, it's a clean energy source." Su Ming pushed open the next door indifferently, and then turned on the light. No matter whether Jibo was environmentally aware or a money-mad, he would eventually die.

"This is the collective dining room and kitchen, it's obvious." Parham pointed to the big pot and stove over there, holding his black horse in his hand.

"It doesn't matter, take your time, just help me pay attention to where there are secret rooms. According to my experience, these bad guys have ghosts in their hearts, and they like to arrange some secret rooms in their lair to store secrets. Find there, The problem is solved.”

Su Ming exited the room again, without feeling anything different inside.

"Is that so, will it be above our heads?" Parham pointed to the top of his head: "Since this is a space carved out of a mountain, it is impossible for our heads to be covered with rocks. Otherwise, based on the area, The surrounding columns and walls cannot support that much weight.”

Su Ming raised his head and looked at the bright electric light. It was really hard to see clearly from the ground: "Good suggestion, I'll go take a look. Keep an eye on Xili and don't let her fire."

He did not fly up immediately, but circled around the spacious main tunnel and found a very hidden elevator that looked like an ordinary rock wall.

Not only did he have the option of going up, he also had the option of going down. After thinking about it, he chose down first.

No reason, it just felt friendly downwards, probably a dark resonance, he felt there was something there.

The result is that there is indeed. In the dark and gloomy dungeon downstairs, there is a giant magic laboratory for studying human-demon hybrid creatures. There are many creatures that look like humans, but their facial features and skin are not human at all, like slaughtered skinless creatures. Livestock are also hung on hooks and displayed everywhere.

As the elevator door opened, these bodies swayed slowly in the darkness. The dazzling pale white made Su Ming squint his eyes.

"You really have a big game, Jibo..."

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