The Death Knell

Chapter 1010? Search

There is nothing to say. In fact, Kama Taj and the three major temples have similar laboratories, but they are not as extreme and they do not use people for experiments.

Except for the London Temple, but Merlin's experiments never killed anyone.

On Jibo's side, I don't know why he was so generous. Just at a glance, there were hundreds of suspected human corpses.

But what’s the point of just hanging it like this, drying in the corridor?

Will they be resurrected? Or is he waiting in the form of a physical body to be possessed by the demon soul to replenish the resources of the Warlock Commando?

But according to theory, demon souls cannot drive the body of the dead. That is the realm of the undead and is incompatible with demonology.


Su Ming walked over and reached under the nose of a corpse...

Suddenly the corpse opened its eyes and opened its mouth to bite his finger, twisting around on the iron frame like a fish that had swallowed bait.

"Hiss! Haha!!"

The flesh made a viper-like sound because the trachea was leaking air.

If it weren't for the huge iron hook behind him hanging through his neck, and all kinds of messy things flying from the wound as he struggled, he would really be no different from a living person.

"Well, it is indeed a voodoo corpse." Su Ming retracted his finger.

So, Xiao obtained mushrooms from Africa, and then used Feng Mo and the Warlock Commando to build a bridge and hooked up Jibo, the archmage, to prepare for his ambitious plan.

Jibo cultivated the mushrooms magically here, and then handed them over to the head of state in exchange for the clear command and material support of the Warlock Commando, intending to hold back and welcome Karu to come again and overthrow Kama Taj.

And through Gibo's intermediary, the head of state can also obtain financial support from certain people in Hellfire, because Sebastian is actually very rich.

One wants money, one wants power, and the other wants power. These three people are a perfect match.

In this way, it makes sense. Although it is a bit circuitous, this is the scene after the three different forces use each other.

Sometimes our vision is limited and we will only look for solutions within the framework of allies, and many things will not seem particularly reasonable or ideal.

Just like Zhenglian, they know that sometimes some problems may be easier to solve with magic, but out of the idea that it is better to let their own people contribute than to use outsiders, they would rather send Superman or Barry to send a wave.

Now the only questions in front of Su Ming are the last few points.

If Gibo's voodoo mushrooms came from Shaw, then how did Shaw, a British man, know that such mushrooms existed in Africa?

Also, where is the head of state hiding now, and where is his memory backup? And who built his various robots, large and small?

Looking at it this way, it seems that there should be an ally or subordinate on the Führer's side who has no agenda. This is very interesting.

Are they bystanders looking to have fun? Su Ming does know that there are so many people in today's world.

Walking through the noisy corridor, Su Ming didn't even pay attention to the resurrected corpses roaring on the shelf. They were just living corpses filled with beast souls. Their weapons only had nails and teeth. There was nothing to worry about.

However, this scene had a sense of immediacy like zombies emerging from the cage, which made Su Ming feel nostalgic.

Now that I have entered Jibo's laboratory, I naturally want to see the progress of his research. The disgusting things will be destroyed, and the useful ones will be brought back to Kama Taj for Monaco to study.

After all, they are all practicing black magic. Maybe it can inspire the Magic Prince?

You always ask others to contribute, so you have to give him a taste of the sweetness. The Magic Prince regards money as dirt, and the only things he cares about are his beard and rabbits. Su Ming also wants to cultivate more hobbies for him.

So Strangler helped him search for things, Cloak continued to search for magic materials and props as always, and Su Ming quickly flipped through the various magic books and experimental records here.

It has to be said that Jibo actually researched something that seems to be useful, such as a potion.

The voodoo corpses here are a step further in terms of magic than the controlled US military. They can almost be said to be genuine voodoo, but they are corpses after all. As time goes by, they will always lose their skin or nails and teeth. Problem, it is difficult to blend into society to carry out some secret tasks.

So Jibo invented a magic potion that could restart the body's metabolic mechanism and make the nails and teeth of the deceased grow back, as well as the skin. The formula clearly stated a very clear point - 'A trace amount of self-healing mutant blood. ’

This trace made Su Ming sneer, and he was more convinced about the helper of the other head of state.

It is said to be useful. Maybe after some research and modification by Monaco, this thing can be used on living people? At least there are always people who want to grow teeth or skin again, right?

Well, after researching it, we can find a way to mass-produce it and let Holloway sell it under his name, which can be regarded as an income.

In this era, ice pick therapy is regarded as an effective treatment method, let alone any medicine that can help people grow teeth. People in this era are very willing to believe in 'scientific miracles', which is far less powerful than in later generations. Anti-fraud mentality.

Simple, just like the residents of Gotham.

Unfortunately, after looking through it for a long time, the most useful information was the potion. Jibo's other experiments or inventions seemed a bit too absurd, even full of evil and madness in the eyes of normal people.

Su Ming asked himself that he was well-informed, but he still couldn't figure out what role Jibo could use to transplant human heads to kangaroos through magic?

And he wants to transform the kangaroo so that it can grow wings? At the same time, it can exhaust gas like a skunk and use biochemical attacks?

What is all this mess? Gibbert seemed to be quite crazy when he was doing the experiment.

Apart from knowing that this base is located in the hinterland of Australia and has kangaroos that can be used for experiments, the conclusion of this experiment is of no use.

There are the most demonology experimental reports here, which are also the most useless. Jibo seems to be using various experiments and reasoning to study why demons do not die in the main dimension, but their souls return to the hell plane to be reborn.

The topic is good, it involves the balance theory of souls in hell, but what is there to study? Just ask Mephisto or any demon king and you will know the answer!

So in the end, Su Ming only recovered a few magic books, a few potion samples, and a formula here. Most of the things were garbage in his opinion.

Even Cloak, a little expert who could scrape the ground three feet in the past and sniff out where magic items were buried like a hound, didn't find much gain from here.

I found two magic rings and some low-level materials with energy. The other black magic and voodoo materials were too dirty, even dirtier than Deadpool, and Cloak didn't want to touch them.

"Since the clue is not underground, then it is upstairs. It doesn't mean we have found nothing. Hey, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are. Let's make do with it."

Su Ming walked through the noisy group of corpses again, talked to Strangler easily, and pressed the button to close the elevator door.

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