The Death Knell

Chapter 1016? Taking Howard on a blind date

"How's it going? Have you seen the person I asked to guide you?"

Seeing Deathstroke walking into the office, Howard took a rare moment of seriousness and asked what happened outside.

"Well, that's right. The smell of their blood helped me find the location of Romulus. Overall, the results were good." Su Ming carried Howard to the toilet, and two female agents came towards him.

Seeing the combination of the two, they were stunned for a moment, then covered their mouths and ran away while suppressing laughter.

"Hey! It's not what you think! Come back, I'll treat you to dinner tonight! Let you know my hobbies!" Howard was grabbed by the collar, and he reached out to the two women in vain, as if he wanted to keep them of feet.

"Don't worry about the details. Remember our agreement. You already have a wife. Do you still care about what others think?" Su Ming took Howard back to the women's room and closed the door.

Howard covered his face with his hands in great distress: "These are completely different things. Even if I am a genius and can care less about other people's eyes, it will not sound good if it is spread out!"

"You don't have a good reputation anyway." Su Ming crossed his arms.

"That's true." Howard put down his hand, he was no longer in pain: "So the people I'm looking for are dead?"

"Probably, all the bones in the body are broken. Ordinary people would be hurt to death." Su Ming looked at the foggy mirror on the sink. Next to the original two little figures, someone had drawn two more figures. One, with a picture of an eight-legged insect drawn on the corner of the mirror: "Are they valuable to you?"

"What importance do the Japanese have to us?" Howard waved his hands indifferently. He also looked at the little man on the mirror, thoughtfully: "They are just a few family members with some influence, hoping to get Stark Industries. You’re just a fool who has the right to sell products, are you done with your work?”

"Now I'm just waiting for your report on domestic spies and the results of Zola's experiment. I've prepared a beauty for Mustache. This beauty won't stop until she eats his soul. I can prepare for my vacation now."

Su Ming moved his neck and made a clicking sound. Very good, the cobweb girls lurking inside the SSR have received instructions, and they will follow up on Zora's clues.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary female agent just snicker when she encounters a demon like Deathstroke grabbing Howard in the corridor and not come up to ask?

The answer is of course our own people.

I accidentally saw Gin and Natasha on Mount Fuji. They should go to their base closest to Japan next, which is Hawaii. There is a relatively important stronghold for Su Ming in the Marvel world. Not only does it have the Spider Web Headquarters, a private beach for vacation, but also hundreds of acres of pineapple fields.

"Domestic matters are more complicated. It's best to let the SSR and the military handle it... I made a few calls and checked Faust's previous interactions, and the answer I got was that it might be related to the vice president. There are also some people in Congress and even many people in ICON who have problems."

Howard frowned. Although he seemed frivolous, he was actually always very clear-headed.

ICON is commonly known as the "Project Paperclip Executive Committee". It was this plan that introduced many Nazi scientists to the United States after the war, hoping that their talents could be used by the United States. But after ICON was also infiltrated by Hydra, only God knows how this plan will be implemented.

Comparing it now, Zola, who joined the SSR directly because he was captured, is now very clean in Howard's eyes.

However, even if he guessed that there was something wrong with ICON, Howard couldn't tell him. Otherwise, the United States, which is now under a comprehensive attack, will definitely thoroughly cleanse all the scientists brought by Project Paperclip, which will implicate many innocent people.

Howard considers himself not a good person, but as a scientist, he needs to be responsible for the future. It's easy to kill a scientist, but the deceased's possible contribution to the future will never be seen again.

It’s best to be patient and screen slowly.

"Well, it seems that the source of the materials for launching the attack is the Americans themselves. The head of state played a good game." Su Ming smiled and made a few comments: "So be it, you don't have all women in mind."

Howard adjusted his collar: "That's right, I have a wife now. When will you pay me?"

"Ah? Although we can have a holiday now, are you so impatient?" Su Ming deliberately teased him.

"Nonsense, I put in my labor and connections, and a few of my men died. Of course I need to be paid." Howard's mustache drooped, and his face was as straight as a horse's. Could Deathstroke want to default on his debt?

"Didn't you say that those Japanese people are nothing to you? Why did they suddenly become your subordinates now?" Su Ming hooked his neck and the two of them walked out of the door.

Howard straightened his face and looked like a conscientious entrepreneur: "I just thought about it, after all, people died because of doing things for me. After all, it is still a life. I decided to posthumously award them the honorary non-staff employee of Stark Industries. Title, giving their families a pension of $200 per family.”

"Wow, you are so generous." Su Ming said teasingly.

Howard curled his lips and squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Well, 200 US dollars is enough to buy a Wilson Enterprises bicycle in Japan. Let's not talk about it. Are you allowed to shear the wool of the defeated country?"

Su Ming shrugged. Who said that Japan now thinks that American products are all good? Even if they lose the war, there are still wealthy people pursuing "international famous brands". Isn't it normal to raise prices in Japan at this time? The pricing of products must reflect different levels. Even if the paint is different, the price will be very different, so that we can capture the market from all levels.

What's the difference between a $10 and a $200 bike? Then let the consumers taste it themselves.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there. I've already had her location determined before. See how anxious you are."

"Hehe, what do you think of me now?" Howard got out from under Deathstroke's arm, took off his white coat and threw it into the corridor. He arranged the suit inside and tightened his tie.

"Hmm... wretched, very wretched." Su Ming tilted his head and thought for a moment. Facing Howard, whose face was filled with joy, he could only think of this word.

Howard rolled his eyes and slumped his shoulders: "Man, I know you are jealous of my handsome appearance and my charming personality, but I am facing a huge test in life now, so you should be more serious!"

"Okay, as long as you don't smile or talk, you'll be fine, but your hair is a bit messy." Su Ming sighed and comforted him.

Howard spat into his palm and wiped his hair: "What now?"

"Hey! Stay away from me!" Su Ming grinned, feeling so sick. Wouldn't it freeze if we went out like this in winter?


"Why do I feel like this is heading to Long Island?"

Sitting in the car, Howard felt that the road was becoming more and more familiar.

After leaving Camp Caspian with Howard, they flew to a deserted place in the suburbs of New York. Su Ming also removed his armor and returned to his appearance in a trench coat and suit.

There were riots in New York City last night, so a lot of people were trying to escape there, but it was dark and the roads were slippery, so driving always had problems.

Su Ming picked up a car on the roadside in the suburbs, repaired it reluctantly, and took Howard on the road.

Walking through the war-torn New York City, passing the Manhattan Bridge and Grand Legion Square, you can see post-war scenes everywhere. Some police officers ventured onto the streets to maintain order, while the remaining toppled televisions in roadside shops were playing news and videos in turn. What officials think.

After passing New Hyde Park in the east part of Queens, the damage to the road surface and surrounding buildings became smaller and smaller until they were gradually invisible and everything was as before.

Rural scenery gradually appeared on both sides of the car window, and the snowy farmland looked so clean.

"It's indeed the direction of Long Island, but to be more specific, our destination is Southampton." Su Ming, who was driving, answered Howard's question easily. He hadn't driven for a long time, so the slow pace was not bad.

"Southampton, East Hampton, Montauk..." Howard recalled the map with his fingers, and suddenly turned his head: "Your college is in Montauk, isn't it just across from your hometown? A town? You wouldn't just find someone to fool me, would you?"

Su Ming raised an eyebrow and pushed Howard away angrily: "How boring do you think I have to be to fool you? Believe it or not, if you can't believe it, then go to Hollywood to find your true love."

"No, I don't mean not to believe it, I'm just a little nervous." Howard rubbed his hands and continued to smooth his hair.

"Don't worry, she's very nice, no need to be nervous." Su Ming replied calmly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car passed through a series of small potholes on the road. Howard's hairstyle and the roof of the car made another series of contacts. .

The hairstyle was messed up again, so Howard helplessly continued to repair it with saliva, while Su Ming secretly suppressed a smile.

The car drove for another half an hour and finally stopped in front of a manor on a snowy road. Su Ming turned off the old car and abandoned it: "Okay, this is it."

"This is the only family on the entire Viandres Road. The Old Town Lake is in her backyard. The house is like a country version of the Louvre. You didn't say she was a super rich woman." Howard, an upstart from the war, stood on I felt even more nervous in front of the manor, which looked very well-established at first glance.

"Oh? Didn't I say that? Maybe I thought that a genius like you doesn't care about money." Su Ming took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it leisurely, and leaned against the door of his house: "Her name is Ma Maria Collins Carbonell, do you know anything about this last name?”

"Who do you think I am? A genius? Although I am a physicist, my foreign language is surprisingly good. If it is Cabona, then it is French, and if it is Cabona, it is Hispanic."

Howard became unconvinced and spoke the answer with his head held high, a proud smile on his face.

"Well, that's half right. Her family has been in the olive oil business since 1866, which is one of the best in the world. During the Spanish Civil War, a branch of the family came to the United States. Although I don't want to shock you too much, she Really richer than you."

Howard wiped his frost-covered hair and snorted from his nose: "You're kidding, my future is priceless. Let's go in now and let her fall under my amazing charm."

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