The Death Knell

Chapter 1017? Ice-breaking trip

Howard narrowed his eyes, feeling that his rash visit might be a bit too abrupt, and besides, he hadn't thought about how to face his future wife.

So he decided to climb over the wall.

Just sneak in secretly, take a look at what the other person looks like, and if there is a chance, eavesdrop a little bit more on the conversation to determine what kind of person they are, and then you can slip away.

Picking up girls and being a spy actually have something in common, both require gathering intelligence.

When you know what a person likes, what he hates, what he thinks, and can respond appropriately, it will be difficult to succeed in any similar actions.

Just do whatever you want, Howard has always been a straightforward person.

He raised his foot and pressed a few times on the sole of the shoe. The super suction shoe he had invented popped out from under his foot, glowing blue and started to operate.

Then he adjusted the position of his tie and walked up to the outer wall calmly, his expression so proud and unrestrained.

Su Ming just stood outside the door with his arms folded, with no intention of following him. After all, he was now an ordinary businessman, Slade, and this was the United States. It was normal to invade other people's homes and get shot.

If Howard gets shot, someone has to take him to the hospital, right?

Howard didn't know what Su Ming was thinking. He walked up the wall with devilish steps, one step at a time, stood on the wall with a look of embarrassment, turned his head and winked at Su Ming before preparing to jump down.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a little girl in the courtyard looking at him in surprise.

She was wearing a small brown coat, a pink woolen hat and gloves. Her black hair poked out from under the hat brim playfully. There was a half-stacked snowman next to her, and some plastic gadgets were scattered around.

The little girl was only eleven or twelve years old, and she seemed to be playing in the snow in a corner of the garden.


Howard's expression was a little embarrassed. Was this discovered just after it was posted on the wall? Fortunately, she is a little girl, so she can be fooled. So he said hello very friendly and squatted down on the wall to make himself look non-threatening.

It's just that the little girl just looked at his shiny shoes and quickly regained her composure from the surprise: "Why do you want to sneak into our house? Sir, looking at your clothes, you don't look like someone who is struggling to make ends meet. .”

"I'm...looking for someone." Howard thought for a moment, was he being treated as a thief? He wiped his temples uncomfortably.

He, Howard Stark, could be viewed as a genius, a lunatic, or a pervert, and he could accept all of these.

But the only thing you can't be considered is a beggar and a thief!

But looking at his family's wealth, even the garden benches are gold-plated. Maybe he is really a beggar in the eyes of the little girl.

"The door is over there if you don't leave..." The little girl pointed to the door and puffed up her chest: "You know that as long as I scream, hundreds of bodyguards will come out and shoot you, right? ?Tell me who you are looking for?"

"I'm not a bad guy. I'm Howard Stark. I'm very famous. You must have seen me on TV." Howard pointed at his face and tried to show his signature smile, just like he once appeared in Time Magazine Cover photo.

The little girl took several steps back and looked at Howard as if he were a pervert: "Are you the legendary Howard Stark who likes to go out on the street without clothes?"

Howard turned his head and made a fierce expression towards Su Ming outside the wall. It was all his fault! The last time he went to a public phone booth without any clothes on to make a call, he was hyped up by the Daily Bugle, and now even little girls know his bad reputation!

Su Ming turned his head to look at the sea in the distance, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and flicked the ashes.

"Uh! If I said it was an accident, would you believe it?" Howard had no choice but to smile again and explain to the little girl, but he didn't know that the way he was squatting on the wall was not convincing at all.

The girl's eyes became sharp, as if she had seen through everything: "I believe it, I believe you are a pervert! Just leave, or I will call someone."

"No, I'm really here to find someone, Maria Collins Carbona. She lives here, right? I'm here to find her." Howard waved his hands in a panic. He was not a pervert!

"Oh? Do you know her?" The little girl calmly picked up the small pink shovel from the ground and held it across her chest as if it were a defensive weapon.

Howard couldn't tell outsiders about magic. He could only speak vaguely: "I have never met her, but I am her admirer. I came in over the wall just to take a peek at her, you know. Yes, just like in a storybook, the prince secretly climbed up to the princess’s balcony along the rose vine at night, isn’t it very romantic?”

"Shameless! Shameless!"

The girl was not yearning for it at all. Instead, she wrinkled her little nose in disgust and took a few steps back.

Howard was a little embarrassed. Isn't this little girl too precocious? Shouldn't the average child think that the prince enters the princess's room in the middle of the night just to chat?

"It's not as bad as you think! Anyway, keep it a secret for me and let me sneak in to take a look. I'll buy you things you don't allow children to play with at home."

Howard changed the topic to inducement. Since the other party's family was rich and their education level was beyond imagination, then families with strict tutoring tend to have many rules. There must be something interesting that children are not allowed to have access to.

The little girl lowered her head, as if she was moved. The little pink glove held her chin for a moment, then she raised her head: "I want a tiger, but my family won't let me keep it. Can you buy it for me?"

Howard took a breath, Tiger? Was there any mistake? Aren’t little girls supposed to like rabbits or puppies? Why tiger?

Su Ming, who was eavesdropping outside the wall, nodded. It seemed that the little girl belonged to the cat sect, and the tiger was also a big cat, yes.

But whatever Howard wanted to accomplish, he could overcome no matter how difficult it was. He patted his chest and said, "I'll buy you a zoo. There are not only tigers, but also lions and giraffes. Can you let me in now?"

"Well, remember you promised me." The little girl nodded, turned around and ran to the garden exit, shouting towards the mansion in the distance: "Dad! There are admirers of mom who want to see her! You can!" Let him in?"

"I'll pour it!"

Howard jumped off the wall, pulled Su Ming back into the car as if he was running for his life, started the car and ran away, complaining to Su Ming while driving:

"Are you having fun teasing me? My destined wife is actually married and has a daughter?"

Su Ming smoked a cigarette with a half-smile, rolled down the passenger window and blew in the cold air: "What? Widow, you can't accept it?"

"It's not like a beautiful widow can't do it...wait, are you saying that her husband will die? Can you foresee this?" Howard's speed slowed down a bit, and he began to hesitate.

Seeing Howard being kept in the dark and worrying about gains and losses, Su Ming felt very happy. Things were not what Howard thought, but it would not be fun to tell the truth now.

"Anyway, I have brought you the place. As for what you will do in the future, I don't care. Now send me to Zhongsi Academy and have a drink together?"

Howard sighed helplessly. It seemed that this matter needed long-term consideration. The feeling of waiting for someone else's husband to die was indescribable. I feel a little despicable, but I also have some forbidden impulses, and it's all very complicated.


And just behind them, they heard the sound of cars outside the wall getting farther and farther. The little girl turned around with a smile, holding a shovel and talking to herself like a little adult: "It seems that the legendary Stark is not here either." It’s so bad, and I feel a little ashamed.”

At this time, a large group of female bodyguards walked out from various hidden places in the garden. The leading woman approached the young master, bent down, and asked in Spanish: "Miss Maria, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? I'm only twelve years old!" Maria blushed, lowered her head and rubbed the corners of her clothes.

The female bodyguard smiled and shook her head: "Mr. Stark is indeed like the legend. It's a bit ridiculous. He is still in his thirties and still comes to do this."

"No, he not only knows my name, but also knows that I live here. It's just that he doesn't know that my parents have passed away and my real age. There must be something wrong here..." The girl rubbed herself He had long black hair and a complicated expression on his face: "Anyway, send some people to keep an eye on him to see if he bought me a zoo."

"We can buy it ourselves." the bodyguard asked tentatively.

Maria put the shovel into the snow beside her and continued to build a snowman: "I know, I just want to see what kind of person he is with a very bad reputation, and whether he is the kind of man who does what he says. , can you remember what you promised a girl?"

The bodyguard bowed and left, and Maria put the snowman's head on, and then added a carrot nose, button glasses, and a bucket hat to it.

Then she looked at the snowman in a daze, as if she remembered something, and then asked her servants to go to the kitchen to find two pieces of coal, and put a ridiculous mustache on the snowman.

She blushed and exhaled a hot breath, stretched out her finger to poke the snowman's stomach, bit her lip: "Why do my admirers want to climb on my balcony... You are not ashamed, shameless, disgusting... ....”

As she spoke, she didn't know where her thoughts were going, and steam seemed to come out of her head.



When he got off the car, Howard held his waist. When he jumped over the wall, he was a little too panicked and his waist slipped out of the way. As soon as he entered the principal's office, he rubbed his hands on the sofa like a salted fish and completely lay down. .

"Howard Stark was so frightened by the little girl that he ducked. Wang, help me call the Daily Bugle and ask them to send a reporter." Su Ming poured himself a glass of wine and sat comfortably beside Wang Rang. out of the chair.

Howard gritted his teeth and sat up: "Who said that? I have nothing to do and there is no need to call. What about your previous principal? Why did you replace him with a Hollywood child star?"

Wang smiled and nodded to Howard: "The principal here used to be my father. When he retires, I will take over."

Howard's expression was strange. He looked at Su Ming: "Is your position here still hereditary?"

"Anyway, my Wilson Enterprises is different from your Stark Industries. I am not a listed company. I don't need to publish financial reports every quarter, and I don't have a board of directors to deal with. Whoever I want can do whatever I want."

Su Ming threw the bottle directly to Howard, who probably hasn't recovered yet.

Howard took the bottle and put it away without drinking: "Forget it, let's not drink for now. The city is chaotic today and many people are planning to flee New York. I have to buy a piece of land at a cheap price to build a zoo."

"Have you figured it out? Are you ready to take the daughter route?" Su Ming suppressed a smile.

Howard waved his hand and grinned as he walked towards the door: "Nothing, I just happen to want to build a zoo, and it must be unique in the world if I build it. However, if there is a child who wants to see animals, take her there. It’s okay to look at it.”

"Hmm, can't I believe it?" Su Ming gestured to the king: "Mr. Stark has difficulty moving, so send him to find a good piece of land."

Wang inserted his hands into his belt and put on the double hanging ring at the same time. Two golden rings quickly formed in the air.

Then he dragged one of them and jumped into another portal, suddenly appeared in front of Howard, and then flicked his little hand, trapping Howard like a trap.


Not sure if it was an illusion, but Su Ming seemed to hear the scream when he fell.

"Where did you send him?" Su Ming asked Xiao Wang.

"Mr. Howard said he wanted to build a zoo. The land price in New York is actually not very cost-effective, and we can't see the trees and water sources in the park this season."

Wang looked very understanding. Su Ming thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case.

If you buy land and start construction in winter, and find out in the following spring that the trees in the area are dead or there is no running water in the park, it will be a big loss.

"That's right. It seems that Hamil has taught you a lot." The Supreme Mage patted the young man on the shoulder happily.

"Geography is also a compulsory course for the Guardian clan. We must at least know what the earth we protect looks like." Wang bowed humbly and went to help Su Ming prepare lunch. When he walked out of the office, he said casually: "That's why I sent Stark off. My husband went to Cuba. The climate in the Caribbean at this time has always been pleasant."

The corner of Su Ming's mouth twitched: "Uh... okay."

Americans went to Cuba in 1955…

I hope Howard's life is strong enough to survive the SSR rescue.

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