The Death Knell

Chapter 1019? Dark storm

"The situation is like this now. Thanks to the intervention of the mysterious man, he killed all the rebel guards, leaving us with room to deal with it."

At this time, in a room in the Pentagon that was so secure that even cockroaches couldn't get in, some people wearing military uniforms, high-ranking military ranks and identification tags were talking.

The lights were intentionally dimmed so that participants could not clearly see their expressions during the meeting.

At one end of the long solid wood table, a man who was obviously a senior official nodded imperceptibly. After listening to the staff's analysis, he was very satisfied.

"Very good. Someone has happened to be accused of the massacre. It doesn't matter if the other party doesn't have clear photos. Anyway, let's issue a nationwide wanted notice first and notify our NATO allies to let them also want this person."

"This mysterious man can manipulate metal. Let's just say he is a foreign mutant on the wanted notice. Then the people in the country will have nothing to say." From the darkness in another place, a smiling voice came.

Who knows what the other party's ability to control metal flying around is, but as long as the military says they are mutants and foreign destructive forces, then it must be it.

"For the wanted order, just find someone to make a portrait. It doesn't matter if they look like it or not. In short, it's good to have an explanation. The more troublesome problem we have now is Captain America. His murder video was exposed by Mustache, and those who don't think it's a big deal The media has spread the news, which will affect the image of our military and even further affect the fiscal budget for the coming year."

The leader ended the previous discussion, and the matter was settled. The next topic was about Captain America.

"This is indeed a trouble. People wearing national flags massacred our own people. This has a great impact on our reputation." Another dark figure said.

At this time, the person across the table made a suggestion: "Is it possible to ask Hollywood to cooperate with us and record the process again, saying that the leaked footage is a movie clip."

"The idea is good, but the captain will not cooperate with us." The leading general said, he denied this statement.

The officer who made the suggestion smiled: "It doesn't matter if the captain doesn't cooperate. We still have an impostor, right? He always obeys orders and is a perfect soldier."

"...Okay, let's contact the middleman to do it. Don't let people see that we are behind it." The general made a decision very simply: "But we must prepare a backup plan. If the people don't buy it, We are going to push the body of the fake captain out and say that he did everything, that he is a Nazi spy and has nothing to do with our Steve."

Putting the blame on the dead has always been effective. As for which one, William or Steve, will be sacrificed? Is it even necessary to think about it?

Behind Steve are a large group of SSR colleagues, and even vaguely cared for by monsters like Deathstroke.

And what about William? No shit, maybe he had some comrades in arms before, but after he became Steve's substitute, the previous interpersonal relationships disappeared.

It has nothing to do with ability or combat effectiveness. If you want to choose someone to eliminate public anger, naturally choose someone who has no foundation and no side effects.

"It's easy, just do some tricks while filming, and everything will be arranged." The staff below seemed to have a plan, or they had a plan in advance. After all, they were the ones who researched the new serum.

"As a stand-in, he was originally used to die for Captain America. I believe he knows and understands our decision."

"Humph, he is a soldier. He just needs to obey the arrangements. It is his honor to die for Captain America. If he didn't originally look like Steve, plastic surgery would be easier. He thought that the generous salary over the years would be Why did the treatment fall on him?"

The officers below started a discussion, but most of them agreed with the leader's decision. The person who said nothing at this time was noticed by the admiral, and it meant that he would go ahead in the future. Narrow.

The admiral knocked on the table. The dark military uniform on his body looked like black: "Okay, that's it. In this case, we will select suitable candidates from the army and prepare the serum. After all, we will still be Need ‘Captain America’.”

"When the limelight passes, we can consider mass-producing Captain America, one for each state." Someone immediately started to praise with a smile.

"As long as the serum production can keep up, it's no problem to arrange one in every town." Someone else took up the conversation, with a more vicious tone: "But this incident also reminded us that we now have little regard for Steve. I have some concerns, so the next batch of Captain America should not undergo plastic surgery or name change, but let them operate under their real names, and they should choose the ones who are very handsome."

The dark figure in the corner of the long table answered: "Well, once their own reputation and role surpass Steve's and become stars after the war, then Steve will be of no use to us and can be eliminated... ..”

"Don't we need to consider the Howling Commandos of the SSR? They have a good relationship with Steve. If we want to attack Steve in the future, they may be a potential threat." Someone raised objections.

Someone soon said disdainfully: "The Howling Commandos are ordinary soldiers. They don't know anything. The only smart one is the black animal named Fury, but who wants to believe him? Niggers are all liars." Robbers, gangsters and criminals can even be dealt with if necessary.”

"Yes, the black beasts are supposed to be picking cotton in the fields. They have been making a fuss about 'demanding equality' recently, so why not find an opportunity..."

"Dealing with that black priest is the FBI's business. I heard that Edgar Hoover's patience has almost reached its limit. We just have to wait. If necessary, we can launch the 'Broken Arrow Project'. It just happened to be lost." Then one or two nuclear missiles.”

Seeing that there was no serious business, everyone began to look to the future. The leading general knocked on the table and stood up: "Start preparing for action. Now it is better to do the things in front of you. I have to go to the press conference to meet with the reporters. Gentlemen , our super soldier army will occupy the whole world for us in the future, and we will all be real heroes by then! Adjourn!"

He picked up his military cap from the table, nodded to everyone, and quickly left the conference room.

Naturally, the people who saluted didn't have any objections. After the admiral left, there were only two people left in the dark conference room.

One is the Army Major General's staff officer who just proposed to get rid of William and Steve, and is the popular person in front of the General; the other is the Air Force Colonel who has been silent from beginning to end, and is considered by everyone to be on a narrow road.

The two people, who usually seemed to have nothing to do with each other, shook hands quickly before going out together and whispered to each other at a very fast speed:

"Getting our place in the world." X2.

Then the two of them went out and walked in different directions in the long corridor. The lights dragged their silhouettes very long, and their mission had just begun.


"Admiral! Admiral! Please listen to what I have to say."

The general who was busy walking towards the press conference room suddenly heard someone calling him, but if the short figure hadn't been held in the hands of the guards like a rag doll, he might not have been able to see the dwarf.

Because the person who was arrested was a dwarf, he looked a little funny no matter what he was wearing, not to mention that this person was wearing an ill-fitting tweed suit, a red tie, and large spectacle frames that almost covered half of his face. It looks like it came out of some junkyard.

His hair was very long and had not been combed. It was greasy and messy. At this time, he was still holding a document tightly and struggling in the guard's hand.

"Young man, you are very unfamiliar. How did you get into the Pentagon?"

The admiral glanced at his watch. He still had a few minutes. He was amused by the dwarf's ridiculous behavior and high-pitched voice and decided to have a few words with him.

Seeing the admiral speak, the dwarf suddenly felt emboldened. He slapped the guards' hands away, raised his chin and straightened his suit: "The Pentagon's defense is not rigorous for a genius like me. "

"Did he get in through the ventilation duct? Yes, he has a height advantage, hahaha."

"Haha, that makes sense."


The officers behind the admiral did not take the dwarf seriously, and their whispers to each other became significantly louder.

The dwarf was very calm. This was the opportunity he had waited for so hard, and it was impossible for him to give up just because of a little cynicism. When his plan succeeds, he will become the richest man in the world and a world-famous scientist. By then, these soldiers and politicians will only be able to look up at his chin.

"General, I am Bolivar Trask, a scientist who specializes in physics and biology. I am here to save our country."

"Oh? I thought that was the task of our soldiers."

The admiral smiled and said that the other person was like a refrigerator salesman, always likes to exaggerate.

After Bolivar opened his mouth, the general understood that it was nothing more than a scientist taking a project he thought was valuable and trying to get the military to purchase it.

Thinking of this, the admiral had lost interest. He waved his hand and planned to turn around and leave.

Of course, the guards must carry the dwarf out.

"It is the military's responsibility to destroy the enemy, and I am just here to provide new weapons! Weapons specifically designed to destroy mutants!"

Seeing that the guards were gathering around him again, the dwarf opened the folder in his hand, raised the beautiful design inside above his head, and displayed it in front of the admiral.

The admiral originally just glanced at it casually, but this glance made him stop.

He came closer, took the document, and looked at the design drawings of a robot as tall as a six-story building, made entirely of metal, with various parameters and weapons to deal with various mutants.

"Young man, is this a giant robot you designed? Is it a weapon?"

After seeing the Führer's giant robot last night, the general felt that the U.S. military must also have its own giant robot.

Bolivar nodded, smiled, adjusted his glasses, and sniffed hard. He knew that the powerful general was already interested in this weapon: "Yes, a weapon with infinite power. This time it happened to us. We’ve all seen what’s going on in the country, that freak who can control metal must be a mutant!”

"Oh? Are you familiar with those freaks?"

The general's interest became even greater. The other party's judgment coincided with the plan just now in the conference room. Regardless of whether what the dwarf who claimed to be a scientist said was true or false, there were people in the scientific community who supported the theory that "mutants are a threat." Just fine.

With a homeland threat, finances must be tilted toward the military, and everyone in the Pentagon can live a good life.

Bolivar's face twisted, and he began to express his opinions in front of the general with saliva.

"It's these monsters that disrupt our happy life! Let the people live in danger all the time! My family were all victims of the New York fire that year, and that was what mutants did! I saw with my own eyes a burning man from the sky Flying by, I was the only dwarf child in a building to survive! From then on, while working in the circus to make a living, I taught myself all kinds of scientific knowledge, for decades, just for revenge!"

"But we have enough troops and weapons and equipment to deal with mutants." The general flipped through the documents in his hand. The information here was very incomplete. It seemed that the dwarf had saved something. He was not a stupid scientist.

Bolivar pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, flicked his hair, and stretched out his stubby fingers:

"That's for the mutants who have been exposed, but what about the unexposed ones? They will mix among humans, and those dirty beasts will use their X genes to breed with ordinary people, thereby contaminating our human genes and gradually Let’s assimilate! According to my calculations, as long as the total number of mutants accounts for 12% of the earth’s total population, humanity will move towards inevitable extinction!”


Now that geneticists have proposed this point of view, the general is horrified to think about it. This is chronic murder!

"That's what I want to say, General, please look at my invention! It can dig out those mutant rats from the holes everywhere and hang them all under the street lamps. For the sake of a pure world, the earth of mankind Long live!"

Bolivar was foaming at the mouth in excitement and waving his limbs wildly, which made many able-bodied people around him feel fear.

When a person does some shady things out of interests and benefits, everyone can often accept it. This is called darkness. Wherever there is light in human society, there is also darkness.

And people like this who do anything for revenge or belief are called crazy. Normal people tend to be afraid of madmen because they are unpredictable.

The admiral held his shoulders and signaled him to calm down. After all, this is a corridor with people coming and going: "Young man, I am going to attend a press conference now to deal with what happened yesterday. You go to mine first. Wait for me in the office, we will discuss the details later, by the way, your robot is very good, does it have a name?"

Bolivar wiped the foam from the corner of his mouth, smiled and bowed slightly, knowing how to express his position: "Of course, General, it is called the 'Sentinel' robot, and it will be a loyal defender of the United States."

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