The Death Knell

Chapter 1020? Brainwashing


Steve, who was looking at the patterns on the shield on the side of the road, raised his head. The sound of a car horn not far away woke him up from his meditation again. He saw the people in the car looking at him.

Decades have passed, and this man's appearance has not changed at all. The short stubble, and the one eye covered by a black leather eyepatch, although it seems very intimidating to outsiders, Steve only It feels kind and welcoming.

"Godfather." Steve stood up, his head and shoulders slumped, and he even felt ashamed to see others.

"Get in the car, kid." Su Ming waved to him and opened the passenger door.

This car was also picked up, but from someone else's house. Strangler is very good at changing keys. He only needs to let his body flow into the keyhole and then harden it.

"I'm waiting for Peggy, she's still at the White House." Steve pointed to the other side of the road, where the Stars and Stripes were still flying on the ruins.

"She can't be lost. It's not like you two are so inseparable. You have to keep an eye on her wherever she goes, right?" Su Ming showed a helpless smile. At least these days, Paige must not have time. Now SSR and The dispute between the Federation and the military depends on her.

Whether we can obtain better conditions for reorganization after disbandment is very important to everyone in SSR. Because of the invasion by Mustache and Hydra, SSR has taken the blame. All Paige can do is find a way to seal the coffin in Congress. Before reaching a conclusion, let the blame go.

As for whether to give it to the FBI, CIA, or other departments, it depends on whether she can get their handle or pay a suitable price.

The director of SSR was proven to be a spy and is now dead. Other senior officials also suffered heavy losses in the rebellion at Camp Caspian headquarters. Now the only people who can speak are Captain America, Agent 13, Howard and Fury.

Steve is autistic; Howard... is traveling; Fury is a black man.

Then the only way to communicate with the upper management is through Peggy.

This will inevitably involve a lot of intrigue and exchange of interests, and it will definitely take a lot of time.

It's not troublesome to suffer a loss. According to Su Ming's experience, it is really troublesome to share the pot after a loss.

No matter what kind of organization it is, big or small, if it wants to be stable, it must have someone who takes the blame.

The reason why the Justice League is relatively stable is because Flash, Bat and Superman are all good at taking the blame, and the three of them often compete to take the blame. Once the Justice League suffers a loss, the first thing the three of them say in a meeting is often: "It's my fault. "

If you take the blame first and then discuss how to solve the problem, everyone will have less psychological burden.

On Marvel's side, the Avengers have had several civil wars, the mutants have had several civil wars, and even Hydra has had a civil war. This was mostly due to poor communication and wanting to pass the blame. No one took the blame, so there was a lot of tension between them. unhappy.

Anyway, in Su Ming's opinion, the only good way to solve this problem is not to let yourself suffer in the first place.

Steve looked at the ruins not far away, and then at the eyes of the people in the car. He smiled bitterly, and got into the passenger seat obediently, letting Mr. Wilson start the car and drive him in an unknown direction.

In fact, Su Ming came to see Steve partly to see how he was doing, but also to protect him. The United States needs heroes during wartime, but in today's Cold War era, the heroes it needs are preferably unknown heroes.

Steve is so famous that maybe for some people, he is a bit of an eyesore.

However, having a big capitalist like himself give him a platform is somewhat intimidating. This is the power of wealth.

"I watched TV, so I came here to see you." Su Ming talked to Steve while driving.

Now without paying attention, Steve was looking at his shield in a daze, as if he was greatly shaken.

how to say? It can probably only be said that it is a side effect of the serum, 'the good is better, the bad is worse'. In fact, to put it bluntly, Su Ming feels that Dr. Erskine's serum amplifies the trait of 'stubbornness' in disguise, so that the brain will not be anxious. Turned.

From a positive perspective, it can be said that he has strong willpower and is determined. But to use a derogatory word, it means stubborn.

Steve and Red Skull are both typical examples. Two known users of the SSS serum, both are extremely stubborn and accept death.

"I killed the wrong person. I don't deserve to be a hero."

Captain America sighed, looking very decadent, but at the same time he looked at Su Ming with hopeful eyes, wanting to hear the godfather's opinion.

After all, he is an elder.

Su Ming had expected this. He took out two cigars and threw one to Steve. Captain America said that it wouldn't work if he didn't smoke, so Su Ming forced the cigarette into his mouth and lit it.

"You killed a lot of Americans. I saw it on TV, but in my opinion, it's not a problem." Su Ming took back the lighter with satisfaction and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Ahem..." Steve just coughed, his face wrinkled.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and he forced Steve to smoke, or a cigar, naturally because it was a specially made and flavored version of Hydra!

Those fools planned to use this cigar to control Dr. King, but they were cut off by Deathstroke and the cigar fell into his hands. After all, it was a specialty product, and it still had the W logo of Wilson Enterprises on it, so he kept it just to arrange it for Steve now.

Steve was so stubborn that Su Ming might not be able to persuade him even if he tried to dry his mouth, so he might as well just give him the medicine.

Simple and crude, effective.

Thanks to the SSS serum, Captain America has a fast metabolism, but as long as he holds this 'mushroom smoke' in his mouth, the medicine will take effect quickly.

Steve doesn't usually smoke, so he naturally doesn't know what a normal cigar tastes like, nor does he care about why there is a gap in the cigar that looks like it has been pierced by a knife. This thing does not need to be sucked into the mouth, just held in the mouth. If you inhale the spores in your mouth or nose, you are infected.

So in just a few seconds, Steve's eyes became confused.

"Raise your hand." Su Ming first tested the effect.

Sure enough, Steve held the shield with both hands, raising it like a pot.

"Well, lift your feet."

So Steve put his feet up again.

Seeing that the effect is good, Su Ming can execute his plan within the burning time of the cigar.

He began to teach Steve how to speak like he was teaching elementary school Chinese: "Next, read after me - a hero has to fight the bad guys and save the good people."

"...Fight the bad guys and save the good guys." Steve repeated blankly.

"Among Americans, there are bad guys and good guys." Although things are not that simple, and it is difficult to judge whether people are good or bad, only if it is said simply enough can a mind like Steve understand it.

"...There are bad guys and good guys." Steve repeated with a blank stare.

Su Ming taught again: "I killed all bad guys. Although they are all Americans, I did nothing wrong."

"...I did nothing wrong." Steve repeated.

"Very good, repeat these words a hundred times." Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. Children can be taught. Washing the brain is easier than washing clothes.

"Good, repeat these words a hundred times." Steve actually 'repeated' this sentence.

"No, I didn't ask you to repeat this sentence!" Su Ming's hand holding the cigarette paused and scratched his head.

"No, I didn't ask you to repeat this!" Steve even sounded like him.

Su Ming sighed. Although it was not going well, he just had to read it hundreds of times with Steve...

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