The Death Knell

Chapter 1021? Visitors from outer space

"It's not my fault, they were bad people and they were doing bad things and I just stopped them?"

Half an hour later, Steve was still a little confused. Su Ming pulled the tail of the loaded cigar out of his mouth, threw it out of the car window, and watched the cigarette butt fall into the Potomac River, which leads directly to the sea.

"Yes, that's right. If you can speak, speak more."

Su Ming looked at his results with a smile. Didn't this turn the desperate Steve around?

Although Steve wears a Stars and Stripes uniform, he likes to go against the United States more often. He will not participate in wars that he considers to be unjust, nor will he do tasks that are obviously dark. It can be said that at a higher level interventionist.

He tries to make the world a better place with his simple moral values, which is his fundamental motivation for becoming a superhero.

Very subjective and stubborn, but as long as there is a way to 'persuade' him, then there is no need to worry about anything going wrong with him.

Now the good news is – mushrooms are plentiful.

Steve shook his head. He felt a little dazed, but he felt much better. He knew that he was not wrong, he just killed some bad people.

Now I just don’t know if the masses can understand, but even if people don’t understand, he can still face the criticism of thousands of people. This is what a hero should do.

"What am I going to say?" Steve felt a little dazed. He looked at the snow-white world outside through the car window. At this time, the car was driving on the riverside road, and the roadbed was getting wider and wider not far away. The river surface means that it is close to the mouth of the sea.

Su Ming looked at him with a smile and turned his attention to the road ahead: "You just said you haven't gone out to see the sea with me for a long time. Do you remember that I often took you and Bucky to the beach? You prefer the gravel beach. And he prefers the beach, haha..."

"He doesn't like the beach, he likes girls in swimsuits on the beach, haha." Steve also smiled. By the way, this was what he was talking about before.

"Yeah, it's a pity that the season is wrong now, and we don't know where he has traveled in the world." Su Ming's tone was full of melancholy, like an ordinary old man recalling the past.

Steve seemed to have completely forgotten that he had killed so many people, or he no longer struggled with it. He patted Su Ming on the shoulder comfortingly: "I just happened to be discharged from the army. I will have a lot of time in the future, so I will go find him." .”

"Oh? Then I thought you were wearing this to attend the Halloween dance." Su Ming pointed to Steve's uniform with a smile.

"The military and Congress want to expand the Cold War and fight the furry bears by invading Vietnam. Although I know that this is a war caused by ideological differences, the reason is too ridiculous. Just as the American people are happy, the furry bear people are also happy. Live happily, and two families are fighting because they argue about which family is the happiest... Only the common people will suffer, and war will only lead to misfortune and hatred. I will never participate in such a dispute."

Steve took a deep breath. He was powerless to stop those people in the country. All he could do was to prevent himself from participating.

The United States after World War II has become unrecognizable to him. It seems that it will soon become the Fax of the past, with hegemony pervading all levels of the federal government.

"Okay, but if you can't find Bucky and don't plan to go back to the army, what are you going to do?" Su Ming stopped the car and stood on the river embankment. The sea in winter always seemed very calm, even the sky There is no flying bird on the ground: "Do you want to come to work at Wilson Enterprises?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, maybe I will become a cartoonist. I loved cartoons when I was a kid, you know, the Two Gunmen of the West and so on." Steve also got out of the passenger seat and stood next to Su Ming, He raised the shield in his hand: "But I have to return this shield to Howard first. It is the property of the country. Do you know where he went?"

"He went to Cuba to inspect the zoo." Su Ming said very calmly.

"What?! What does this lunatic think? No, I have to rescue him." Steve, who had originally planned to leisurely watch the sea, was shocked and returned to the car in a panic: "Lend me the car and we'll go back." See."

After saying that, he drove away in the car.

Well, I hope Steve remembers to take off his uniform when he goes to Cuba, otherwise Howard may not be exposed, but if the Stars and Stripes appear...


Su Ming returned to Kama Taj. After inspecting his territory, he returned to the tea room and sat quietly drinking tea.

Watching the snowflakes falling slowly outside the window and falling on the plum blossom branches, covering up the red color, he closed his eyes.

In fact, he had thought about letting Steve run for president, which would bring the direction of the 40k world line closer to the story of Earth 1610, allow the world to be fine-tuned at an unknown level, and impersonate a certain universe in the future, from They escaped safely from the big event of diversity and integration, but this plan seems to be unworkable.

Although Steve has 'looked away' now, the people will not forgive him in a short time, so for a long period of time, Su Ming can only develop himself quietly and wait for the arrival of the big era. Start a backup plan again.

The world is driven by imagination and emotion. The root cause that drives the development of the DC world. Su Ming is now certain that it is all kinds of 'desires', so what drives Marvel should be all kinds of 'love and hate'.

This is different from other universes. The world of Demon Hunters and Transformers has an indifferent will, and there is a sense of coldness like using money to do things. It is also a world where the principle of equivalent exchange is most intuitively embodied. It feels almost It is as realistic as the earth where Su Ming lived in his previous life.

Faerun in DND is the order in the chaos. Although it feels chaotic, it always operates in an orderly manner according to the rules created by the gods.

As for Azeroth, it feels very strange there. There is something that seems to be always watching everyone, but if you look carefully, you can't see anything.

Now I have only figured out most of the laws of the world, but if I want to summarize my own things and enhance the commonality of my power in different worlds, there are still some key things missing, and there is a long way to go.

"Master, the New York Temple reported that an alien aircraft crashed in Maine." Hamill walked into the tea room, interrupting Su Ming's thinking.

Su Ming sighed and put down the tea cup: "Master White can't handle this kind of thing by himself? Why not just leave it as usual? If the alien can transform, let it turn into a human form and live peacefully under lifelong surveillance." good."

"The situation is special." Hamil replied simply, while secretly taking away Su Ming's tea cup.

"Tsk, I originally planned to go see other worlds, but I also want to go shopping to buy high-end bags." Su Ming stood up, black and yellow armor replaced his casual home clothes: "Open the door, what do you think I should do? How about giving Wang a codename of 'Sesame'?"

Hamill's facial muscles twitched. Going shopping to buy a bag? Isn't that what women like to do? Which mage's codename is Sesame? ! Don't force yourself into such a fantasy as Open Sesame!

However, he did not show it. He was just preparing to ask the king to pay more attention to the mental health of the Supreme Mage in the future. At the same time, the portal was ready. You can see a small fighter-like aircraft in the pond in the winter forest in Maine. The spacecraft was stuck diagonally on the broken ice.

Mud and water splashed everywhere, and it was slowly freezing, and a large piece of the thick snow had been chipped away.

The Archmage, whose name was White but was actually black, was waiting for him on the other side of the portal. At the same time, there was a tall woman with blond hair and blue eyes wearing green tights, covering her wounds and leaning against the tree behind.

"She's from Kree, it seems she is the one."

Su Ming nodded to Hamil, stepped into the portal, and was instantly transported thousands of miles away.

"Master." Master White bowed very respectfully when he saw the death knell arriving, and then his whole body disappeared like a bubble.

He can't leave the New York Temple, so this is long-distance projection magic, used to send messages or scare people.

Su Ming took off his mask and showed a friendly smile like the Ancient One: "Kree from Hara, welcome to Earth, but you didn't make an appointment, so I'm here."

But the other party looked confused. She touched the control panel on the arm of the uniform: "Is that a symbiote? And isn't the Earth the territory of the Shi'ar Empire?"

"The symbiote is right, you are quite knowledgeable. As for the earth... Odin said that the earth is his territory, the Skrulls said that the earth is theirs, and those birdmen of Shia also said that it is theirs. You The Kree also claim sovereignty here. But in reality? No one has the guts to actually occupy this place. The answer is already clear, isn't it? The earth is the territory of mankind, and I am the Supreme Mage, the protector of the earth."

As he spoke, the cloak took him slowly into the sky, spreading his wings like a big bird, casting a huge shadow in the sun, shrouding the alien.

"Then you are the leader of the earth?" The Kree woman is indeed a member of the Queen's Guard, and she is very calm.

"No, but no one dares to go against what I said." After Su Ming finished posing, he fell back into the snow, took out a cigarette, lowered his head, lit it and took a puff, looking far away into the distance.

The woman may have sensed confidence from his gesture, so she walked over holding her belly: "I want to apply for political asylum and join the earth's forces."

"It seems that the supreme wisdom has taken action against the royal gang, but Queen Pa'am doesn't intend to sit still and wait for death. You have a special mission on earth." Su Ming casually patted the tall pine tree beside him, and the remaining snow on it floated beautifully in the wind. falling.

The woman looked surprised and defensive. She resisted the urge to touch the gun and asked suspiciously, "How did you know?"

"The Supreme Mage knows everything, and the ability of the Supreme Wisdom is like the light of a firefly compared to mine." Su Ming took advantage of the intelligence and said, "I also know that your name is Mary Earl. , is the first captain of the Queen's Guards. Pa'am sent you to earth to arrange a way out for her, trying to use this planet to take advantage of the situation to confront the supreme intelligence."

Mary reached for the gun at her waist, but before she could move, a huge black sword was placed on her shoulder, forcing her to raise her hands in surrender.

Yes, political asylum and the like are all excuses. She is here to build a branch base for the Queen of Kree.

In the home galaxy of the capital Hala, Paam is not the long-planned opponent of the supreme intelligence at all. She plans to retreat to a remote solar system and use the special characteristics of the earth to destroy Asgard, the Shi'ar Empire, and the Skrulls. Drag down.

But this plan should only be known to the Queen herself and Mariel. If this earthly human who calls himself the Supreme Mage really knows everything, could it be...

Is he a cosmic god?

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