The Death Knell

Chapter 1031? Sir Lothar

The future Marshal Windsor is still a soldier under Lothar. He is a little older than Khadgar. He has short brown hair and a 'Vandyke' beard, and is wearing a Stormwind suit. Standard plate armor, also wearing a blue lion head shirt.

Hearing Khadgar's call, he scanned the crowd with a somewhat dazed look, and then he barely caught sight of Khadgar, who was jumping and jumping, his head disappearing and appearing from the wall.

He walked over and asked the guards to let Khadgar in. He looked at the beard he drew with some curiosity, but still led the two of them to the throne room.

Stormwind Fortress is made of white stones. Although it is not magnificent, it is still majestic.

Su Ming just followed Khadgar silently, watching his hurried footsteps.

King Lion was assassinated by Garona, and it is known that Garona used to live in Karazhan and had a good relationship with Khadgar.

Now Khadgar can't leave even if he wants to. He must explain the problem clearly. Although Windsor trusts Khadgar, the fact is before his eyes.

The female assassin with strange skin color said not long ago that she had something important to report to the king. Out of his trust in Medivh, King Ryan met with the earlier captive Garona. At the beginning, she told about the Shadow Council and an orc named Racial intelligence, and then talked about the problem with Medivh.

But before she could tell what was wrong with Medivh, she let out a scream of pain, then suddenly burst into flames, wounded Ryan with the two daggers in her hand, and then disappeared and ran away.

The pair of daggers are the 'Kingslayer', the artifact of the thieves' assassination type. One is called pain, and the other is called sorrow. It doesn't take much to think about it. King Ryan is now poisoned, and he may not be able to see the sunrise.

The Dark Portal is now in the "trial operation" stage. The orcs have sent a very small number of scouts and peons to verify whether the Black Portal's transmission is stable. They are hiding in the Dark Swamp.

Because Garona was a mixed-race, she was one of the lowest test subjects. She was caught by the patrol due to an 'accident', and was begged by Medivh to go to Karazhan. She was regarded as a maid and test subject who slept with her.

It was Gul'dan's plan to break into the human camp to gather information, but Garona didn't know that Medivh had been replaced by Sargeras at that time, which Gul'dan didn't tell her.

The Cursed Land was still called the Dark Swamp at this time. It was the large-scale invasion of the orcs that cut down the trees and used up the water. Coupled with the future war, the swamp was turned into the Gobi Desert in the future.

No matter from which perspective, Su Ming had a strong sense of immediacy about the tree-playing at the beginning.

He is now thinking that not only King Ryan, but also the residents of Karazhan died earlier. Moros did not die in the banquet hall, but died in the Tower of Shadows. Something is wrong here.

Has the timeline been altered? Those who were playing time in Azeroth were nothing more than bronze dragons or eternal dragons. As expected, his arrival and intervention attracted their attention. All of this was planned.

Following Khadgar into Stormwind Fortress, Su Ming had no expression on his face, but the analysis in his mind never stopped.

The lights in the throne hall were bright, but at this time, on the steps next to the throne, King Ryan was lying on the ground, dark green blood flowing out of his abdomen, and no one dared to move his position.

The magical light of Archbishop Fao and Benedictus shone again and again, like the camera flash that kept lighting up at a crime scene.

However, the poisons used by the orc assassins are derived from animal and plant toxins in Draenor, which are unfamiliar toxins that have no solution in Azeroth.

There is currently no profession in Stormwind City that can detoxify.

The night elves are still living in Mount Hyjal, in a state of claustrophobia. There is not even a druid in Stormwind City; let alone a paladin. Archbishop Faol has not yet invented this profession; monks are in Pandaria is closed to the outside world unless it meets Lao Chen who is traveling.

So even if he relies on two archbishops and a group of priests to take turns to use various healing spells, King Ryan's situation is getting worse visibly. At this time, he is holding the hand of a bald middle-aged man, as if after explaining something. thing.

Su Ming looked around the throne room and saw a gorgeously dressed woman hugging a black-haired boy and sobbing.

And the boy's eyes were filled with sadness and obvious hatred.

It seems that this is the future King Var. This is the third year of the Dark Portal. King Var is thirteen years old. He is six years older than Prince Arthas of Lordaeron and older than Princess Jaina of Kul Tiras. Seven years old.

Lothar gave up his position, and the queen and prince walked towards the king. The bald middle-aged man looked at Archbishop Fao with inquiring eyes. The archbishop just gasped and shook his head slightly between casting spells.

Pastors don't have much time to stall.

Lothar bowed slightly to the king and said goodbye. In the following days, before Varian has grown up enough to shoulder the royal power, he will be the regent of Stormwind City. He will make every effort to ensure that the Kingdom of Stormwind is on the right track. Bear the king's trust.

He was King Llane's best friend, and so was Medivh.

Medivh's father, Nielas Ellan, was a former court mage, and Sir Lothar's father was naturally a noble. They were Ryan's playmates when they were young.

But now, Medivh has obviously betrayed Ryan, and the woman he guaranteed has become an assassin. Lothar must ask him for an explanation!

"Wendsor! Summon the elites of the Iron Horse Brotherhood and prepare the griffons." Sir Lothar drew his sword and shouted murderously: "Let's go to Karazhan to find that woman and make both Medivh and her pay the price. .”

"Sir Lothar, sir, listen to me."

Khadgar hurried over, but Lothar did not give him a good look, but looked at him with some suspicion. As a battle-hardened warrior, he could sense that the stranger behind Khadgar was very powerful.

"Why are you here, young mage, to seek information for your honorless master?" He pointed his sword at Khadgar, keeping a safe distance.

Khadgar had two beards painted on his face, which made people think he was mentally disturbed no matter how he looked at it.

"No, Sir Lothar, I am here to inform you of an extremely urgent situation. Medivh has been possessed by a demon. He is no longer him."

Lothar squinted her glasses and looked at him for a moment, then looked at the death knell behind him, and slowly put down the sword, believing Khadgar's words. After all, Khadgar's eyes were clear, and a young man like him would never lie.

Jazz sighed: "You are late. The king was assassinated, and the assassin's guarantor was Medivh."

"You mean... the assassin is Garona?" Khadgar looked in disbelief. Although he had known the strange-looking woman for a short time, he could tell that she was not actually a bad person.

Although Garona likes to play pranks on herself, such as sneaking up behind him and stuffing fireworks in his pocket, she actually takes good care of herself.

But remembering Deathstroke's previous teachings and the strange relationship between Medivh and Garona, Khadgar quickly put away his surprise.

Yes, since Medivh is a devil in disguise, Garona can also be, everything is a lie.

So before Lothar could say anything else, Khadgar took up his own words: "I understand, I once heard her say about the orc organizations of the Shadow Council and the Shadow Moon Council. Behind those creatures from other worlds are demons. She Maybe it’s being controlled.”

"We can talk about the devil later. Let me ask you, your corrupt archmage, where is my old friend who betrayed the king?" Seeing Windsor running to report that the army had been assembled, Lothar wanted to get rid of Ka Degas got the answer from his mouth.

Khadgar didn't answer immediately. He didn't know where Medivh was, so he turned his head and looked at Deathstroke: "I don't know... Where are you, teacher?"

Su Ming, who had been folding his arms and acting as a bystander, waved his hand, motioning Khadgar to retreat, and took a few steps forward to meet Lothar's gaze.

He is taller, stronger, and younger than Lothar, who wears full golden plate armor.

Of course, what he said also made Lothar even more surprised: "I am Khadgar's teacher, the Supreme Mage Deathstroke. You can ask me any questions you have. Of course, there is a fee."

"Charge?" Lothar narrowed his eyes.

"Charge?" Khadgar opened his eyes wide.

Su Ming just blinked his one eye at Lothar and replied with a natural expression: "Isn't this natural? Khadgar is a citizen of the Kingdom of Dalaran, and I come from the magical holy land of Kama Taj. , we are not the magicians of Stormwind Kingdom, now you need our help, and you should pay the price."

"But teacher..." Khadgar wanted to say a few words, but was interrupted by Su Ming's punch to the head.

He covered his head and squatted down, inhaling with a grin on his face, while Deathstroke just looked at Lothar with a smile: "How about Sir? Do you need hired services? Let me give you a thorough explanation first. Medivh's strength is in front of me. It’s like being a magic apprentice.”

Lothar frowned, unable to believe that this person could be a mage. The punch that Deathstroke had just struck Khadgar, whether it was strength, skill, or speed, showed that he was a powerful warrior with superb martial arts skills.

How to make people suffer unbearable pain without causing serious harm is something that most people cannot do.

Lothar thought for a moment. If Medivh was indeed possessed by a demon, then he must take action. Whether the Mage Supreme is a mage or not is no longer important, because only this person knows the information about where Medivh is now.

"What do you want?" Lothar made up his mind. Time was running out now, and with the national power of the Kingdom of Stormwind, it was no problem to pay a mercenary.

"You have a good relationship with my student, and he also likes King Ryan very much. I will give you a discount, a fixed price, 500 silk bags, and I will help you kill Medivh." Su Ming held his chin and said some kind words. , and then stretched out a palm without any politeness at all.

The corner of Lothar's mouth twitched. He had dealt with countless hunters and mercenaries, but this was the first time he asked for payment in silk bags.

But Stormwind City, as the capital of the Kingdom of Stormwind, is most indispensable for tailors. Silk is a fabric that people like, and the city has a lot of reserves.

The market price of 500 silk packets is about 1,000 gold, which is nothing more than the price of a good horse. Spending the price of a horse to kill a top mage and eliminate the hidden dangers he brings is a huge profit no matter how you look at it.

It seems like a really great discount.

Lothar couldn't help but have a good impression of Deathstroke. He thought that the other party only received a symbolic reward, and whether it was information or help, it should be more than this price.

So he put on his helmet, stretched out his fist to collide with Su Ming, and agreed to the agreement: "Storm Kingdom thanks you for your help, let us set off now."

At this time, the sound of griffons flapping their wings could also be heard in the garden separated by the wall of the throne room.

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