The Death Knell

Chapter 1032? The lurking red and black devil

The Brotherhood of the Iron Horse has no shortage of people, but the problem is that there is currently a shortage of griffons in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Only dwarves can tame beasts like gryphons, which is considered a racial talent. Most wild gryphons live in the Hinterlands. The Wildhammer dwarves living there have little to do with Stormwind City, so the number of gryphons is very limited. .

Piecing together things here and there, under the emergency situation, Windsor found about fifty of them.

Lothar also knew this, so he only selected a few elites to set out with him to settle accounts with the demon parasitizing in Medivh's body.

Originally, he didn't plan to take Khadgar with him because he was too weak, but the apprentice strongly requested to go with him.

Since there should indeed be a mage in the team, especially one who was familiar with Sargeras' habits, Lothar gave Khadgar a gryphon.

Lothar still doesn't believe that Deathstroke is a mage, no matter how he looks at it.

Under the guidance of the death knell, a group of people rushed to the cursed place in the future, which is today's dark swamp.

Now that the timeline has changed, and Sargeras is not hiding in the secret chamber of Karazhan, nor does he plan to fight with everyone in the Mage Tower, there is one thing he must do, and that is to open the Dark Portal for the orcs.

Especially after the Demon Leap of the Burning Legion was stopped by Deathstroke, the only army Sargeras could use in a short period of time was the bloodthirsty orcs.

The Dark Portal on this side of Azeroth was built secretly deep in the Dark Swamp under his control by Medivh. Not to mention that it took three years of trial operation and debugging. Just such a large stone door and a large number of magic circles are enough. Don't give up and throw it away easily.

Su Ming had expected this.

He was too lazy to tell Lothar about Sargeras, so during the flight, Khadgar kept explaining to the bald middle-aged man.

The mercenary himself was stroking the feathers of the griffin while thinking about some chores.

For example, regarding the issue of mounts, Gin really needs a new flying mount, but Asgard’s Pegasus Su Ming doesn’t like it.

It's just that the mounts in Azeroth are more real than imagined. They are really horses rather than reins, and living creatures cannot be packaged back through space.

Just wait, wait until the Scourge Legion comes, and send the Frost Dragon back to Gin.

Moreover, he took out the fel engine from the fel battleship and gave it to Karma Taj to study. This method of using the soul as energy source would see if it had any development value. Even if it was not used on his own battleship, he could take it. It would also be good to negotiate terms with the hell lords.

The current layout of Azeroth is actually more about letting nature take its course. Su Ming's main purpose is to come here to get the space bag and study 'time' at the same time.

I can’t find the Ancient One, so in my impression, the Bronze Dragon Legion is probably the one who has done more research on the issue of time. Although they lost their ability in the end and became the Eternal Dragon at the end of time, their experience can be used as a reference. See See if you can find a way to use the Time Stone in other worlds, at least to prevent yourself from being like the Bronze Dragon.

Regarding death, Su Ming got a vague answer from DC’s Death, which gave him a plan to deal with Marvel’s Death.

After all, Deadpool wants to find Death, and there is no way to stop him. Su Ming doesn't want Deadpool to get bored one day and tell Death that he wants to fight the landlord, and wants his cousin to die to accompany him... .

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves missing you. Prepare early to avoid being caught off guard when things really happen.

Now that the purpose of this trip has almost been achieved, and there are still some unexpected gains, Su Ming's remaining task is just to find a way to connect with the bronze dragon.

It would be too reckless to break into the Cave of Time directly. He already has 40K of time power, so he naturally knows the power of that skill. It would be disgusting to be targeted by a bronze dragon in Azeroth.

Therefore, Su Ming's intervention in the Karazhan and Dark Portal incidents will inevitably attract the attention of the Eternal Dragon and the Bronze Dragon if it may cause changes in the timeline.

When Medivh opens the door to the Dark Swamp, the Eternal Dragon Clan will probably come to cause trouble. Su Ming can kill the Eternal Dragon to increase the favorability of the Bronze Dragon, at least allowing him to safely enter the Cave of Time to discuss some issues.

This way things will go much smoother. You must do it when you need to increase your reputation, otherwise you will regret it when you make a transaction.

As for Khadgar, the most important thing is that "a pure man never looks back at the explosion" has been taught to him. Before leaving, teach him how to use the giant sword, and then throw him back to Dalaran to develop slowly.

Although Su Ming is acting together with everyone, they are not actually of the same mind. Lothar wants to avenge the king, Khadgar wants to prevent the orcs from coming, and Su Ming needs the orcs to successfully reach Azeroth to ensure that the timeline is not big. When changing, connect with the bronze dragon.

It took some maneuvering, but it was very simple. Su Ming had already seen a female dwarf wearing a white robe and holding a golden staff at the entrance of the dark swamp.

Lothar and the others seemed to be unable to see her, which made Su Ming even more interested.

On the pretext of making it easier to land, Su Ming pushed Lothar and the others away, and walked straight towards the little dwarf. The dwarf's golden eyes were also looking at him.

When she was about to speak, Su Ming waved her hand and interrupted her: "I know you, Chromie, my name is Deathstroke, and I'm here to negotiate terms with you."

The little dwarf's eyes were widened and his face was full of surprise.



Su Ming, who returned to Marvel, poured a lot of silk bags out of the Faerun space bag, lay on a chair on the beach and let out a breath.

The plan went very smoothly. Although Sargeras was very powerful, he was only living in the body of a human mage. Facing the magic-immune Su Ming and Medivh's own soul in the void, he finally challenged him. It doesn’t even count.

The Dark Door also opened. Facing an army of hundreds of thousands of orcs, Su Ming said to retreat. Lothar naturally had no objection. He just thought that he was too late and had no time to stop the spell.

But Medivh was killed, and he was satisfied. As for Garona, these hundreds of thousands of orcs were all green, and they definitely couldn't find their target.

Khadgar was a little disappointed, but seeing that it was an orc, not a demon, it was not that he couldn't accept the result.

Although it's bad, it's not the worst. Let's retreat first and think about it for the long term.

Su Ming stayed in Azeroth for another two months after the incident. The queen also passed away due to excessive grief, so he took the opportunity to preach some hatred of orcs to Varian, taught Khadgar to exercise, and also I often go to the Cave of Time as a guest, which makes me quite busy.

There have been some changes in the timeline. In the battle with Medivh, Lothar was not seriously injured, and Khadgar was not cursed, because Sargeras residing in Medivh's body was always dealt with by Deathstroke alone.

As for whether this change is good or bad, we will know if we let time flow in Azeroth for a while.

Seeing that both Khadgar and Varian had learned Whirlwind, Su Ming took the opportunity to escape on the pretext of going to the Twisting Nether to track down the whereabouts of the Burning Legion.

The orcs had already occupied the Dusk Forest and were cutting down the trees in the Dark Swamp to build siege machinery in preparation for attacking Stormwind City.

The war was brutal. From the Swamp of Sorrows to the Redridge Mountains, everything had fallen. It was only a matter of time before Stormwind City fell.

After visiting what the tribal chiefs looked like in reality, Su Ming returned to Marvel and his Hawaiian beach without disturbing anyone.

Gin was not there, and he didn't know why he was there. Su Ming turned on the radio and listened. The days didn't pass long, and it happened to be Christmas Eve in 1955.

He was about to test the time stone to see if the new knowledge gained from the bronze dragon was universal, when the beach in the distance suddenly exploded and a figure jumped out.

I saw the figure turning 360 degrees in the air, then landing on his knees, dragging two long tracks on the ground in a sliding shovel posture, until he slid in front of Su Ming.

"Pah!" Wade hugged his cousin's thigh tightly, lifted up the mask and dipped his hand in his mouth. After pulling down the mask, two moist traces were drawn under his eyes, then he raised his head and cried: "Si Ryder, you must help me this time, my lifelong happiness depends on you."

"Fake!" Su Ming kicked his legs hard, but Wade couldn't get rid of him like candy: "How long have you been lurking under the sand?"

"For ten days, I have been waiting for you to come back under the beach. You can't imagine how painful it was when the tide came in. A hermit crab almost got into my anus." Deadpool immediately started to show his misery.

Su Ming rubbed his face. He had just come back, and before he had time to eat, he saw this smelly cousin and lost his appetite at all.

"Okay, why don't I help you? Let go of me, but first, don't let me kill you again. Your immortality won't kill you even if you throw it into the sun." Su Ming said, while The God Killer turned into a hammer and hit Deadpool on the head hard.

Broken bones and brains were scattered everywhere, and Deadpool gave up.

"I thought of a good way to die." Deadpool touched his damaged brain: "I originally went back to my time, but guess what, some kids raised $50,000 and asked me to help them go there. Kill Santa Claus because they are not good children and never get presents. They are extremely psychologically unbalanced and have become as dark as you."

"Well, what next? This is your business. I have no interest in killing Santa Claus." Su Ming sat back on the chair and took the time to drink something.

"Listen to me. Their order gave me a good idea. Wish for death to Santa Claus. It should be very effective, right? Chica is a goddess, and Santa Claus is also a god. As long as we find him, we can help him." He killed those naughty children in exchange for a Christmas wish, wouldn't I be dead?"

Deadpool chuckled.

"Hmm... I can't tell who is higher between Santa Claus and Death, but why don't you try it yourself? Why are you looking for me?" Su Ming's idea of ​​Wade is Never worry, mentally ill patients have broad ideas.

Wade shook his hips like a dog and said flatteringly: "I can't find him, so I asked my almighty cousin."

Su Ming took out a roasted quail from his bag and tore it into his mouth with his hands: "Have you ever seen anyone who made a wish for Santa Claus to kill him? Let the old man hold you on his knees and strangle you with his white beard. You?"

"But if all the people who made suicide Christmas wishes died, naturally no one can prove that Santa Claus doesn't kill people." Wade was missing a big piece of his brain, but his thinking became clearer. This was truly 'enlightenment' .

Su Ming sighed: "Okay, I'll go with you to see your era. As for how to find Santa Claus, we'll use fishing tactics."

"Fishing tactics?" Wade activated his time and space belt, and Su Ming also used X metal to drive the time gem.

There is no special feeling, the flow of time is like warm water, passing by, nothing changes.

The two of them were still standing on the beach in Hawaii, and the hut behind them didn't change much, except that the color of the paint was changed.

"Do you know any good kids?" Su Ming asked loudly as he pulled Wade from the sea to the mainland of the United States.

"Negative Sonic Teenage Warhead. Although she has tattoos, smokes leaves, spits everywhere, greets passers-by with her middle finger, has self-gender identity disorder, engages in lesbianism, and calls me a smelly piece of shit, she is a good girl."

Deadpool answered without hesitation, and at the same time rubbed the index and middle fingers of both hands together, imitating the posture of grinding tofu with a lace edge.

Su Ming kicked him: "Do you know what her real name is?"

"Uh... do I need to know?" The white eyes on Deadpool's mask widened: "Generally speaking, I like to replace the word 'boy' in her code name with other words, such as The negative sonic 'chewing bubble gum' warhead, or the negative sonic 'wearing a leather jacket without underwear' warhead, the name can be changed."

Su Ming sighed. Wade began to act abnormally again as his brain healed itself: "Change her, she's not good enough."

"This is really difficult for me. Let me think about it..." Wade closed his eyes and began to imitate Yixiu, crossing his legs in the air and thinking.

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