The Death Knell

Chapter 1055? The drama begins

While the two were running away, they had to dodge the bullets behind them from time to time. After all, the trash can lid was not a shield. If the slope was not enough when blocking the bullets, the bullets would easily penetrate them.

Steve was shot twice and Natasha was shot once, but their movement speed was not affected in any way. Natasha could continue to turn around and fight back, and the pursuers behind her fell into the sewage one by one.

"They used steel core armor-piercing bullets. Who are they? Bear's special forces?" Steve got a small Makarov pistol from Natasha and fired back with weak firepower.

The two golden bracelets on Natasha's hands can always take out various miniature props, flash bombs, electric shock bombs, and miniature explosives. Thanks to these things, the two of them always keep a distance from the pursuers behind them.

"They are my former colleagues. They belong to the Leviathan Internal Affairs Force. They specialize in hunting down traitors like me. I managed to escape to the United States, but I was found by them in the end."

Natasha's little face was covered with stains, but her eyes were burning with the flame of hope.

"Why did you flee to the United States? You could have gone to China, which is closer to the bear, and it's very peaceful and safe there." Steve still had some doubts.

However, the other party returned without hesitation: "Because this is the beacon of the free world. I want freedom. Anyway, this is the best place."

This lie was taught to her by her boss, and even the escape route was rehearsed in advance. Steve came to Central Park for three days in a row and sat there from morning to dusk. Such regular actions were too easy to figure out. .

The methods used to deceive the Americans are similar to those used to deceive the French. Just focus on "free will" and be done with it.

Steve has no doubt about the reason for yearning for freedom, because this is human instinct, and he half-believes the women around him.

"I know who you are. You are the Black Widow of the Leviathan generation, right?" Steve changed the topic. The other party has such skills and marksmanship, as well as various wonderful props, and such an elite female agent. If you can escape to the United States across thousands of miles, you must not be an unknown person.

So what is Leviathan most famous for? That's the red house where Black Widow was raised.

"You're right, I'm one of the 28 black widows in history. What's wrong? Are you scared?" Natasha replied with a smile, while turning around and knocking down a few more people in the darkness.

"Let's leave here first and then talk about the reason for your surrender, but I have fought against several black widows before, and they are not as good as you." Steve identified the direction, pointed to the branch road aside and said: "Let's go up from here. , above this is the 17th Precinct, where we will get reinforcements and weapons."

Natasha nodded and quickened her pace: "Is this the branch of your SSR?"

"No, it's the nypd branch, that is, the New York Police Department." Steve said helplessly. SSR used to focus more on foreign countries, and there really were no decent safe houses or branches in the country.

It looks like I will have to talk to Paige about this later, but alas...

"The police station can't do it. The people who are chasing me are elites. Ordinary policemen will only die. We can't go this way." Natasha immediately expressed her negative opinion.

Her denial made Steve even happier, because it showed that she cared about the lives of ordinary people. Completely different from the sinister and vicious predecessors in the past, this black widow still had humanity.

Steve nodded, threw a grenade behind him, and distanced himself from the pursuers. This was the end of his test: "Then you must have a plan to escape when you escaped into the sewer. How did you originally plan to escape? "

"Take a left 500 meters ahead. There is a maintenance room there. Let's blow up the wall, enter the New York subway system, and then take rapid transit to get rid of the pursuers." Natasha quickly stated her plan without giving any clues. Steve had the opportunity to retort and was the first to change direction.

Steve could only follow because the so-called intelligence was in Natasha's hands and he had to protect her first.

After all, there were dead actors behind them. Even the bullets that hit the two of them were superficial wounds caused by Su Ming himself. Being nearby naturally gave them a chance to distance themselves.

After the two of them blew up the wall, Su Ming mingled with the crowd of living dead and secretly watched them get on the subway. Surrounded by people running around, he slowly returned to the darkness.

After waiting for a while, the corpses of those who had been shot to death also joined him wetly, looking at his black light ring silently, waiting for his next order.

The silent army of the dead gives people a chilling feeling at all times, especially since many of them were really killed by Steve, and their broken gray eyes were full of hatred.

As an undead, he already hates the living, let alone killing his enemies. If Su Ming hadn't used the ring to control them, I'm afraid they would have pounced on him like wild dogs.

These corpses were all those who had died during Mustache's invasion. Cremation was not popular in the United States, so Su Ming selected some relatively complete corpses and used a black lantern ring to bring them back from the cemetery.

Fortunately, it was winter, so the body didn't rot much, but it still had to be wrapped tightly with a coat and a gas mask, otherwise it would be a big mistake if it was seen as a person with only half a head, or even no eyes.

No corpses can be left here. Even if these invited actors are to die, they must die in explosions or flames, so that the corpses can be disposed of cleanly.

The tense first phase of the chase is over for the time being, and the next step is the relaxation phase. Natasha will use words to Steve on the subway to enhance her credibility. Then when they arrive at their destination, it will be time for the second phase. stage of the chase.

In the second stage, Su Ming arranged a classic racing show, as well as helicopters and rocket launchers to add to the fun, and even arranged a tall and strong corpse to act as a mini-boss. Then there will be a third stage, a fourth stage... ..


Su Ming took off the magic floating cloak. It rolled up the living dead consciously and disappeared into the darkness together with the Supreme Mage.


"How are you?" Steve looked at Natasha who was leaning on the subway seat. She was holding one side of her waist and abdomen, looking very weak.

He himself was shot once in the shoulder and once in the hip, which was not a big problem for his physique. No matter how serious the injury was, he could grit his teeth and persevere.

"The bullet penetrated. Fortunately, no important organs were injured, but the blood loss has made me a little distracted now." Natasha looked at the passengers hiding away around her and said weakly, while pretending to look at the wound. He pulled down the zipper of the black one-piece leather jacket a little, revealing a little groove.

Steve turned his head away. He was a gentleman and didn't look at things he shouldn't.

"Where are we sitting? You need first aid."

"I brought a hemostatic patch, so we will get off the car at the next stop and find a car. Then you will lead the way. I must meet your leader." Natasha took out a black plaster-like object and said, It stuck to his front and back wounds, gritting his teeth and making a painful sound.

Steve nodded, but what he said was different: "We'll get off at the next stop, and then I'll call the Howling Commandos for support. I hope we're far enough away from the pursuers so they can join us." If we don’t have enough time, we can drive on our own.”

"Okay, this is your territory and I listen to you. I wish us good luck." Natasha changed the topic and started talking to Steve about freedom and human rights, topics that Americans like more.

Although Steve was defensive about her, as the conversation unfolded, he found that although the other party's views were slightly different from his own, they had a lot in common with her. It felt like she had known him for a long time. Same.

For example, she said that she likes the Two-Gunman, saying that it represents the most honest justice in the United States. Although Steve does not agree that random killing is justice, he also respects the Two-Gunner. An ordinary person dares to fight against a gang of hundreds of people. And winning requires more than just courage.

As for the fact that he admires the Two-Gunman, only a very few people around him know about it, not the Black Widow, so it must be a coincidence.

Coincidentally, there was something else. She liked the burgers from Wilson Fast Food. She said she had eaten them before when she came to the United States for a mission, and she still couldn't remember them, especially the traditional burgers stuffed with beef.

And Steve also likes Godfather’s burgers the most. He still remembers how he and Bucky took the subway back then and the two children went to the docks to find jobs in the difficult years. Their reward was hamburgers and beef. of.

Everything seems like yesterday.

Steve looked at her more and more closely, and for the first time he discovered that the black widow of the Bear was also a human being, someone very similar to him.

Then he listened to her briefly talk about the evil deeds in the Red Room, and told Steve many dark things about Leviathan, while she kept sighing.

Steve gradually became angry with Natasha. He felt that it was an organization more evil than Hydra, and he had to do something.

While the subway was running, Natasha recalled the plan in her mind while using all the information about Steve given by her boss to completely fool him.

As for Steve wanting to distance himself from his pursuers?

How is it possible? The death knell has already been waiting for them at the next stop...

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