The Death Knell

Chapter 1056? A true lie


The flames of the explosion gradually expanded on the snow, turning from red to orange, and then gradually turned into thick black smoke.

Steve and Natasha rolled out a long way on the snow, but as soon as they stopped, they lay down and raised their heads, looking at the place where the car exploded.

Seeing that the monster did not come out of the flames, they both breathed a sigh of relief, turned over and panted in the snow.

"Finally dead."

"Yeah, cough..."

Steve wiped his nosebleed and said exhaustedly, while Natasha also agreed with his point of view in a post-catastrophic tone, and then coughed.

In fact, she has been complaining in her heart, these people hired by the boss are acting too real all the way, right? It made her feel like she was really being hunted.

But fortunately, my injury is neither serious nor serious now, which is very helpful for acting.

Captain America got up from the ground, helped Black Widow up, and looked at the burning wreckage of the vehicle not far away with a solemn expression.

The two came out of the subway station, and before Steve could find the public phone, the man in black on the other side appeared on the street.

He had no choice but to use the bucket lid to delay time, while Natasha stole a car on the roadside, and the two began to flee. The other party not only had a car, but also a super-new secret weapon like a helicopter, rockets, rocket launchers, heavy Machine guns and all kinds of guys greeted the two of them.

She drove, and he was responsible for blocking bullets for the two of them and fighting back. Even so, the car was like a boat in the continuous rain of artillery fire and bullets. Several times, it narrowly avoided car crashes and fatalities.

However, with the cooperation of the two, there were fewer and fewer pursuers, and they were getting closer to the playground base.

The problem is that they can't lead the pursuers directly to the secret base, so they have no choice but to circle around a longer distance, constantly destroying the enemy and buying time to see if they can wait for reinforcements from the Howling Commandos.

The National Guard can't be counted on. The reconstruction after the last incident has not been completed. Now we can only place our hope on Paige and Fury.

However, the spider web agents lurking in the 'Logistics Department' had tampered with the playground's peripheral surveillance and communications. The two delayed for a long time and did not wait for any reinforcements.

The stolen car was almost out of gas, so Steve could only decide to fight with the opponent. He asked Natasha to use a small forest to lure the enemy's helicopter to lower its altitude. He successfully used a trash can lid to break the small propeller of the tail.

However, there was a leader-like figure on the other side. Even if the helicopter crashed, he was not killed. The two-meter-tall monster jumped out of the exploding helicopter, joined the other pursuers, and continued to chase the two of them in a car.

But Steve finally experienced what it was like to work with a real top agent. Natasha was stronger than all the agents in SSR, and the two of them worked together very well, with various props emerging one after another on her.

The enemy finally had only one leader left, and the three of them had a final showdown in the snowy farmland.

Steve had never seen such a strong opponent in World War II. He was stronger than Du Zun and more cunning than Zemo. He could continue to fight after being shot dozens of times in the head, and his moves were all powerful and heavy.

They, a man and a woman, were beaten like rubber balls flying around.

However, Natasha still found an opportunity. When Steve was entangled with the enemy, she changed to a relatively intact pursuit vehicle, hit the enemy and detonated the fuel tank.

Now it seems that the monster is completely dead.

The reason why Steve frowned was that he recognized the threat of Leviathan on the one hand, and on the other hand, he always felt that there were strange eyes staring at him from a distance along the way.

Sometimes it seems to be under the frozen river in winter, sometimes it seems to be behind the bare trees on the roadside, and sometimes it seems to be under the hills formed by the snow.

Are there any enemies?

But after killing the leader of the pursuers, the weird feeling disappeared. He could only think that it was some special ability of the leader of the pursuers.

The car explosion just now also caused a chain effect. Maybe it was a gasoline leak, or maybe it was the leader's heartbeat sensor. All the chasing vehicles exploded, leaving no body behind.

This gave Steve a new understanding of how cruel an organization like Leviathan really is.

He could see enemy agents using cyanide poison, and there were many Hydras who committed suicide after being captured, but this kind of thing that didn't even leave the whole body behind was a bit too much.

"What are you thinking about?" Natasha hooked his shoulder weakly.

Steve identified the direction and helped her walk towards the playground. He almost believed her at this time.

But whether she told the truth or not, he couldn't tell the rest. After all, she was the Black Widow, so she could only leave it to professionals like Peggy and Fury. He just decided based on his own judgment whether to let her or not. Meet with SSR.

She's just getting by on her own now, but if Fury and Paige find out there's something wrong with her, Steve will kill her too.

His mind was good, but it was limited to matters on the battlefield. His skill tree was all focused on special operations, close combat, team leadership, and willpower. He had never been good at conspiracy.

I remember when he single-handedly parachuted into Hydra to rescue people, and later led Bucky and the Howling Commandos to cause havoc everywhere, and even directly approached the Red Skull for a duel in Paris. Most of his tactical plans are based on recklessness.

All actions should be turned into strong attacks, not just words.

Anyway, in thousands of previous operations, his stealth was discovered, his disguise was seen through, and he was surrounded by enemies even when marching in no man's land. Situations like this were commonplace for him.

What should you do if you are discovered to be surrounded?

At this time, if no one around has a better idea, Steve is more inclined to face the enemy face to face, fighting with fists and fists.

What's the point of wearing the Stars and Stripes and holding a shield if you don't rush to the front line, boost your own morale, and act as a human flag?

Dr. Erskine chose Steve not because he was the smartest or the strongest, but simply because he was a pure human being. For a pure soldier like Captain America, Natasha, who has fought together, is inclined to believe in his kind nature.

Besides, it is not unprecedented to recruit former enemies. After all, Dr. Zola and a large group of former Hydras are now SSR employees. Isn't it good after more than ten years? Even if Mustache invaded and SSR was in civil strife a few days ago, Zola and the others were determined not to surrender to the enemy.

The enemy of SSR is Leviathan, which does not mean that everyone in it is of the same mind as the organization. Everyone is an independent individual with his own ideas. SSR has also had people who defected to the Hand and became ninjas because they yearned for Eastern martial arts. Where's the agent?

Because he instinctively rejects dark things, Steve usually doesn't pay much attention to professional intelligence. He is the person who leads the front-line team in action, and he is usually sent only for above-board tasks.

The real dirty work, such as cleaning up acquaintances and traitors, silencing civilian witnesses, assassinating high-ranking officials of allied countries to sow discord, etc., is basically done by Fury.

Otherwise, how could a black man get into the position of leader of the action team? It has been ups and downs several times but still persists because it is 'easy to use'.

Where's Steve? He was well 'protected' by caring people. Like most American soldiers, he spent his free time drinking at the base bar, listening to the radio commentary of boxing or rugby matches, bragging with the team members, and occasionally dating Peggy. , use the rest of the time to exercise.

He is just an ordinary person.

Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, Steve wouldn't be surprised if an alien appeared one day and said he yearned for the United States, let alone a foreigner.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that even if there were aliens, the alien spacecraft would land in the United States. But that’s stuff in science fiction novels. Aliens really don’t exist, right?

Although he had fought against Super Axis Braille many times, it was obviously a robot with a weird head. The Nazis said it was an alien, but Steve didn't believe it.

Pulling back his thoughts, he answered Natasha's question: "I was wondering what kind of monster that was. Have you counted how many shots he was shot in?"

Natasha lowered her head and pretended to look at the road, but actually squinted her eyes: "He obviously can't be said to be human anymore. This is what I have to tell you this time. He is called the Red Guard, and Leviathan is manufacturing them in batches. , if the current confrontation in the world situation escalates, World War III will come."

"Okay, it sounds serious, but now... I'm just a civilian. What will happen to you next is not up to me." Steve tore off a piece of cloth from his ragged clothes. Blindfolded Natasha: "I'll carry you next. I'm sorry, I can't let you remember the way, and I won't tell you where the base is."

"I know I haven't gained trust yet, and I understand." Natasha accepted without any resistance: "It just so happens that my leg is injured, and it still hurts when I walk."

Carrying the blindfolded Natasha on his back, Steve's cooperation made Steve trust her more. He said relaxedly: "I thought you black widows were painless warriors. What exactly was the transformation project you accepted? "

"Our skills are all trained by ourselves. The so-called biological modification is actually just to prevent our appearance from aging. After all, beauty is also an important means of 'Swallow'." Natasha's tone was serious and she answered with disgust. He seemed to hate his previous life very much.

Steve changed the subject. He would not specifically expose other people's scars: "Speaking of which, I also know a few people whose appearance does not age, except for myself, of course."

"Oh? Who is there?" Natasha asked pretending to be interested.

"One of my uncles must have been a gift from God because he did too many good deeds when he was young. There is also a colleague whose ageing is a bit inexplicable..."

Steve answered vaguely, speaking more steadfastly now that the battle was over.

"Are you talking about the boss of Wilson Enterprises and Agent No. 13?" Natasha asked knowingly, but her tone was full of certainty.

"Uh, how do you know?" Steve paused, kicking up some snow under his feet.

"Because I am the Black Widow." Natasha replied lightly: "The two people you mentioned are on Leviathan's attention list. They plan to capture these two people for autopsy."

Steve took a deep breath, frowned, and stepped faster. It seemed that Leviathan, a mysterious enemy that had not been taken seriously before, must now face its existence.

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