The Death Knell

Chapter 1057? Butler Development Plan

While Natasha went to deal with the future S.H.I.E.L.D., Su Ming started his own actions.

Track down element zero, which is zero prime and zero matter.

However, it is also known as dark matter, which is the dark cloud-like element that makes up Dormammu's dark dimension and even its body.

Zero matter is also the only magical substance that can currently be explained by science.

It is sometimes called a neutron element, which refers to an element whose atoms contain only neutrons and no protons, or a substance composed purely of neutrons.

The stuffed bear physicist Andrea von Andropov first discovered this thing and coined the word in 1926. At that time, there was not even a concept of neutron. Andropov put element 0 into it. At the very beginning of the periodic table of elements, it means that it has fewer protons than hydrogen.

Until the discovery of the neutron, element zero had mainly referred to a nuclide formed by the clustering of many neutrons.

Of course, it has a dark essence. When it enters the human body, humans will gradually be assimilated by it, causing symptoms such as cracked foreheads and black eye circles.

While possessing a series of magical abilities, he gets closer and closer to Dormammu's realm, until he goes completely crazy, and then turns into zero element itself and is absorbed by the dark dimension.

Su Ming doesn't care if Leviathan wants to commit mass suicide, and it doesn't matter if they worship the evil god, but they want to play with zero elements. Not only is this not possible, it also happens to be the scope of the Supreme Mage's responsibilities.

If Leviathan really dug up this kind of thing from the ground, then it would have to be taken care of. After listening to Zheng Xian's words, Su Ming couldn't rest at ease during the vacation, and finally decided to fulfill his duties as the Supreme Mage.

Whether Dormammu found a way to bypass the defensive barrier, or he found a kobold in the underground world to be his spokesperson, Su Ming had to confirm this with his own eyes.

Therefore, he must bring a mage with him for this operation.

However, when he arrived in London, England in the snow and wind, and found a good tool man, the magic prince Monaco said nothing and did not go, like a salted fish.

Even if Su Ming used him as a mop and dragged him around the living room of his house, he still didn't want to come. It was said that he planned to rest for more than ten years.

He said that always acting with the death knell was too harmful to the body, and both the body's nutrition and the rabbit's reproduction speed were a bit behind.

Seeing that he was so determined, even threats and inducements had no effect, so Su Ming stopped forcing him. Finally, he returned to New York from London and went back to Zhongsi Academy to bring Xiao Wang with him.

Don't expect him to provide much energy output, just serve as a magic consultant.

The young king is very happy to travel with the Supreme Mage. After all, this is the duty of guarding the clan. He was originally worried that he would be like his father, who guarded the library for most of his life because the Supreme Mage was too strong. Now he is no longer worried.

It's great that the master is willing to take him out.

Su Ming thought for a while and gave him a piece of cloth to cover his face. After all, Xiao Wang is still a "flowery face" and has no deterrent effect at all. If he needs to deal with the dark dimension, a person who looks very thin and tender will The delicious young mage will obviously not have a positive effect on the mission.

After arriving in the country of Mao Xiong, the next step is the boring work. Let the magic floating cloak start searching from the Bering Strait to sense where there is movement of dark magic. This will take some time.

Fortunately, although it is a bit cold to search everywhere in the wasteland in winter, this does not mean that Su Ming and Wang need to act together with Cloak. They only need to find a cave in the wild to start camping and vacation, and then wait for news.

Bringing Xiao Wang has one more advantage than bringing Monaco, and that is his cooking skills. Xiao Wang may want to show his magic and cooking skills to the master, so for lunch today, the two of them had 'Grilled whole reindeer'.

"Xiao Wang, your cooking skills are much better than your father." Su Ming held a huge rib in his hand, which looked like a scimitar. It was brushed with honey and roasted until it was golden and fragrant.

"Thank you." Wang smiled reservedly and rubbed his hands vigorously. He seemed like a child who felt the supreme honor but wanted to show humility.

Sitting at the entrance of the cave at the top of the mountain, you can see the snow-covered coniferous forest below, and look up at the clear blue sky, which is empty, as if there is only this bonfire in the world.

Su Ming, who was admiring the snowy scene and roasting on the fire, bit into a piece of meat, turned the bones in his hand and said, "This deer is too fat. Let's order some fruit after dinner, sweet and sour."

The little geography genius naturally knew where to find sweet and sour fruits in this season. Without saying a word, he opened the portal and went straight to the West Indies in the Caribbean. This season happened to be the time when cherries were ripe.

He knew that Deathstroke liked to eat wild fruits, saying that they were purely organic, without fertilizers and pesticides, and healthier.

Wang didn't know the difference between organic matter, but the preferences of the Supreme Mage were the most important to him, so he went into the forest to find wild cherries and berries, and after cleaning them, he put them in a beautiful glass bowl before giving them to him. Supreme Mage.

"Well, the cherries are good, and some ice cream would be even better. Looking at the snow scene, cherries and ice cream go better together." Su Ming began to eat meat and fruits one by one. While he was bored and waiting, he really liked to eat something. Even if his body doesn't need it, he still likes the feeling of eating.

"As you command, Master." Wang left again to prepare ice cream.

Su Ming finally knew what kind of corrupt life Batman usually led. It was really nice to have a butler, and it always felt nice.

Moreover, Wang is different from Hamil. Hamil is more old-fashioned. He will only arrange the life and food of mages, not warriors. Maybe meditation is useful for Gu Yi, but it is useless for Su Ming.

Because Gu Yi's body was hollowed out by the price, he often needed to take some weird extra-dimensional creatures for supplements, but Su Ming didn't need it. He always had to eat tentacle bugs and the like from time to time. Who could stop him.

But Hamil still had good intentions, and Su Ming couldn't bear to reject him. What if such a sincere and taciturn man lost his confidence in being a housekeeper and his mind was twisted?

But Hamill probably realized this himself, so he took the initiative to exchange for his son.

The king is younger, very obedient, and a quick learner. Let him serve the Supreme Master in the future.

But he probably didn't know that the Supreme Mage was already simulating the appearance of Xiao Wang's version of Alfred in his mind.

Su Ming thought that when he returned home, Wang, who was wearing a tuxedo, would bow, raise his chin with a smile, and say in standard London accent:

‘Sir, did you have fun tonight? ’

After receiving any reply, he smiled reservedly, said two cold jokes on the spot, and then added an English name for the dish...

Thinking about it, I feel that Beier has face.

"Master, your ice cream, vanilla flavor bought from Sydney."

Wang rushed back and handed the ice cream in his hand to the Supreme Mage.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work. Let's share half of it with you. Let's eat it together." Su Ming divided the ice cream and cherries into two portions, just half for each person. "I've thought about it. Don't call me master in the future. Just Call me Master."

As he spoke, Su Ming also imitated Batman's classic expression, thinking with the corners of his mouth downwards at 45 degrees.

Wang tilted his head:? ? ?

But after thinking about it, he realized that there was nothing wrong with the name. The guardian clan itself relied on the Supreme Mage to live. It was not wrong to call them a family of butlers, but they were just oriental-style butlers.

"Okay, old...master, but why did you suddenly think of changing your title?"

Although Wang agreed, his mind was full of doubts, it was a bit sudden, and it was not coherent with the previous topic at all.

Just when Su Ming was about to joke that it was because I was Batman, the magic floating cloak flew back and found its target location.

But just now he was chatting with Wang with a smile on his face, and he suddenly became serious. The black and yellow mask quickly seeped out from under his skin, and Deathstroke entered a fighting state.

"The king extinguished the bonfire, strangled and ate the remaining venison, and we began to move."

After the dark symbiote swallowed up nearly a whole roasted deer like a tide, Deathstroke and his butler each held a cup of cherry ice cream, sat on a flying carpet with serious expressions, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the clear sky. .

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