The Death Knell

Chapter 1059? Xiao Wang’s training

Wang obediently threw away his boots, walked into the house, closed the door, opened it again and walked out. He experimented but found nothing.

He couldn't understand it and could only wait for Su Ming to explain to him.

"Let me tell you this, let me guess what happened through clues." Su Ming's mask faded, he took out a cigarette and lit it with the box of matches: "First of all, not long ago, Leviathan established here They visited a scientific research station, drained the lake, and made a hole at the bottom of the pit. It’s unknown where it leads, but their Substance Zero was discovered there.”

"Then a month ago, a group of outsiders who obviously didn't celebrate Christmas broke into this place. They made a big show of their actions and did not cover up their actions at all. They triggered an alarm here. Then when these soldiers rushed out of the room, the other party took action. What method was used to lock them all at the door? It is possible that time was frozen here, because these guards obviously lived for a month without eating or drinking. The wave of intruders did not kill them. It seemed that they just walked towards the underground pit and did not come out. .”

"Then an hour or two ago, the third wave of people arrived here. Maybe some restrictions were triggered or some institutions were destroyed. Those who were 'frozen' in time woke up, so they were treated as In the last wave of invaders, the two sides naturally fought. The third wave was small in number and had extremely high individual soldier capabilities. After wiping out one-third of the enemies, they may have suddenly disappeared or become invisible, so the remaining guards were We searched around the big pit, and then went underground to chase the third wave of people."

"As for the beasts whose footprints are obviously wrong, they should be the last ones to chase them. Dark matter can attract even people, let alone animals without the ability to think."

Under the sunshine by the window, a man in black and yellow armor held a cigarette and told his guess very calmly, as if he had already won.

Such a scene made Xiao Wang feel that if he had not followed the master, he would definitely have regrets.

The domineering nature of Deathstroke and Ancient One is different. Ancient One always smiles calmly, affecting others like gentle wind and drizzle, but people cannot fight against nature.

The new Supreme Mage always has an expressionless face when he is serious, and everything always seems to be as expected by him. This will bring fear to those who are his enemies who are unable to resist, and a darkness in front of them.

After calming down, the newly promoted housekeeper Wang bowed slightly: "Then Master, what should we do?"

Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes, hooked Xiao Wang's thin shoulders and led him out of the room: "Actually, the most ideal way is to guard the entrance of the cave and wait for the people below to fight to the death. Finally, we will intercept the winner's beard. This way Easiest.”

"So what if there are other exits underground?" Wang asked again, he was a little confused.

Deathstroke patted his arm, raised his other hand to his mouth and smoked calmly, blowing out a smoke ring: "Hey... if it were you, entering a strange underground and beating an unknown enemy to a bloody head, But you win and get what you want...then will you choose to go back the same way? Or find another path in a completely unknown underground? Analyzing risks and benefits can almost be said to be human instinct , and no one is willing to take risks when they know there is a way out."

"I understand, then I will set up a magic trap at the entrance of the cave." Wang remembered the experience of hunting wild animals at the foot of Kama Taj Mountain.

"Hey, don't worry. I just said that is the easiest way, but it doesn't mean that I plan to use it. After all, there is element zero under the cave. I won't worry unless I see it with my own eyes. Besides, this time I am bringing you out to see the world. Yes, no matter what, I have to chase him for a while."

Su Ming grabbed Wang's arm and took him off directly. The two landed on the edge of the passage at the bottom of the pit.

"Well, I don't like drilling very much..." Wang showed an embarrassed expression. He was a sunny and pretty boy no matter what, but drilling holes in the ground was too dark.

Not to mention that at the entrance of the cave, you can feel an unusually cold atmosphere underground, as if gurgling from under your feet.

Cold and sweet, this is definitely not normal.

Su Ming pouted, stubbed out the cigarette butt and put it away. The black and yellow mask appeared on his face again: "How can you not know underground tactics if you follow me? You will get used to it if you drill more. Hamil and I both have great respect for you. see."

With that said, he dragged Wang into the cave that sloped downward.

Dry, cold, and smelly earth, this place perfectly matched all dark fantasies, especially when a corpse appeared in front of us after just a few steps, it was even more perfect.

Not a human corpse, but some kind of beast, I couldn't tell what it was, but it was blocking the road.

Su Ming hugged Wang with one hand and held the giant sword with the other. He picked up the body with the toe of his shoe. The other side of the body was full of blood and was now frozen on the ground. The monster was stuck in a pool of his own blood.

Of course, with his strong push, half of the monster's skin and flesh were torn off.

Wang suddenly grinned. It was a bit disgusting to skin a monster so violently.

"This is to train your resistance. Believe me, your resistance to stomach acid is very important." Su Ming did not look back, but let go of Wang, and approached the body to inspect it. He opened the mouth with both hands to look at it, and then used his palms to He poked the monster in the belly and said, "The bad news is that it eats people, but the good news is that it can be killed by bullets."

Wang closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his hand: "Sir, how did you tell that it eats people?"

"Because there is a human hand in its stomach. I just shook hands with it through the stomach wall."


Su Ming answered naturally, but Wang's reaction was not natural at all. He immediately retched and shook hands with the stump of the monster's belly. Only his master could do such a thing, right?

Deathstroke stood up, patted the king on the back, and put a pistol into his hand: "Don't worry, it's just a giant scleroderma monster mutated by radiation. Judging from the teeth and skull, it may be a canine, but although it is larger than The horse is still big and still poses no threat to us.”

"But...Sir, the hippopotamus is not a horse, and you pierced its belly." Wang said in pain with his eyes closed, and quickly turned his head away.

Su Ming looked at the place where he had stabbed, where a red mixture of ice and water was slowly flowing out. He shrugged:

"Scleroderma is like this. Although the skin becomes strong, it lacks toughness. You often cook and have never eaten dog meat? This one is just bigger. By the way, if you dare to say, 'Dogs are so cute,' How can you eat it? I will definitely open your ass."

"Huh... no, the dog meat is rolling three times, the god is unsteady, and I am a cooking enthusiast after all. I'm fine, sir, let's move on?"

I don't know if it was the mention of dog meat in the ice and snow that gave Wang motivation, or if his chef's heart was burning, but in short, he had gotten rid of the disgusting influence.

"very good."

Su Ming waved the giant sword in his hand, and the monster blocking the entrance of the passage was instantly split into two halves. He kicked the half-hard corpse into pieces, and the two of them walked into the darkness in the red corridor.

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