The Death Knell

Chapter 1060? Xiao Wang is not named Wang

After entering the cave, everything seems to have become dim. It is not pure darkness, but a layer of black mist seems to be shrouded in front of you. You can even stir them with your hands, but they are endless.

There is no wind in the cave, but these dark ink-like mists are flowing spontaneously. The passage is as solid as steel, the water droplets have frozen and solidified above the head, and various corpses can be seen everywhere along the way. If ordinary people When you come here, your first choice must be to scream and run away immediately.

But Su Ming just held the giant sword on his shoulders, all the way down.

The passage is straight, and you can even see the traces of iron excavations around it. The small cut surfaces are overlapped one after another, like the scales of a dragon.

"There really are them. They used manpower to dig a tunnel on the permafrost. This is a lot of effort." Su Ming reached out and touched the wall, and then nodded as if in appreciation. This reminded him of the veteran of tunnel warfare. Movie.

Xiao Wang does not have night vision, so he is now holding a light ball in his hand as a means of lighting, jumping around among the monster corpses on the ground.

"All of these corpses died from gunshot wounds, and not long ago, the temperature became higher as we went underground, and their blood did not coagulate. Are these big rats?"

He noticed that the Supreme Mage didn't seem to be looking at the corpses, so he took the initiative to explain.

Su Ming was still satisfied with Wang's performance. He didn't panic at all when seeing so many corpses, and his resistance to nausea was also very strong. This is the future.

He patted the king on the shoulder and walked to a slightly more open place. The silver starlight on the giant sword in his hand shone brighter: "Maybe it's a beaver that appears in Siberia? It doesn't matter. We have reached the end of the tunnel now. Look. , passing through the permafrost, the artificially dug passages have been connected to the naturally formed underground caves, and this is where the game begins.”

Yes, as it goes deeper and deeper underground, the artificial traces become less and less. When it comes into contact with the rock layer, this tunnel is connected to the underground natural cave system.

"In the underground world...we may come into contact with underground races there. They are basically unfriendly." Wang sighed. The underground races are basically the descendants of the first batch of demons on earth.

When the snake god Seth chose to devour his own kind and embark on the road to transcendence, he also had many younger brothers. Even if he ran away later, these original demons were not completely eliminated.

They hid deep underground and thrived there. Later, some of the 'foreign races' produced by the Celestial Group's experiments hid underground. The two intermarried and mixed. This is the origin of today's underground race. After tens of thousands of years of development, They are found in deep underground spaces almost all over the world.

This is why there are traditional demons underground on earth, as well as mythical creatures such as minotaurs and manticores.

Su Ming nodded and looked at the three forked roads in front of him: "You are right, but there are also some underground races that are slightly milder, such as the 'Monster Metropolis' underground in New York, and there is another in Siberia. The superhero of the Eternals has not carried out activities for so many years, so we can temporarily consider the underground environment here to be relatively safe."

Monster Metropolis is the territory of Xia Kaila's family, a succubus and Wade's future wife. As a demon, she is only about 300 years older than Deadpool, so she can be considered younger.

At this time, the person in power in Monster Metropolis is still her father, and that majestic underground city has not yet been completely merged with the New York sewers.

They also hide in deeper places and do not come up to the surface. They only occasionally eat corpses thrown into the sewers. Most of the time they engage in breeding by themselves, raising tentacles or slimes to feed themselves, making them self-sufficient. .

Wang puffed up his mouth and blew out a breath. He had a slightly bad premonition. Matters involving time or energy from another dimension were never trivial.

However, he calmed down and covered his face more tightly: "Okay, sir, there are three roads in front of us now, which one should we choose?"

"It doesn't matter. There is a surge of dark energy in the three forked roads. No matter which way you go, you will end up with the same destination. Look at the footprints on the ground. It is very interesting that the three groups of forces have chosen different paths."

Su Ming stood at the entrance of each cave for a while, licked his fingers, stretched them out to feel the wind, and came to the same conclusion.

The entire underground system is filled with the smell of blood and dark energy, as rich as oatmeal. The help that strangles and cloaks can provide has become limited. At this time, you have to look at your own experience.

The king nodded, his childish eyes twinkling under the magic light ball: "I know they all lead to the underground. Which way you choose, I should listen to you, sir."

Su Ming lowered his head and looked at the ground, and chose one of the paths with traces of blood on the ground. He smiled and praised: "Okay, sensible. It would be great if idol trainees were as sensible as you. There are things you shouldn't touch." Just don’t touch it, what kind of spokesperson do you want to be?”

Young Xiao Wang had a black question mark on his face: "???"

Deathstroke put away the Night Sword. The forked road with blood stains was the narrowest of the three roads. He replaced it with the Godslayer. The short scimitar was more useful in narrow places.

He grabbed Xiao Wang and flew along the passage for a long time before putting him down and walking slowly: "The smell of blood on this road we are walking is human blood. The blood stains are interrupted here. Let's take a look. Can you get me alive?"

"These bloodthirsty mutated creatures chased us in before us. Now that the cave is so quiet, it may be difficult to find living people." Wang followed the footsteps of the Supreme Mage. He listened carefully, and in the dark curved tunnel in front of him, , there was no sound of firing resistance at all.

Su Ming turned to look at him: "You don't know how to use a gun, right?"

"Well, thermal weapons are not very popular among mages. As a descendant of the guardian clan, I just need to be able to block bullets." Xiao Wang took the pistol that Deathstroke had given him before and gestured in his hand, but he couldn't even The gun safes were not on.

The footsteps of the two people echoed in the darkness, and Su Ming could feel that as the temperature increased, the rocks under his feet began to become slippery.

"There is something called a silencer, and when facing extremely fast enemies in such a narrow place, use cold weapons if you can. If not, then think about magic, and finally firearms." He patiently told Xiao Wang Teaching and cultivating some tunnel warfare ideas in him: "Of course, it's a different matter if you have a shotgun in your hand."

"I remember. Can you teach me how to use a gun in the future?" Wang nodded obediently, keeping the Supreme Mage's teachings in mind.

Su Ming looked around. The newly chosen fork in the road looked like an ant hole. On the already narrow passage, more forks and cat-ear holes appeared constantly. The bumps were not smooth at all, and the sound was refracted here. Very irregular:

"Of course, it's always beneficial to practice more marksmanship. Think about how powerful a magician who can use a gun is, with a giant sword for close combat and a heavy machine gun for long range..."

"Huh? What about magic?" Wang tilted his head, as if he felt something was wrong.

"Just light up the lighting spell." Su Ming replied, and walked forward quickly. He smelled the smell of living people, and it was the smell of living people with the aroma of powder: "Here, there is a living person in this fork in the road. Man, let’s see if I can find you a wife.”

"Daughter-in-law or something... I have a fiancée." Xiao Wang blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Huh? Are you kissing me?" Su Ming couldn't help but look at the still childish Xiao Wang. He himself was a child: "Marriage is the tomb of love. You are still young, so don't worry."

Wang shook his head, but did not show any yearning for love. Maybe he didn't know what it meant.

Having said that, while the magicians of Karma Taj have long lifespans, they are basically without families. Even Master Druid, the great disciple of Ancient One, has completely white beard and hair, and even his wife No.

"It was booked by the elders of the family, and the other party's family lives in the village at the foot of Kama Taj Mountain." Seeing that the Supreme Master didn't know about it, Wang quickly explained a few words.

Su Ming nodded with a strange expression, but otherwise, Hamil's communication range was just like that. When he was in New York, he stayed in the office all day and never went out unless Su Ming called him.

In Kamal Taj, except for occasionally going home to water the flowers, he never left the library at all, so that he could get to know people outside.

"Is the woman's family also a mage? How can I get to know the elders of her family?" Su Ming used the God Killer in his hand to light the way and put his arm around Xiao Wang's shoulders to inquire about the gossip.

"No, her family is a farmer who makes a living by farming, and her name is Zhang Aimei." Wang said. He obviously did not realize the lifespan gap between ordinary people and mages at this time.

Su Ming pursed his lips, but still did not remind him of this. He would always know how cruel the world is in the future, so he touched Wang's head: "Are you from the Celestial Dynasty? Judging from the name, he should be an honest person, which is not bad."

"Yes, you must know about our ancestors. The bloodline of the Celestial Dynasty is very important to us." Wang nodded without explaining in too much detail.

Su Ming did know that Wang's ancestor was actually a monk with a common surname of 'kan'. However, once when he was exploring a temple, he was sent directly to the other side of the universe by the magic circle in the temple, to a man named Siridar. ) world and met the king there, Jehan, and his sister, Princess Shialmar.

At that time, he had red lips, white teeth, thin skin and tender flesh, just like Tang Sanzang. The princess picked him up and immediately took a liking to him.

Although he was a monk at that time, he was thrown to an alien planet and Buddha did not come to save him. He also realized the illusion of the so-called gods and Buddhas in the sky. There are no gods in the sky, but only outer space and aliens.

In addition, the alien princess is so beautiful that he happily becomes the brother-in-law of the alien king.

Unfortunately, within a few years of the good times, a rebellion broke out in the country. The court magician relied on N’Garai, the demon king from another dimension, and arrested everyone in order to perform blood sacrifices.

In order to save everyone, Princess Sharma made a deal with other demon kings. Although the rebellion was suppressed, she lost all her emotions as a price.

So Kan and the children he had with the alien princess were ruthlessly thrown back to Earth.

Kan realized the dangers of the devil from another dimension. In order to prevent future generations from suffering the same pain as him, he decided to visit the masters and establish a clan of guardians. And he happened to meet the strongest mage in the world, Ancient One, and was taken in and taught by her.

Both of them had the same idea of ​​protecting the earth, so he joined Karma Taj and swore to Emperor Weishan that his family would assist the Supreme Master as a servant and disciple for generations to come.

But in order to commemorate the alien princess, although their family is from the Chinese Dynasty, their names have always been weird and alien-style.

For example, Wang himself is called Wong, and Hamir's surname is not Ha, but his name is Hamir. Their whole family is a mixture of Chinese and aliens, which also makes them more resistant to beatings than ordinary people. No more, that alien blood That's the benefit.

"By the way, if you have a child in the future, what do you plan to name it?" Su Ming asked Xiao Wang curiously, thinking that generations of this family had different surnames.

It was still too early for Wang to bring up the topic of having children. He rubbed the corners of his clothes at a loss, but the Supreme Mage asked and had to answer. He had never thought about it before, but now he immediately thought about it.

"How about Alexander?"

He said the name that came to his mind in a flash of inspiration, and looked at Deathstroke with guilty eyes, as if he was ready to accept a rebuttal.

I saw Deathstroke twitching twice as if he was suppressing a smile: "Are you under a lot of pressure? Okay, as long as you like it..."

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