The Death Knell

Chapter 1073 Trends from all parties

At this time, there was no light at the bottom of the sinkhole.

The vampires who had previously been suspended from sensing the outside world and fell together with the spiers that lost their anti-gravity capabilities are now almost reunited.

If it were any other creature, it would definitely be dead if it fell dozens of kilometers and turned into a pulp, but vampires were different.

Although some low-level vampires who have just been transformed have died, the more advanced vampires can turn their whole body into blood. As long as their heart is not pierced by a piece of wood or a fall, for them, they can just absorb some other creatures. blood will be restored.

But when going out to fight, newly transformed vampires must be brought with them, because they cannot control their bloodthirsty desires, easily fall into scarlet mania and lose all sense, and can break through the enemy's lines like mad dogs. This is the best cannon fodder unit. Much stronger than the goblins, kobolds and the like from the underground creatures.

Although it was very dark at the bottom of the sinkhole, the Vampires still had night vision capabilities. Apart from a few dirty clothes, most of the nobles were now unscathed.

At this time, on a boulder at the bottom of the pit, a richly dressed nobleman was wiping the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief. At his feet lay a dead succubus corpse, with very little blood flowing out of the two holes in the neck.

Soon, several nobles in unusual clothes arrived and saluted him gracefully, as if this was not the bottom of a chaotic battlefield, but in some castle or palace.

"Your Majesty Duke, we seem to have been plotted by those weirdos. That sound, ah, is like a beautiful bird song. It is still echoing in my mind." A nobleman used an aria-like tone to describe immortality. People's special abilities.

"It's just a little palace trick. Now we have a way to solve it. I'm afraid they have never seen a noble vampire before and want to be our enemy. Their tricks are not enough." Another one was playing with a stabbing sword in his hand. The nobleman's eyes were full of arrogance.

The Duke, who had just drank the blood, nodded expressionlessly, stood up and clasped his hands behind his back, looking around with calm eyes. He saw an extremely deep pit, shrouded in a special darkness, which limited the vampire's vision. interesting.

He has lived for nearly a thousand years and has never seen this phenomenon. And he could vaguely hear something calling him from a distant place, calling his soul that shouldn't exist.

"Mr. Andreev, and Mr. Davydenko, how is the surrounding exploration situation?" The Duke spoke. His face was very young, but his voice was like a dying old man, full of rough and hoarse hoarseness.

The two nobles who were named looked like young and handsome young men. Not only were they elegant and handsome, but they also had beautiful long white wavy hair. At this time, they also gave in and wanted to let the other party speak first.

Because none of what they bring is good news.

The surrounding cliffs were too steep and smooth as if they were oiled. If they were not vampires, their reflections would probably be reflected on the rock walls.

The battlefield above their heads is now a small bright spot no bigger than the tip of a needle in their eyes, which means that they have fallen at least ten kilometers deep.

Only a small number of nobles can fly up to this height. Most of our own troops do not have this strength and cannot go up.

Without an army, would the nobles have to do it themselves?

This is too disgraceful. If other hostile families knew about it, wouldn't it make them laugh out loud?

Although the nobles are strong, they will not allow themselves to fight hand-to-hand with those dirty monsters like the rough men. If their beautiful clothes or hair are stained, or scars are left that cannot be healed, That wouldn't be beautiful.

Destroying the Lord's enemies is what low-level vampires should do. Nobles, just hold the wine glass and command Ruoding from behind.

And to be honest, like their Duke Tatus, there are not many Dukes who are on the front line. Even after the ancestor declared war on the underground world, most of the Dukes still stayed in their castles and let their subordinates Command your troops to seize territory beneath the ground.

But who called this a furry bear? The vampires of the fighting nation are also different from other people. Duke Tatus was once a general of the Kingdom of Ancient Rus. Although after becoming a vampire, he could not take action easily due to the restraint of the nobles, but he preferred to go to the battlefield in person and listen to the enemy's words before they died. Scream.

He can even tell the age of others and the severity of their injuries by the sound of their screams.

It's a pity that the vampire can't laugh, otherwise he would be happier.

Falling into the current pit was not a desperate situation for the nobleman, but he still wanted to lead the army out, so he sent people to look around for a passage, even if it was a not too steep rock wall.

Now two of the four earls sent to explore the road came back, and there were two more. He was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

The vampires have plenty of time, and he believes that the underground creatures are not their opponents at all. Of course, neither humans nor those weirdos, because this time he brought the latest special weapons developed by the family.


On the other side of the rock wall separated from the Hydra by the large pit, the Immortals were also marching towards the final spire. Although they had obtained part of the Gravityium, compared with the amount required to make a star-destroying bomb, , is far from enough.

Their home planet was destroyed by Thanos, and the only way they could think of was to go back in time and wipe out the Titans, planets, and Titans from the universe before Thanos was born.

Just now they saw with their own eyes that someone took away most of the gravity. It was from the SHIELD camp in the future just like them.

However, the Immortals are full of confidence at this time, and it should not be difficult to take back the Gravityium from human hands.

The other party stole most of the Gravityium faster than our own. It should be the alien named Yoyo in their team who did it. In addition, Shockwave Girl is good at causing destruction, which is why it was so efficient.

Two strangers are nothing, after all, they are just Kree experiments.

The Kree's technology is not as advanced as the Immortals. Although their military strength is stronger, the Immortals are stronger in other aspects, much stronger.

In the past, the Immortals were peace-loving and unwilling to use their own technology for expansion. They have obtained unlimited material and energy, and have even mastered the black technology of robot birth. Everyone lives a peaceful and happy life.

They like to record the history of the universe and be witnesses. Watching the rise and fall of civilizations in the universe is like seeing beautiful poetry, which is so pleasing to the eye.

The investigators assigned to each planet would wear high-tech leather jackets and blend into the other party's ethnic group, transmitting everything they saw back to the home planet for their compatriots to watch.

To put it simply, the Immortals are a strange race that everyone likes to watch. Their productivity is so high that the planet’s production capacity is overflowing. They can live as long as they have new parts. They have nothing to do every day, so for tens of thousands of years, they have been obsessed with watching. Videos of low-level civilizations sent by investigators from all over the universe.

The evolution of life and civilization, the laws of the universe, everything looks so beautiful.

Robots don't need to eat or sleep. Apart from charging and recharging occasionally, they only have to watch 'movies'.

If a certain planet is frozen due to the death of a star, they think of it as watching "The Day After Tomorrow"; if a planet goes into trouble due to a biochemical experiment and all the life on the planet is devoured by zombies, they think of it as watching "Resident Evil".

Moreover, they are all serials sent by compatriots on the front line. They are all real people and real events, and they are very good to watch.

Watching the heroic figures struggle and fight in those disasters or historical changes, or succeed and go down in history, or fail and die with no body intact, always gives them something new to talk about.

But those good days are gone forever, and the immortals who love watching dramas no longer exist.

When Thanos' army destroyed their planet, they realized that in this universe, only power is eternal.

Then, turn technology into power, and just like humans, go back to the past, rewrite history, and avoid the tragic fate of your own race in the future.

This is a silent army with only hatred and sorrow in their hearts. Although they are unwilling to overkill in order to avoid too many butterfly effects, they will show no mercy if anyone hinders them.

This is all about survival, so that their home planet can be saved.

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