The Death Knell

Chapter 1074 Can’t reach an agreement

Strangler blocked the door and was killing people, while Su Ming turned the God Killer into a small file and was filing various things in the room.

These black rocks may have been associated with gravity for a relatively long time, so they have some characteristics that are different from other rocks, such as being lighter but stronger, so he took some time to take some samples.

There are also some simple furniture used by underground creatures in the room. They have also been sampled, which can provide comparative data for analysis of different degrees of changes.

But halfway through the work, he noticed that the light in the room had dimmed.

He turned his head and glanced at the door. The strangulation did not block the door with corpses. The gunfire never stopped. From time to time, it would try to eat a cow's head and a sheep's head. Its nerves were filled with joyful emotions.

When I walked to the window and looked up at the top of the cave, there was no change in the glowing moss plants.

‘It seems that the concentration of dark matter in the air has increased. Did he destroy the rock pillars containing gravitonium, but did it cause the dark matter to become active in the cave? ’

Su Ming's gaze turned downwards, where the bottom could not be seen at all, like an abyss leading to another world...

But soon, his eyes narrowed, because he saw a team on the rock wall directly opposite the window, like an ant marching, forming a long snake formation and heading this way.

There are various dense passages on the rock wall, and from time to time underground creatures will come out to block them, but the opponent's speed is still very fast, and the strong men who opened the way have a familiar feeling.

"Hydra's cyborg? Strangler, you haven't eaten Hydra for a few days. Do you miss it very much?"

Su Ming jumped out of the window, and the strangulation immediately returned to his body, with an emotion like a nod. The last time he ate the Hydra was still the best. It had been more than half a month.

Since the opponent has a wall on one side and a cliff on the other, and the road is so narrow that only three people can walk abreast, this is the best place to eliminate them.

If they really reach the spire, they may slip through the net, so a half-crossing attack is a better tactical choice.

After locking the position of the opponent's leader, the cloak brought him closer in an instant. The eyepiece left a long red trail in the air. Before the opponent could react, Su Ming beheaded the hive.

Yes, he recognized the monster Hive halfway through the flight. The head with squirming tentacles was so recognizable.

When the person arrives and the sword arrives, the black and white sword light draws a plane and suddenly blooms in the space.

Su Ming and Beehive passed by each other. Beehive's severed head was still spinning in the air and hit the rock wall on one side. Black juice splashed everywhere and the ball bounced towards the abyss.


Looking at the head in the sky, Su Ming sent an idea to Strangler, and a tentacle emerged from behind him and directly grabbed the rebound.

But as soon as this head was bitten by Strangled, the head that was still a whole body collapsed instantly like a sand castle, forming countless micro bugs smaller than gravel, and escaped from Strangled's big mouth.

Although Strangler hurriedly closed his mouth and left part to eat, more insects, like the wind lifting a veil in the air, returned to the neck of the hive, reshaping the image of the head again.

The back of the honeycomb turned into the front, and he turned around without moving. His cold and numb dark eyes looked at Su Ming, but the x-metal blocked his psychic ability.

The monster also discovered this. Beehive raised his hand and pressed his throat, used insects to simulate human vocal organs, and spoke with a voice like Xiang in his mouth.

"Deathstroke, it turns out you are here. This is the first time we have met."

Su Ming smiled. He would not die even if his head was cut off. It seemed that it was not the weakened version of Hive like MCU. He held up a sword flower and said in a hoarse voice under the mask: "Then I hope this is the last time."

Beehive was not angry either. He spread his hands as if to show off his long, straight military uniform: "There is no hatred or conflict of principles between us. On behalf of Hydra, I can invite you to join us and work together for a great cause. .”

"The great cause of Hydra? 'Obedience brings order, order brings prosperity'? Or is it simply the same old thing, what kind of nine-headed true god do you worship?" The God Killer in Su Ming's hand turned into a golden scimitar. This place It's a bit narrow, and the cyborg monsters behind the opponent are also ready to move.

Beehive shook his head. His face, which was completely inhuman, could not express any rich expression. He put his hands on his back and said, "I don't believe in those things either. So what about order? What about prosperity? What will become of the earth?" It has nothing to do with me. As for the Nine-headed True God? I am God!"

He didn't hesitate to have a group of Hydra members with him. He opened his hands like embracing the sun and admitted everything very frankly, saying that he had no interest in them at all.

Even if the surrounding Hydra soldiers heard his words, they did not behave abnormally, as if they were used to it.

In fact, Hive's soldiers have been controlled by him with parasites and can be regarded as his clones. In addition to having their own thoughts and being able to act independently, they worship Hive like gods.

As for Belly Snake's subordinates, it is more realistic. They basically choose to follow Belly Snake for money or other benefits. They already know the truth.

Each Hydra leader has different ideas, and their subordinates are also different. Probably only Red Skull and Kraken's subordinates still believe in the Nine-Headed True God.

"Oh? So you have your own great career?"

After Su Ming asked the question to the hive, she turned around and looked behind her. She saw the Belly Snake more than ten meters away. She was closely protected by a group of mechanical soldiers. She was holding a cigarette between her slender fingers and puffing away at the smoke. It's lively.

"Yes." Beehive raised his hand, and countless small bugs floated up from his palm. He formed them into a Russian matryoshka doll and explained to Su Ming while demonstrating: "Our universe does not exist independently. Yes, outside of it, I guess there is a higher level universe, just like the toy in my hand, layer upon layer..."

Su Ming couldn't help but give him a high look. Although the hive was just the thinking aggregate of a bunch of bugs, it had a pretty good understanding of the universe.

Now in 1956, he is about to touch the evidence of the existence of the multiverse, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"So you are looking for a way to go outside the universe." Su Ming interrupted him and put his scimitar on the ground: "So, you are looking for a boulder?"

"Yes, it seems that you have also heard of the prophecy circulated among the descendants of Slavs. Today, there will be an iron bird carrying a huge stone, bringing a ladder to the outside of the universe. How about it? I sincerely invite you to join me, Strong players like us should have a broader stage."

The hive paused for a moment, sucked the bugs back into its body again, and picked up the topic with the tentacles on its face squirming.

It seems that he has heard of the evil reputation of Deathstroke, and may also have contact with the head of state, so he is not impulsive at this time.

"I appreciate your kindness. If you hand over the gravity force and retreat now, I can let you live." The other party's attitude is quite good, and Su Ming doesn't want to get entangled with something that is difficult to die like a hive.

There was a strange smell coming from below the cave, like some moldy leftovers, accompanied by a large number of black particles, like lava about to erupt, rolling around everyone.

Su Ming and Feng Qing both noticed this change and both glanced into the pit, but no one would tell them what they saw.

"It turns out that liquid metal is called gravitonium. It's very interesting. Hydra has strong scientific research capabilities. If you join us, you can share the results." Honeycomb put his hands behind his back and persuaded again.

Su Ming shook his head. He originally thought that he could negotiate a condition, but since the other party was seeking death, he would give them a ride.

He split the scimitar into two, and the golden weapon with electric light suddenly emitted a strong light. The weapon seemed to scream for blood, and the desire to kill suddenly poured into his soul.

"I'm just an ordinary person, and an ordinary person who doesn't like bugs."

Su Ming flatly rejected the Hive's invitation. Time was running out. The Substance Zero below the abyss seemed to have changed, so he had to check it out quickly.

Beehive shook his head in disappointment, and the two raised arms suddenly exploded into smoke, and those small brown bugs began to fill the surrounding air like dust: "It seems that I have to show my strength, and I am unwilling to cooperate." , then die."


Su Ming had a thought in his mind, and the strangled soul suddenly took off a flash bomb from the chest of the host's armor and threw it above everyone's heads. Then with a soft sound, the surrounding area became white.

"Come on, Hive!"

He roared low and jumped up suddenly in the bright light. The two knives in his hands spread out like wings, as if he wanted to cut off the hive in half.

Beehive simply turned himself into a bug and retreated like running water to distance himself. He was not very afraid of the pair of golden weapons, but mainly because the electric current wrapped around them was a bit troublesome.

Bugs are small, so strong current is a hidden danger to them.

The sword carried a strong sound of wind, and the death knell was so fast that it only left an afterimage on the spot. Beehive raised his head and looked at the colorful glowing moss. The dark shadow enveloped him, as if in the next moment, the weapon would fell on top of his head.

But suddenly, the death knell flashed backwards like it defied the principles of physics. It obviously jumped towards the hive, but changed its direction in mid-air and went back at a faster speed.

With a backward slash, he directly cut down the viper who was behind him. Not only did he cut the most powerful biochemist of Hydra into two halves in an instant, but even the guards who protected her were killed in the dense crowd in the next second. The sword turned into a broken body and fell together with her.

Blood and broken organs were splashed everywhere, and the narrow cliff path instantly turned into a hell on earth.

Deathstroke, who suddenly appeared behind Viper, shook off the weapon in his hand, stood up slowly, and threw the blood and oil on it onto the rock wall. The Godslayer became spotless and shining again.

"Okay, the clearance is complete, now we can officially start."

As he spoke, he raised his fingers towards the hive.

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