The Death Knell

Chapter 1081 Logic Closed Loop

While observing the boulder in the hive, Coulson looked at Mike helplessly. Although he couldn't speak, his eyes also showed his thoughts.

‘Why didn’t you come when you came? Isn't it easier for speedsters to deal with hives? ’

That's probably what it means, this is the torture from Coulson's soul.

But Mike's dark face looked at Colson with a pair of white eyes very innocently, showing a confusion that he didn't know whether it was true or false.

‘She can’t get out of bed, but she doesn’t exert much effort. This is due to her racial talent plus her extraordinary talent. Do you blame me? ’

This was the answer in Mike's eyes, which also undoubtedly made Coulson roll his eyes. He didn't want to hear about such private matters of his subordinates, but from now on he must formulate a new rule, even if the combat mission is over. , field staff are not allowed to have sex within a few hours.

If you don't have fighting ability at the critical moment, you are cheating your father.

‘Not to mention that, you knew it was a beehive and why didn’t you think about it quickly and shout before shooting? What should I do if the information is leaked now? ’

Coulson looked away again, which was full of bitterness and helplessness. The atmosphere of the team was very warm, but the team members often had various problems and were not professional at all.

Although Hive's psychic abilities are much weaker than those of telepathic professionals such as Professor

But now, with Mike's intrusion, Beehive has obviously noticed the three boulders. If these things fall into his hands, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Especially the third circled boulder, no one knows what special function it has.

Gemma believes it may lead to another dimension, as Ghost Rider traveled to the hell dimension with the book "Dark Grasp" at the time, proving the multidimensional nature of the universe.

Fitz believes that it represents quality, also called material existence, because from a physical point of view, the world is composed of space, time, and quality.

Now the scientific duo do not have the same views, and no one dares to conduct random experiments with huge rocks, so they can only put it aside for the time being. Unexpectedly, when they go back to the past this time, they will be blocked by the hive of the past.

Mike felt a little ashamed. He didn't blame himself for what happened to Yoyo, but he couldn't get rid of the blame for leaking the information.

He was silent for a moment, then rolled his eyes and came up with an idea. Since the hive had opened a breakthrough from him, it would be good enough to show him...

After looking at the boulder for a long time, Beehive turned his head and looked around at everyone present again. He obviously saw Mike as a breakthrough.

After all, the black man's performance was the worst before and his willpower was very weak. Now he is thinking about his long-dead daughter and is even more sentimental than the women present.

This made Hive look down on him even more. Although Hive was not a racist, and he never believed in the Nazis, the situation at this time really made him reflect. The previous statements of the head of state seemed to be reasonable. .

‘Black people are indeed the lowest race, the dregs of mankind. ’

Beehive shook his head. Soon he would abandon all humans and take the aliens to conquer the stars and the sea. The humans on Earth would eventually be on the road to destruction.

The Hive sees humanity's self-destructive nature very clearly.

Almost everyone, even Red Skull and Sitric, who are the faces of Hydra, have the same problem. Sometimes just for the immediate benefits, they will do it even though they know there will be terrible costs. This is self-indulgence. destroy.

He got closer to Mike, splitting a lot of bugs and crawling on Mike's face, and he also made a posture as if he wanted to get into the black man's body through the seven orifices. Under the red emergency lights, it seemed that something cruel was about to happen.

But before he really made a move, the black man's defense seemed to collapse, and the hive read the information from his brain.

It turns out that the black boulder is the ladder leading to the outside of the universe.

The long-held dream finally came true today. The hive immediately took back all the insects and walked happily to the glass cabinet.

He had no time and no need to waste time with a low-level human being.

Full of longing for the future, he opened the glass cabinet door and walked in. He moved his hands up and down against the pure black boulder, as if looking for a way to start it.

But before she could find a way, Daisy got rid of the mental fixation. Seeing a golden opportunity, she directly launched a shock wave on the boulder to activate it. The originally indestructible boulder instantly turned into a liquid.

The black water enveloped the hive like a tsunami, sucking him in.

The hive also tried to escape from the insect swarm, but the liquid seemed to be alive, not a single insect was lost, and it swallowed him completely.

Seeing that the black wave seemed to be expanding to swallow everyone, Daisy quickly canceled the power, and the boulder immediately flowed back, returning to its original solid state, as if nothing had happened.

Daisy hurriedly took a few steps forward, closed the glass cabinet door, leaned against it, panting, slowly slid to the ground, and moved her wrists as if she was relieved. This time she was even more injured. .

Others also regained their ability to move, as if their blood flow was blocked after being immobilized for too long. Everyone staggered, but Coulson gritted his teeth and walked over to confirm whether the door was locked.

"We've got rid of him for the time being, and we really have you, Mike." Poppy moved her neck, and she put away the stick in her hand.

The black man wiped his face. He could not forget the feeling of dense insects crawling on his face for a short time. He said with a frustrated face: "I just hypnotized myself and gave him wrong information. Can I defeat him?" Thanks to Daisy’s superpowers.”

That black boulder was not the third one with unknown effects at all, but the one with space capabilities. At this time, the hive had been thrown to a remote planet in the universe.

Melinda helped Daisy up, patted her back thoughtfully, looked at the boulder and said thoughtfully: "So the people who threw the hive to the alien planet were actually us?"

Coulson took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. He clapped his hands to indicate that those outside the door who did not have enough confidentiality levels could be dismissed. Then he said, "It seems so. The time logic makes sense."

Fitz was still holding a plastic bag of gravity in his hand. He was extremely excited at this time, as if he had vaguely touched the threshold of the concept of time: "We dropped the hive to an alien planet in 1956, and nothing on the normal timeline We who don’t know, will accidentally release the hive in 2012, which is why he is so interested in Daisy and the aliens! This is a time closed loop! We succeeded!"

He had completely forgotten that a masked mage had taken away three small samples of the boulder.

"Go and put your things away quickly, and then quickly repair the plane." Gemma stepped on his foot, pointed to the container on the wall, and danced with her hands in her hands. Is life enough?

"Oh." Fitz then remembered that he was still holding a bomb, and quickly walked to the wall cautiously.

Daisy was surrounded by Bobby and Melinda and smiled bitterly: "I've been targeted by the hive. No wonder he will torture me so much in the future. He must hate me to death."

Poppy bumped heads with her and said with a smile: "So far, we are not sure whether insects have the concept of hatred. Besides, we all know the outcome of the matter, right?"

"I hope nothing changes..." Daisy opened her mouth and let out a long sigh.

Coulson's smile returned to his face. He was satisfied that his team could always solve the crisis.

But just when everyone thought he would order the break, Coulson said: "Everyone go to the conference room. I just thought of some new rules and regulations for the SHIELD team. Let's have a meeting to discuss them."

For some reason, looking at Colson's back as he walked out of the cabin in a hurry, Mike, who was wiping his face, seemed to feel that his sexual life was far away from him.

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