The Death Knell

Chapter 1082 Fighting Song

The whistling wind blew past my ears, and the feeling of weightlessness brought about by the rapid fall seemed to make all the blood in my body freeze in the top of my head. There was only thick dark matter in front of me, and the various energies continued to collide on the black and yellow armor, forming a Electric sparks appear and disappear.

Unlike the zombies who disappeared halfway, Su Ming landed directly at the bottom of the pit. Although his field of vision was greatly restricted, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow after landing.

Those underground creatures don't know how many years they have lived in this city. Anyway, it seems that their domestic garbage is not sorted and is all thrown into the abyss.

The ground where you stand is soft, and there are not only a large number of bones, but also countless kinds of garbage and dust.

Fortunately, underground creatures are different from humans. They eat very cleanly and don't have much kitchen waste. However, they have also thrown away broken jars, rotten animal skins and other things, and now they have formed a thick layer of garbage. heap.

This may be the largest garbage dump ever created.

He bent down to pick up a bone and pinched it casually. The weathered bones turned into pieces. Su Ming looked around. Except for the solid rock wall behind him, he couldn't even see anything ten meters away. .

The empty space but filled with dark clouds gives people a sense of chaos, and the sound of thunder and lightning can be heard from time to time when the dark clouds are turning.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Ming thought for a while, took out a torch from his pocket and lit it.

He had tried it with cigarette butts before, and these black clouds would subconsciously avoid the flames. This torch was not for lighting, but just to reduce the concentration of dark matter around his body.

Although there is symbiote protection, dark matter has been seeping into the body. This kind of energy-based thing is not a parasite, and there is no good way to kill it.

"Strangulation, can you smell the vampire?" He asked his symbiote while slowly walking towards the center of the abyss. Next, he had to deal with key issues. He couldn't just let the vampire watch, otherwise something might happen easily.

It is safer to clear the place before doing anything.

The strangles sprouted from his shoulders like bean sprouts. The smell of vampires was the best to identify. It was the smell of human blood mixed with perfume, and there was darkness in the glitz.

However, the little black bean sprout sniffed in all directions like a dog, then shook its head and retracted into the armor. The air here was full of ions of dark matter, and its sense of smell failed.

"Is doesn't matter, I still have a way." Su Ming lifted up his cloak and the God Killer took it in his hand: "It turned into a large electric horn."


As for Duke Tatus, there were still no other two earls waiting to explore the way. They seemed to be lost in the darkness.

And for some reason, there were more and more black particles in the surrounding air. He subconsciously led people to find the source of the black matter.

But when he finally found the source and saw the small spring, which was only as thick as his waist and kept spewing black smoke on the ground, he didn't know what to do next.

Although that thing was small, it contained frightening energy. Even if Duke Tatus was not a sorcerer, he could still feel the blood in his stomach rolling with the same frequency as black smoke.

Fortunately, this energy did not bring any side effects to the vampires. Apart from restricted vision, no other effects were found.

So he decided to have a meeting with his trusted courtiers around Koizumi.

"Mr. Andreev, what do you think?" Tatus gently covered his mouth and nose with a white handkerchief. Although vampires don't need to breathe, nobles must behave like nobles. In this case, they must behave Dissatisfaction with dirty conditions.

Naturally, his count also followed suit. He also covered his nose with a handkerchief, straightened his collar before replying: "Sir, I think these black substances can be used. You see, they spew out from the ground spontaneously. And it spreads like a cloud, we can throw the 'necrotic type I' virus we brought in..."

You must leave half of what you say, whether the Duke adopts this suggestion or not, you can leave some room.

Before falling, the vampires had already studied the terrain here. Now with the help of these self-diffusing black clouds, biochemical weapons can automatically spread to every corner of the underground space. Any living earth creature will be rotten to death. Turn into blood sacs.

He had no idea that the 'rock cover' above everyone's heads had already flown out of the atmosphere. The black smoke blocked the sunlight they were most afraid of, and also prevented them from noticing the movement above.

If they throw the necrotic virus into this 'spring' now, no one can say what will happen.

Tatus nodded slightly, without agreeing or disagreeing. He just pressed his lips with his slender white fingers: "Master Davidenko, what do you think?"

The vampire named Davydenko looks slightly older, but this only means that his body was older when he was transformed into a vampire. In fact, he is still the junior of Tatus and Andreev.

Although they are both counts, that is only due to their bloodline. Judging from the order of the Duke's inquiries, it can be found that Davydenko is not as favored as Andreev.

"Sir, the spread of this black smoke is beyond our control. If the necrotic plague spreads to the ground and infects humans, it may conflict with the order of the ancestor..." He chose to be on the safe side, and his fiefdom was closer. On the border between Mao Xiong and the Celestial Empire, he also knew very well how terrifying the Divine Spear Bureau of the southern country was.

This is Tunguska in Siberia. Although it is an uninhabited place, we are afraid of the unexpected. If the virus reaches the ground and is blown by the northwest wind, it reaches the northeastern region of China...

Although the Divine Spear has kept a low profile for hundreds of years and basically does not participate in the affairs of the world and only cares about its own family, there are too many strong people in the Divine Spear, and its own strength is not enough for others.

Tatus' power is not small among the Vampires, and he has nearly 10,000 Vampires of all sizes under his command. The Vampires are not werewolves, and they are very particular about developing descendants.

But there are more than 10,000 warriors in the Divine Spear Bureau who can tear Japanese apart like paper.

As a blood noble, Davydenko could not say that he was afraid of humans, so he took out Dracula's order to cover it.

Although Dracula has no soldiers and territory, he is an orthodox member of the blood race and holds great righteousness. As long as he makes an announcement casually, even if it is said that a certain Duke is unbecoming without wearing socks, other Dukes who have evil intentions and want to annex the territory will send troops to replace him. The ancestors do things.

He forbids vampires to go to war with humans, so anyone with a little bit of brains would not disobey this order.

Not to mention that spreading the plague in Mao Xiong's country will also attract Leviathan, who also has a powerful trump card.

Although biological and chemical weapons are good, they cannot be used indiscriminately.

Tatus said "Huh" without any expression on his face. His sword-like eyebrows trembled. He probably thought of this, so he began to ponder.

However, at this moment, they heard the hoarse singing voice of a ghost coming from the darkness in the distance. The voice was very loud and had a strange rhythm, even overwhelming the sound of wind and thunder above their heads.

Tatus raised his hand, stopped his men from saying anything, and listened carefully to the sound coming from the wind.

"... Sing folk songs, sing here and there, folk songs are like the spring river water, hey, hey, hey..."

The Vampire Duke frowned and felt that things seemed a bit complicated. As an immortal species, he could understand Chinese, but that was the problem. How could people from the Celestial Dynasty come here?

Could it be someone from the Divine Spear Bureau? Was news about the necrosis virus leaked?

The other party had no intention of getting closer. The sound should have stopped several hundred meters away, and nothing could be seen. Moreover, the other party sang more enthusiastically.

‘What is this? Is it some kind of warning? ’

‘Is this a reminder that the Spear Bureau has discovered our plan? ’

‘The singing is so unpleasant, it is simply raping our ears! ’

Tatus still stood quietly, listening to the other party's strange singing, while the other nobles communicated silently with their eyes, each with different thoughts and guesses in their minds.

The lightning in the dark clouds made everyone's face flicker, and they could all see that the Grand Duke's fingers holding the handkerchief were trembling, as if he was holding back his anger.

"Huh, humiliate me with this wolf howling song? Where is our orchestra?" Tatus listened for a moment, then turned to ask the nobles behind him.

Andreev spread his hands: "The members of the palace orchestra are too weak. They were all seriously injured when they fell. They are still recovering slowly."

"Then you go and get musical instruments to accompany me. I will sing excerpts from the aria in "The Queen of Spades" and use human music to defeat humans." Tatus said proudly, exuding a strong aura of dominance.

In an instant, the eyes of the surrounding nobles shone brightly, and their actions were full of confidence.

The vampires are best at playing music. If the opponent wants to use music to persuade their own army to retreat, then we will use the same method to frustrate the opponent's spirit!

Vampires live too long, and their daily lives are too boring. Almost all vampires who are a little bit ambitious can play the piano well. The longer they live, the more instruments they know.

The members of the palace orchestra are not the most skilled. On the contrary, they are servants with no status at all. They are similar to blood slaves. The real blood nobles are the music masters. Serving people is the job of low-level vampires.

But it is not a shame to accompany the Duke now.

Soon, as dozens of nobles with musical instruments took their positions, a symphony-like accompaniment sounded at the bottom of the dark abyss.

Tatus closed his eyes, gently wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and began his performance.

Because he brought his own orchestra, he performed perfectly. Vampires' lungs are just decorations. They squeeze the air through their stomach pouches to make sounds. This is the most authentic abdominal pronunciation, and is the most suitable for singing high notes.

As soon as he started singing, his perfect singing suppressed the ghostly screams coming from the distance, and there was no sound from the other side.

Tatus' eyes flashed with amusement, and he sang even more intoxicated.

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