The Death Knell

Chapter 1083 Reinforcements

How to find a group of vampires in a dark, vast area with obstructed vision?

The answer is - just challenge their bottom line.

Strangulation can't find the vampires, and losing the sense of smell is not a big deal. Su Ming has many ways, but the simplest method doesn't require a little effort.

Whatever the Vampires like, just deliberately spoil it.

Being a noble and having a long lifespan makes most vampires feel proud and complacent. Their most proud specialty is not immortality or the ability to heal themselves, but their taste in art.

Oil paintings, poetry, opera, these things are basically the entire daily life of vampire nobles.

In this environment, Su Ming couldn't find a painting to tear up for them to see, and they couldn't see it either; if he could just recite poetry, and it would be less emotional, then he would just sing.

In fact, if he doesn't wear a mask or a voice changer, he can sing quite well.

But after being processed through layers of voice changers and loudspeakers, and refracted by the abyss terrain, the singing could only be described as a ghost cry, and he also chose to imitate a werewolf to sing folk songs, mixed with a few wolf howls from time to time. , which is even more harsh for vampires.

But now that the plan was successful, I deliberately sang unpleasantly, but the other party couldn't bear it and immediately responded with classic opera excerpts, as if he wanted to teach me what singing is.

But is it useful? Your position has been exposed...

Su Ming put away the loudspeaker and turned it back into the scimitar state. He planned to go to the vampires to discuss terms. If he really wanted to deal with Dormammu, it would be good to fool some durable cannon fodder.

These vampires are here to fight the underground races. Su Ming was too lazy to meddle in their own business, but the situation is different now. If you can talk, just talk. If you don't understand, just kill them.

However, just as he was about to fly in the direction of the vampires, a song suddenly rang out in the darkness not far behind him. The voice was generous and heroic, and the tune was very high. The song was actually the folk song "Sansanlipu Village" in northern Shaanxi.

Familiar tone, unfamiliar accent, accompanied by the sound of the electric speaker: "Tell me about a family! My family is famous! I live in Suide! Sansanlipu Village..."

Su Ming, who was about to take off, fell back. His one eye under the mask had narrowed to a slit. Needless to say, hearing Chinese here meant that the Divine Spear Bureau was coming.

Although Siberia is the territory of the bear, it is sparsely populated. Even if the Sky Ring Base comes directly, Leviathan may not be able to notice it immediately.

Let's just go over and see who's coming. We can't just leave it alone and cause trouble at the critical moment.

The newcomers were singing happily, as if they were competing with the vampires to see who could outlast the vampires. Su Ming followed the singing and got closer.

Before he got too close, he saw a golden light in the dark clouds about ten meters away. The familiar shape made him feel relieved.

He flew directly over, landed next to the visitor, and pressed the other party's electric horn with some helplessness: "Old Zheng, you are not interesting enough, why are you still following me?"

The person who came was Zheng Xian, the director of the Divine Spear Bureau. He was holding a sharp spear in one hand and an electric horn in the other, and he was singing happily.

The kind Su Ming often saw in the vegetable market in his previous life, constantly telling people the good news that the Jiangnan Leather Factory had closed down.

I quickly shook my head and couldn't think about it. As soon as I thought about it, I felt those magical words appear in my mind. This is the pain of having too good a memory.

Zheng Xian put down the speaker with a smile, turned off the power and said: "It's nothing, brothers, don't get me wrong, I'm just here to find out the news about Element Zero. Who knew you threw a land as big as a county out of the earth? I'm just here to join in the fun, this is all a coincidence."

Su Ming crossed his arms and tapped his fingers rhythmically: "If you don't use hundreds of thousands of agents, the director will go out in person. Why do you think I don't believe it?"

The director thrust the spear into the ground and leaned forward: "Even if you don't believe me, you still have some confidence in yourself. Do you think you are not erratic enough? Or do you think you have a bad eye for people?"

"Well, since you appeared in front of me without any secrets, I still have confidence in my fists." Su Ming took off his mask, took out two cigarettes from his pocket, and the two of them lit them and started to swallow them. Talking about things in vain.

Zheng Xian's expression was a bit bitter and full of hatred, and he looked a bit bitter in appearance. At this time, he was smoking very hard: "I said brother, is it okay if you just breathe in the black stuff around you? I have a magic gun to protect me. It wouldn't hurt to add some Qi training methods, but you don't wear a mask..."

"It's okay. You just want to see the effect of Element Zero. You'll know when I turn into a monster and want to destroy the world." Su Ming smiled, took a deep breath, and blew out a smoke ring.

In fact, it seems that the helmet has been removed, but the strangulation has formed a new defense under the skin, and the surface of the respiratory tract and digestive tract has also been changed into demon flesh to increase resistance.

It had eaten a lot of underground races before, so it was not for nothing. Facts have proved that those monsters have not been assimilated after living here for so many years and are resistant to dark matter, so it would be good to simulate their flesh and blood composition.

Zheng Xian shook his head and sighed, blowing some smoke to the side with a sad look on his face: "Well, I told you about Element Zero before. I heard that this kind of thing is very dangerous, and I wanted you to come and see it together. Let’s increase our responsibilities from one to five. After all, Siberia is quite close to the Northeast, so I have to prepare for a rainy day. Protecting the earth is also Kama Taj’s responsibility, and you also share in the crisis of extinction.”

Su Ming recalled that before he went to Sochi for vacation, Zheng Xian seemed to have really said that, but the words "two one plus five" were too vague, and he thought he was dragging her out to rob him. .

"But what did you mean by 'fuck him' back then?"

Su Ming stroked his beard. He always felt that Zheng Xian didn't mean this at first. He changed his mind temporarily when he saw Ling Su's true face and the death knell.

"Really? Brother, you must have remembered it wrong. Let's not talk about that. Let's study what to do next." Zheng Xian showed a surprised expression, as if he had never said those words.

The abyss is not a good place, and Su Ming doesn't want to argue with Zheng Xian here. It's good now that he realizes his mistake.

Putting out the cigarette, the black and yellow mask rose again: "The people who sang to us just now were a group of vampires, and they sang excerpts from "The Queen of Spades". They should have been locals in Mao Xiong during their lifetime. I was about to go and talk to them. condition."

"Hmm... Vampires are easy to deal with. These kind of things are extinct in our area. They are far worse than zombies. Let me talk about the key point. I just feel the danger of Substance Zero, but it seems that you are not interested in them. It’s more familiar, can you tell me what it represents?”

Zheng Xian took the last drag of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and stamped it out.

"Substance Zero is a body energized by the dimensional demon god. It is corrosive and devouring. If it expands infinitely, it will easily swallow the earth." Su Ming hugged Zheng Xian, and the two of them walked towards the vampire clan: " By the way, there are zombies over there? The blood-sucking kind?"

"If it's an official answer, then it's definitely not true. Monsters, monsters, ghosts, and snakes don't exist in our area. They're all feudal superstition." The cigarette butt that Zheng Xian stepped on had turned into crumbs. He used force skills to destroy the traces, and at this time he also hooked Su Ming's neck with his backhand. The two of them looked like they were two good brothers: "But if we talk in private...if those things didn't cause trouble, brothers What do you think I, Director of Divine Spear, am usually busy with?"

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