The Death Knell

Chapter 1088? Aboriginal hospitality

Flying towards the blue sun on the horizon, Orini felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Even though he is not close yet, he can feel that this is a powerful energy that is completely different from magic. If this energy is slowly released and transformed, it may be possible to charge the planet and make it stronger.

Although it is just a vague hope, it is still hope.

But on his way to the blue sun, he saw a very strange Faltin man, standing on the ground and waving to him. The man still had a small burning stick between his fingers. He didn't know what he meant.

The blue sun in front was constantly releasing strong radiation, which was harmful to the body, so after thinking about it, Orini landed on the ground and wanted to ask the strangers of his race what they had discovered.

Maybe he saw how the explosion occurred, or maybe he had a different understanding of this energy phenomenon than he did.

All Faltin people are firmly opposed to Dormammu, and even the resistance organization has made it clear. There is no need to cover up any subversive activities and behaviors, and there are no traitors among the same race.

Dormammu actually knew that these people always wanted to cause trouble, but he found it very interesting.

Like seeing a swarm of ants trying to rebel against a god, he gave the Faltines the opportunity to rebel against him.

For tens of thousands of years, the Falting people have made dozens of attempts, but none of them have been successful. The plan is very thorough, the layout is very strict, and there are even a lot of manpower. Every time it looks very promising.

But once Dormammu arrives and yawns, the heroic ancestors are blown out like candles.

The gap in strength is like a natural chasm, which cannot be crossed by the Falting people on their own. They went on and on, launching futile revolutions again and again, only to end in failure again and again.

Later, Dormammu even regarded this as a performance. If the Faltin people could hurt him a little bit of dark matter, he would also give the survivors a lot of energy and encourage them to keep up their efforts and continue to resist.

Orini, who landed on the ground, observed the unfamiliar fellow. The other person had long red hair, tied with a black hairband. His body was very strong, and both his size and aura were full of oppression.

He couldn't say why, but Orini felt that this man had experienced something, and it was something very dark.

Thinking of this, he was a little confused. If there was such an extraordinary person living nearby, he should know him. Why didn't he have any impression at all?

However, just as he was thinking carefully, the other person's aura suddenly changed. A smile appeared on the stranger's face. He pinched off the short stick in his hand and greeted him warmly.

"Come, brother?"


Orini was confused. He was very sure that he had no biological relationship with the stranger. Why did he become his younger brother?

Wait... why does this same race speak the language of Earth?

As Faltine people who often do business with the main dimension, they have been in contact with the sorcerers of the Celestial Dynasty for thousands of years. They can naturally understand Chinese, but they do not need to use language to communicate with each other.

In the form of the flame element, they can convey messages through the temperature of the flame and the difference in light and shade, while in the human form they rely on magic to communicate. Language is a very inefficient means of communication.

"Are you human?"

Orini did not show an alert look. Instead, he acted curious as if he was seeing a new world and asked in Mandarin with a southwestern accent.

Su Ming also nodded. He didn't know the language of Falting, so he was naturally exposed as soon as he spoke, so he admitted openly: "Yes, as a human being on earth, I come from the main dimension. Supreme Mage."

"Okay, don't talk yet." Orini looked around, nervously held his hand, took out his handprint and cast a spell, then drew a circle on the ground: "Come in quickly, Dormammu may come."

His spell opened a round black hole in the solid ground. He jumped down first and then showed his head to beckon Su Ming to follow.

Su Ming was very pleased to see him digging holes in the ground with such ease. Being good at tunnel fighting shows that he has a lot of vision.

Besides, I have even penetrated an energy body like the Eclipse Star. This Faltin planet should be no different. It’s just that the Eclipse Star is made of light and emotions, while Faltin is made of high concentrations of magical energy, but it can’t eat him anyway. .

However, things are a little different than imagined.

What follows is a journey like a slide. Below this round hole is a twisted tunnel. The outer wall of the tunnel is very smooth and surrounded by glowing orange.

What made Su Ming a little awkward was that this thin red channel would also squirm spontaneously, squeezing the two of them downward, which made him feel like he was in the esophagus or intestines of some creature.

All in all, it was a pretty gross ride, the only good thing about it was that there wasn't a lot of slime around, so it wasn't that bad.

A few minutes later with ‘Poof! puff! ’ After two sounds, both of them landed on the ground and arrived at the residential area inside the planet Falting.

The surface of the planet is too smooth, and Dormammu comes to peek from time to time. Everyone lives underground. Unless they are looking for business opportunities, no one will go to the surface.

"Okay, it's safe here for the time being." Orini changed back to the form of the flame element, looking like a burning Halloween pumpkin lantern, and made a humane expression of relief.

Su Ming also turned Strangler back into black and yellow armor. He looked around and saw that except for a long straight street, there were cave-like settlements on both sides.

When he saw other Falting people approaching, he just nodded and patted his elbow: "What magic did you use just now?"

"Farting Teleportation, are you interested?"

I heard that the other party was the Supreme Mage of the main dimension. Although it was a little strange that he didn't know the Falting Teleportation Technique, Orini introduced him enthusiastically.

What if it can be promoted in the future? The Supreme Mage should have some appeal, right?

Compared with any demon god's teleportation technique, Falting's teleportation spell has a lower casting cost and shorter spells, but the transmission speed is slightly... no, it is indeed slower, a straight-line distance of one hundred kilometers. , it takes about five minutes.

But this is also a teleportation technique, isn't it? I didn’t say it was a teleportation technique, the Falting people were very honest.

Su Ming knocked on the mask, and the strangulation faded, revealing his face.

He had a look of despair on his face: "What I want to say is that your spell uses Falting's dimension to graft two spaces and transport it by means of squeezing. The principle is okay, but I'm afraid it's generally I’m afraid carbon-based organisms won’t like it.”


Orini also forgot to ask the Supreme Mage what he was doing here, and instead focused on product issues.

"Carbon-based organisms have the behavior of eating or excreting. The teleportation process just now is exactly the same. To be honest, if I had known that I would experience a soaring journey, I would not have jumped down just now."

Su Ming looked around with dead fish eyes. The settlement of the Falting people was not very good. It was not even as good as the underground creatures on the earth. There was not a single hair here, and it had no other advantages except being clean.

After listening to his words, Orini floated up and down twice, and his facial features composed of light and dark flames showed an expression of sudden realization:

"So that's it. Is it easy to think of yourself turning into excrement? No wonder non-elemental races don't like this spell. I'm really sorry, it's difficult for us to understand the living habits of carbon-based creatures. Our human appearance is just a forced conjuration by Dormammu Flesh and blood has no practical meaning.”

"I understand, you are elements." Su Ming looked at more and more fireballs coming around to watch, and he added: "I see that you are handsome and well-groomed. I have something very important that I want to talk to you about." Talk, can you find a place where no one is around?"

On the floating fireball, a big black mouth like a jack-o'-lantern pulled out a smile. Orini did not expect that the Supreme Mage had such vision.

The other party was right, he was actually the most handsome man among the fire elements.

Also, whether it was the flickering flame frequency, the two black hole-like eyes, or the energy ember residue falling from time to time, they all betrayed him deeply. Just like stars in the dark dimension, they are so eye-catching and outstanding.

"The Supreme Mage really has a vision." Orini fell in love with Deathstroke at first sight. Many carbon-based creatures don't understand aesthetics at all, nor do they understand the differences between the two races. Now they finally found someone who understands: "Here, please, my Home is over there, please let me entertain you."

"Please." Su Ming also took steps to catch up with the other party, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

He was just talking nonsense, and his words were similar to those used by fortune tellers on the street. Did the other party take his polite words seriously? So simple?

Well, we have to negotiate a condition. It would be a pity to miss this opportunity.

Aulini seems to be a Faltin with some status or wealth. His cave dwelling is a little bigger than others. If other people's homes are four or five square meters, his home is about ten square meters. This is remarkable.

It's just that Orini's so-called home has no doors or furniture. It looks like cat's ear holes dug out of the wall. It can only be regarded as a shelter from the wind. Su Ming couldn't even find a place to sit, so he could only Stand and talk to the fireball.

"...Your home is very big." Su Ming looked at the house that was only two steps away and didn't know what to say.

Orini was happy: "Really? This is what my father left to me. It is the best palace on the planet Falting. You see, the curvature of these walls matches the fluctuation amplitude of the cosmic energy."


Su Ming took a deep breath. Falting people do not pursue material things. The walls and houses are also made of energy. They don't care about these external things.

"By the way, I heard that when carbon-based organisms are guests at other people's homes, the host will serve food and drinks. Just wait."

After saying that, Orini made a "hmm" sound in mid-air, and the whole ball turned red, as if it was about to explode. A few seconds later, a cherry-sized ball fell from under his pumpkin-like body. , a small ball that emits light.

He picked up the ball and used magic to control it to float in front of Su Ming: "Please use it. This is the flame energy solidification I generated. It's very filling."

"Hiss..." Su Ming always felt that the process of making food was a bit visual. Although he knew it was not the same thing, it was still disgusting. But he didn't hesitate, he still reached out and took it, stuffed the ball into the magic floating cloak and said, "Thank you for the hospitality. Now we can talk about business."

The pumpkin lantern also stabilized himself, and the smile on his face softened a lot: "Please speak, the Supreme Mage of the main dimension, Falting is listening to your voice."

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