The Death Knell

Chapter 1089? Flame Demon

"Listen, feel, think?" Su Ming looked a little strange, as if he had heard this somewhere.

And Orini nodded, he was just a head: "Our home planet Faltin has independent consciousness. She is not fundamentally different from us Faltin people. They are both aggregates of magical energy. If you press In human terms, she is a star, a star shaped by the magic of fire."

"So she is actually a Faltin tribesman who is many times older than you?" Su Ming was floating cross-legged in the air. After Cloak ate the 'chocolate beans' from before, he seemed to feel instantly energetic.

Orini looked at the Supreme Mage with some curiosity. He didn't notice any spell-casting action, and the other party floated up. This was very interesting.

However, he still answered the question seriously: "We and she are both Faltin, and we are one. What you say to me here, she can also hear and respond through the energy of the universe."

Su Ming frowned. Although he had thought that Falting was a living planet like the Elder of the Universe, he never thought that she had such monitoring means.

Is this the space version of Big Brother? Or a different kind of hive mind?

"Then will other Faltin people know what I told you? For example, Dormammu..."

"No, our connection with Faltin is one-way. Even today's Dormammu will never get any secrets from Faltin." Orini assured righteously, his The eyes of the black beans turned into square shapes.

Dormammu is very strong and can easily destroy Faltin, but as a dimensional demon, as long as Faltin would rather die than surrender, Dormammu will not be able to learn her secrets.

And Dormammu has been king for hundreds of thousands of years and has long been extremely proud.

Afraid that Su Ming wouldn't understand, Orini also gave a down-to-earth metaphor, saying: "It's like a human being. Would he care about the secrets of ants?"

These secrets are simply not worth mentioning to the strong men with huge disparity in strength.

To be honest, seeing a jack-o-lantern with such a serious expression made Su Ming want to laugh a little, but since the message was transmitted in a one-way way, it wasn't a big problem.

He supported his knees with his hands and replied in a serious tone: "Very good, I came here this time just to let Dormammu know what ants eat elephants."

"You mean..." Orini was a little excited, his tone even trembled, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Su Ming was a little confused as to how he spoke, but he still answered in the affirmative, full of fearless and heroic emotions: "That's right! I came to liberate the people who were treated unfairly in the universe. The first stop was to choose Come to Faltin, and I will help you overthrow Dormammu and fight for a free life."

I don’t know if aliens are willing to accept the idea of ​​‘free will’. If freedom doesn’t work, how about trying to export revolution later?

Obviously, what the Faltin people long for most is freedom. Anyone who has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years will long for freedom. Orini immediately began to eject everywhere in the cave, expressing his excitement, as if he was on fire. Like table tennis.

It took him a long time to calm down, and flames came out of his mouth: "Thank you, Supreme Mage of the Main Dimension. If we can really get rid of Dormammu's rule, you will be the benefactor of the Falting family."

"Who among you has the final say?" Su Ming raised his head and smiled: "Except for the planet Falting."

Orini breathed out a breath of fire, and a human body shaped by flames grew out from under his pumpkin head: "It's me. My father's name is Olnar. He was the last Mage King during his lifetime. Unfortunately, he was... Mam killed. If he could live to this day, he should be able to talk to you about many topics in the universe. He is the wisest among us."

Having said this, Orini looked a little sad.

Su Ming touched his beard and made a sympathetic expression in line with conventional concepts: "I'm sorry, is your mother okay?"

Orini followed the death knell and crossed his legs and floated in the air. He looked confused when he heard this question: "My mother is Faltin. As an elemental race of all mages, the king of mages is Faltin's spouse." .”

Su Ming secretly took a breath and reproduced offspring together with the planet. These elemental races really dare to play.

After thinking about the scene of the small fireball hitting the earth, he felt a chill.

"You... didn't succeed?" Su Ming suddenly thought of something. If Orini became the King of Mage, then he and his mother...

Orini shook his head with some regret: "No, now the Mage King is no longer elected. Dormammu does not allow us to have our own leader. I am just an ordinary person now."

"It's okay, don't worry about those details. Then, if Faltin agrees, we will sign the contract."

It seems that ethics are only possessed by carbon-based creatures. People with fire elements have different worldviews, so there is no need to delve deeper.

Faltin is a demon after all, and it is impossible not to be evil.

Knowing that Orini has status and value is the most important thing. Su Ming skillfully took out a few pieces of paper to change the topic. The triangular emblem of the Trinity Weishan Emperor was very conspicuous on them.

He was naturally confident that they would be freed from Dormammu's rule... After all, entering the era of Omar's rule would be considered a contract, right?

At this time, Orini suddenly twitched like a dancing master, and then his head drooped. After a few seconds, his whole body was full of fire, and the originally burning pumpkin head turned into an incandescent lamp, and it was impossible to see The facial features are missing.

Su Ming put his hands in his pocket and held the hilt of the Night Sword as a defense. However, Orini's flaming figure was gradually changing, and in the cold eyes of the death knell, it turned into a delicate and graceful woman.

"Listen, feel, and think. This is the first time that someone has been able to sum up my role on the race so well. The Supreme Mage of the first dimension, although you are only a mere human, you undoubtedly possess extraordinary courage."

The flames formed words, floating in the air, a silent communication. She also wanted to use psychic magic to transmit sounds into Deathstroke's head, but the opponent was immune to psychic skills, so she had to settle for the next best thing.

Su Ming understood. To put it bluntly, the phenomenon in front of him was to invite the gods to come to him. Faltin did not know what means to come to Orini's body. They were all fire elements, which was convenient.

But this guy really can't talk. What do you mean by a mere human being? Don’t you know that humans are the strongest in the universe?

This time, let her fall into a trap with humans, haha...

I want to think about it, but as the Supreme Mage, I still have to live up to my reputation: "Fire Demon God Faltin, on behalf of the Trinity Weishan Emperor, I say hello to you."

Sure enough, after moving out of Weishan Emperor, Falting stuttered. The flame text in mid-air did not change for a long time. A far-reaching gaze seemed to come from the face whose facial features could not be seen clearly, scanning Su Ming's whole person.

"Are you not a human?????" The flames in the sky changed, leaving several question marks.

This man's bones and flesh were wrong, and he still had the aura of death on his body. He didn't look like an earth creature, and Faltin couldn't understand it.

Su Ming took out his Night Sword and thrust it hard into his side when he landed. Along with the sound of gold and iron, X-metal silver light spread out like a galaxy, making his smile become a little ferocious: "I'm just an ordinary human being. But that doesn’t matter, Faltin, I’m here to negotiate terms.”

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