The Death Knell

Chapter 1090? Marvel Dimension Theory

Faltin's incarnation was staring at him, and the face with no facial features in the bright light was really in line with human beings' understanding of alien creatures.

After Herbert George Wells published the science fiction novel "The War of the Worlds" in 1895, which described the invasion of the Earth by Martians, people's fear of outer space became more serious.

Ordinary people have never seen aliens, but precisely because of this, the unknown is even more terrifying.

Since then, various science fiction works have been published, and the aliens described have gradually become similar, namely little gray men or little green men with round bald heads and big eyes.

But the most famous rumor is not this. In 1956, the most popular theory was that aliens abducted humans for experiments. There were many "experiencers" who described everything vividly, making people full of panic.

Legend has it that abducted earthlings will be sucked into a flying saucer and their consciousness will be in a fuzzy state. They lie on the cold operating table and can only see aliens without facial features and strong lights above their heads.

Next, these aliens will insert oversized high-tech probes into the anus of the abductee, as if they are looking for something...

Of course, this is just a folk rumor. In fact, knowledgeable people on earth know very clearly that aliens such as Kree, Skrull, Shia, etc. have no interest in the structure of the human digestive tract.

And those so-called experiencers were actually in the same state when the incident occurred, which is called a hangover.

Su Ming held the Night Sword in his hand and looked at Falting calmly. He had the time gem, but only a handful of demons had the ability to master the time system, and Falting was obviously not among them.

If you can't die, why don't you just negotiate terms?

Looking at the death knell that was fearless and clearly prepared, Faltin was silent for a long time. She controlled the flames in mid-air to form several new words: "If we want freedom, what do we need to pay?"

"Sign a contract so that I can use your power for free in the future. Of course, there will be a certain limit every Earth year, not too much. At the same time, your dimension needs to trade with the main dimension."

Su Ming immediately focused on energy and held up the half-written contract.

If he could replicate the contract of the Troublemaker Next Door in Marvel, then with the two contracts between Omar and Faltin, he should be able to barely be considered a spell caster. Although the magic of the Dark Dimension and Faltin are both partial, But it’s also magic.

But judging from the situation in the 'future', people who obviously know that they are Deathstroke say that they have never released magic. Is there something going on here?

Put it aside for now and think about it after you get the benefits. Regarding time, you can only take it one step at a time.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the time stone to check the timeline, but that when dealing with the alien group of gods, he has not yet digested the memories of being thrown into countless future timelines.

After hearing his conditions, Falting tilted his head as if he was thinking about it for a long time.

"What are you going to do?" Faltin did not agree to sign, but first cautiously asked Deathstroke's plan.

In fact, the first time she heard that she wanted to negotiate terms, she refused, because Deathstroke couldn't let her negotiate, so she went to negotiate immediately. First, she had to ask.

Because she didn't want to add some conditions after the negotiation, the dark dimension was "duang", very bright and soft, so the Falting people would definitely scold her when they came out. It had no such effect at all, which proved that the above was fake. of.

Su Ming moved his chin, held the big sword in front of him and touched the silver spots on it: "You and I will find a way to release Omar and let her fight against Dormammu. With our help, we can fight three against one. Winner."

"This is impossible! Omar and Dormammu are both vicious and despicable existences. They betrayed the Faltin people and pursued material existence." Faltin launched his tactical retreat as if he had been stung by a scorpion. Even if you can't see her expression, you can tell that she is very unhappy just by looking at the speed at which the words appear in mid-air.

Su Ming knocked the sword and made a clear sound: "Wrong! Now Omar is pursuing material existence, and Dormammu has returned to his true heart. Do you think the dark dimension is material? No, although humans regard the components of the dark dimension as It’s called dark matter, but its essence is element zero, a kind of solid energy, just like you!”

"..." Falting took another long test.

"If you continue to pursue the existence of energy, you today will become a devourer like Dormammu in the future, driving your own dimensions to devour planets and other dimensions to strengthen yourself. Energy is constant in the universe, and they will only come from One form transforms into another, whether you recognize that form or not.”

Su Ming immediately began to promote his ideas. The text in the air squirmed and became fragmented. Falting still said nothing.

He put down his weapon and waited quietly for her answer, recalling his information in his mind.

The Marvel Universe has many different dimensions, which are divided from inside to outside into Inner Planes, Outer Planes, Splinter Realms, Far Realms, and Unknown Realms. (Unknown Realms) These five kinds of things wrap the universe like layers of eggshells, more than 80% of which exist in the form of matter.

Dimensional demon gods with a little common sense all pursue material existence, and the earth, as the origin of the curse, has both matter and energy, and is one of the goals of many demon gods.

In fact, this is only a dimension accessible to the magic world, equivalent to half of a big tree, and the other half of technology. This is the different direction of technology and magic in the dualistic world.

The scientific half is divided into Microverse, Negative Zone, Nexus of All Realities, Over space, Under space, and Exo Space from small to large. ), Hyper space, Unspace.

Among them, the microscopic universe is also called the quantum realm, and it is also called the inner dimension. It is the place where technology and magic merge.

Scientists and magicians can enter it, and through various physical means, the inner dimension can also be directly connected to the main dimension.

There, technology can do many things that cannot be done on earth, such as easier time travel, more convenient space teleportation, and a series of special effects.

It's just that playing with time through the quantum realm is a trick, so this method will put the time traveler in a quantum superposition state, and you may encounter your past self when you go back in time.

The representatives of the inner dimension kingdom are the ten planes such as Asgard. People can teleport to Asgard through magic and fly in in spaceships. This is the characteristic of the inner dimension, which is compatible with technology and magic.

The outer magical dimension is not compatible with technology. I have never heard of anyone being able to fly a spaceship into Cytorak's "Crimson Universe", right? The Crimson Universe is located in the 'outer dimension' and is extremely vast, in which Cytorak's own multi-system was even born.

Of course, it is not a complete multiplicity, it can only be regarded as a figure of a dead house, and it is superficial, because the laws there have no time, space, life, and death, only deep red.

Vice versa, the outer technological dimension is incompatible with magic, and the energy forms there cannot be driven by spiritual power, such as the 'antimatter universe' discovered by the Fantastic Four in 'Reverse Space'.

And if these different dimensions, whether it is the magic side or the technological side, collide with the main dimension of the earth, it will result in a forced choice between the two due to the incompatibility of the laws, and it will also lead to disaster in the world.

For example, if the antimatter universe collides with the main dimension full of positive matter, both will be annihilated. For example, if the crimson universe or the dark dimension wraps around the earth of the main dimension, then the earth will be the bean eaten by Pac-Man.

Therefore, Kama Taj's Earth Defense Array not only blocks the demonic gods from escaping, but also prevents other high dimensions from directly colliding with the main dimension.

Generally speaking, the closer a dimension is to the main dimension, the earlier it was born, and the more established the owner is, but this does not mean that the people in the inner layer are stronger, it can only be said that they occupy a good position.

The dark dimension of Dormammu is located in the 'Split Realm' on the third level, and its neighbors are the 'Sai' guarded by the three gods of the Weishan Emperor, the Eastern Star Goddess Oshutu, the Asuras and the Seraphs. The City of Philos'.

The meaning of the existence of the Sephiroth dimension is to defend against the expansion of the dark dimension towards the main dimension, and try to prevent Dormammu from doing things in a big way, and can only secretly bribe traitors on the earth.

Also on the same level are two of Dormammu's mortal enemies, Fatalis, known as the 'Black Dragon', and Slorioth, the 'Omnivore'. The styles of these two dimensional demons are unmatched. Said, that is called a darkness.

Fatalis is the Black Dragon King of the Universe, and Slorius is the Old Dominator. They are not good guys, and they are very powerful. They just want to kill Dormammu.

There is also the Limbo dimension of Mysterio, and the hell dimension of most demon lords, are also on this level.

Dormammu thought about developing to the outer "distant kingdom". However, in his outer circle are the "Magical Fountain of the Afterlife" Jefallen, the "Moon Demon God" Munnipor and the "Light". The territory of the demon god Cinnibus.

If you think Wei Shandi's three-on-one game is enough for you, then you don't know that there are even more shameless ones.

Manipur has moon-phase demons named 'Twenty-eight Stars'. Even if they are individually weaker than Dormammu, their numbers are there.

Xinebas is known as the 'Never-Set Sun', 'Light of Wisdom', and 'Demon God of Enlightenment'. He has seven sons, all of whom are dimensional demon gods living in his old father's house. Their family has always been in battle. Father and son soldiers.

Jia** is very mysterious. His dimension is like a colorful giant maze matrix. He can only move back and forth with one move. That is a weird magic that can send the enemy directly to the afterlife. This may be time, death and magic. The ability of triple concept blessing.

Dormammu cannot defeat these three groups. His current situation is actually not very good. It is not an exaggeration to say that the dark dimension is surrounded by enemies.

The Faltin dimension, which is trapped within it by the dark dimension, is naturally in a worse situation. If the enemy comes to visit, they will not care about what is in the dark dimension. They will definitely fight together.

Therefore, Falting actually has no choice now.

The mercenaries who came to sell the business just met her urgent need. She was putting on airs and dilly-dallying before, but in fact it was all a bluff and she didn't want to pay too much.

However, Su Ming saw through all this, and he directly made a seemingly fair offer.

If Faltin wants to be free, he can only agree to this path.

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