The Death Knell

Chapter 1091? The most beautiful man

"Have you thought about it?"

Su Ming felt that time was almost up. If Falting didn't agree, he would simply find other demon gods to cooperate.

The Old Ones were too confused to negotiate terms, but the Black Dragon King could. Even though the Black Dragon King was despicable and untrustworthy, and would most likely refuse to admit it...but he was strong enough and very reckless. .

As long as part of the dark dimension is used as a bargaining chip, it is not impossible for him and the Dragon King to defeat Dormammu together.

After the incident was completed, he immediately turned his back and helped Omar ascend to the throne. With the addition of Mysterio's Limbo and dragging Emperor Vishan into the water, Fatalis couldn't do anything to activate the death knell of the Time Stone.

It's just that this plan doesn't maximize benefits, and it will offend people. In addition, from a certain perspective, he doesn't want to be tied too tightly to Emperor Weishan.

Even though Oshutu is the ancient god of the earth in Weishan Emperor, Agamotto and Hogs don't even have a bit of humanity. Only pure order is what they want. Weishan Emperor is a demon god who pursues balance.

They are a group of demon gods, and among the demon gods, only those who are slightly friendly compared to their own kind are not completely on the human side.

Emperor Weishan wants to protect the earth, not humanity. It doesn't matter if human beings become extinct, as long as the earth still exists. Even if the next owner of the earth is a rat or a bug, they can still choose a new supreme mage.

Faltin spelled out one line: "Omar cannot be trusted."

Su Ming curled his lips, lit another cigarette, and simply rested with his back against the sword: "If you completely believe in Omar, then I have to worry about you abandoning me to cooperate directly with her. She doesn't believe it. You, you don’t believe her either, that’s why middlemen like me can survive.”

In fact, neither of them believed in Death Knell. After all, they were human beings and complete strangers.

But here the Supreme Mage also pulled the banner of Emperor Weishan, and this credit was enough.

Although he doesn't want to have a too close relationship with Emperor Weishan, he can use it smells so good!

Su Ming is just an ordinary person, and he cannot violate the True Fragrance Theorem, which is simply a common law in thousands of worlds.

Faltin's flaming body twisted, and the firelight in the cave changed. She thought about it and felt that the human proposal made sense.

As long as Emperor Weishan acts as the middleman, there is no need to worry about who is deceiving whom. Only if Omar can get along with a demon group like the 'Anti-Trinity' can he have the possibility to compete with Emperor Weishan.

But the price was too high, and she definitely couldn't afford it. Faltin is a prisoner of Dormammu, isn't she Omar too? Everyone is desperately poor.

But now that we have a plan and a guarantor, as long as it succeeds, Omar will occupy the dark dimension and become free. Everyone will break up in the 'split realm' and never see each other again.

On the contrary, Dormammu is their common enemy, and the two sides can first cooperate to get what they want.

After Falting finished thinking, his lightbulb-like head nodded: "I agree, I sign!"

After speaking, she pointed out, and a lotus made of flames bloomed under the signature at the bottom of the contract. It was very similar to Omar's signature process, except that one flame was red and the other was black.

Su Ming smiled, signed his name on the contract, and put it in his bag: "Very good, it's none of your business now. Change Orini out, and I'll teach him how to do it. All you need to do is provide energy and open the lock." Just be supportive.”


Falting was in a daze, so direct? Why do you have an ominous premonition? Could it be that you were cheated?

However, the contract has been signed, and although it has not yet taken effect, she has always been honest.

Since Deathstroke needs Orini, then leave it to him and continue listening, feeling and thinking.

After thinking about it, Faltin withdrew and left. The fire in the cave suddenly dimmed, and the pumpkin-headed Orini fell to the ground, as if his whole body had been hollowed out.

He also heard the negotiation between the home planet and the Supreme Mage just now, but he was completely unsure of what he could do.

"You can just call me Deathstroke from now on, fu..." Su Ming blew out a smoke ring and put away his night sword: "You said before that you were the most beautiful man in Falting, I Confirm again, is it true? I know you are handsome, but this is related to the life and death of your entire clan."

Orini floated up swayingly and replied seriously: "There is absolutely no lie. In terms of spell casting ability or combat effectiveness, there are many people who are better than me, but when it comes to appearance, I have absolute confidence."

Su Ming had no idea where his confidence came from. Maybe human aesthetics really couldn't tell what a pumpkin was beautiful.

"Prove it to me," he said.

Orini shook his head, and the flames on his head formed a side-parted hairstyle. He swung out of the cave and asked questions loudly to the onlookers on the street outside.

"Everyone! This is the Supreme Mage from the first dimension. He is here to help us overthrow Dormammu!"

The fireballs on the street suddenly looked like the flashes of a group of reporters, shining crazily and making Su Ming's eyes dazzled.

They used light to communicate with each other, which at this time showed that they were having a heated discussion. After a while, someone shouted in Chinese with a Shandong accent: "Thank you, Supreme Master!"

"Thank you, Supreme Mage!" Northeastern dialect.

"Thank you, Supreme Mage!" Xichuan said.

Words like this continued incessantly, in various dialects, and seemed messy.

"Your business is quite big. You have customers everywhere." Su Ming complained to Orini in a low voice.

Orini transformed into a flaming body and limbs. He raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Please tell the Supreme Mage in human language, who is the most beautiful person in our country?"

"Orini! Orini! Orini!"

The answers from the pumpkins on the street were still very messy, but the names they said were consistent. He was really recognized as a handsome man, and he was not bragging.

Orini spread his hands, with a satisfied smile on his face. He looked at Su Ming with some satisfaction, and his big black mouth curved.

"Ah! The prince smiled at me! I fainted! Hiccup!"

Before Su Ming could say anything, a pumpkin, a girl who had been 'accidentally injured', fell to the ground on the street. The pumpkin next to her quickly injected energy into her and rescued her.

"This way! Lord Prince! I want to make a fire with you!"

On the other side of the street, another young woman-shaped pumpkin shouted, but this shameless behavior angered the other females nearby. Several fire pumpkins started fighting like shrews, sparks flying everywhere.

Su Ming always felt that this scene seemed familiar, but there was something subtle about it that he couldn't quite understand.

After all, a group of pumpkins are chasing stars. Seeing this kind of scene, it is considered good without losing SAN value.

He sighed, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and wanted to hook Orini's neck back to the cave, but then he remembered that it was a human-shaped fireball.

He took his hand back and twitched his fingers at the prince, gesturing for him to come in and discuss in a low voice.

"Well, since you are the most handsome man, the next problem will be easy to handle."

"Can it be that my peerless appearance can defeat Dormammu?" Pyro raised the back of his hand and covered half of his face: "Then let's do this. I can sacrifice everything for the people."

Su Ming pressed his temples. He felt a little headache and leaned against the so-called wall that could feel the resonance of the universe: "No, not only is it not a sacrifice, I also want to give you a blessing."

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