The Death Knell

Chapter 1097? Little Pie Pie

The cloak raised one corner and patted Su Ming's other shoulder. When he turned around to look, it expressed its thoughts by constantly curling its collar: 'I have an immature idea, and I don't know whether to talk about it or not. ’

Su Ming just glanced at it and turned away: "No, you don't want to."

Cloak was speechless, this answer was not right.

The corner of Su Ming's mouth twitched slightly. After so many years, he knew the magic floating cloak too well. He was both greedy and lazy. Although it was useful, he couldn't give it a good look.

Otherwise, the cloak will get in trouble, climb up the pole, and come up with all kinds of unreasonable thoughts.

For example, let yourself wash it with your hands, use perfume, go for a drive alone, or give you suggestions such as eating time stones or the Cosmic Cube.

All of them were rejected by Su Ming. Just dream, there is everything in the dream.

Anyway, it was given to him by Gu Yi, so he was not afraid of it running away.

Strangler rubbed the host's face, and his crescent-shaped eyes looked at the demon in front of him with the host, as if he shared the same hatred, as if to say: 'Cloak, you are too ungrateful. This is a battlefield, and you dare to have immature ideas. carry? ’

The cloak was very angry, and it raised one corner, intending to slap and strangle it to vent its anger.

"Don't make trouble, prepare to engage the enemy." The shock wave caused by the battle made Su Ming roll around in the space like duckweed. He quickly stopped the internal strife between Strangled and Cloak: "Strangled must cooperate with me in the future. I need you to complement me. self-healing ability.”

Strangler stuck out his tongue at the cloak and nuzzled the host in reply.

The cloak returned to the battlefield, and it also knew that this was a battlefield. It led the Supreme Mage to resist the energy shock waves again and again, and rushed between Dormammu and Omar.

There is air in the dark dimension, and sound can travel here. Su Ming took out the speaker without hesitation and shouted: "Dormammu! Beat me! You can't even kill a human being, and you still don't admit that matter is the best choice. ?"

Dormammu was busy dealing with his sister, so where could he notice a human the size of a mosquito? After hearing the cry of the death knell, I finally found the tiny figure.

He almost laughed out of anger. Even if a human being was blown away tens of thousands of meters by the shock wave before, he didn't have the right to come here to talk nonsense, right?

He blew casually, and the air flow like a typhoon swept Su Ming everywhere. He smiled contemptuously:

"Get away, bug!"

"Hit me! Hey, you can't hit me, you loser! You can commit suicide. Killing you will dirty my sword." But within a few seconds, the death knell flew back with great success, floating in Doma In front of Mu, a pair of white eyes showed an expression of contempt.

Omar, who was behind Su Ming, was a little speechless. She couldn't understand what Deathstroke was doing. This wasn't the way to seek death, right?

In fact, Dormammu has no intention of killing him. The opponent has the Time Stone, and he knows that he can't kill him. Since his body is now huge, the tiny weapon in the opponent's hand is no threat to him now, so why bother? Why bother?

So he suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth, and the purple energy beam spurted out from the big mouth that looked like a cracking planet. This was a cosmic-level ray attack. The energy was as thick as a liquid, and it was hundreds of meters thick. It hit without a doubt. The death knell.

With a flash of purple light, the death knell disappeared, and the people in the beam disappeared into the horizon like meteors.

Dormammu didn't even look at it, and continued to fight Omar. His huge fists knocked Omar back, and the space began to shake.

"Is this the helper you found? A humble human thief? Flesh and blood is nothing in front of us!" While pumping his fists, each punch was full of energy from the space system, he also shook his sister's determination with words.

Omar glanced at the direction where the death knell disappeared. She was somewhat worried, but thinking that if she failed this time, she might not be able to see Orini in the future, she still fiercely fought back towards Dormammu.


Where is Su Ming at this time? He was directly knocked out of the dark dimension by Dormammu, flying at an astonishing speed in the split field. The scenery around him turned into red and green light. You can imagine what speed this is.

He held his giant sword against his chest, blocking the energy beam like a tsunami. The high concentration of dark energy in front of him was constantly eroding him and the material composition of Strangler. This was double the pain. Both the host and the symbiote were gritting their teeth and persisting. .

But that wasn't a problem. While vomiting blood, he kept using his cloak to fine-tune his retreat direction and flew away purposefully.

Dormammu took the bait anyway, and the plan came together.

He deliberately acted fearless in order to lure Dormammu to think about the Time Stone and make him think of ways to 'export' him.

'There is no point in killing a person who lives in a cycle of time. It is better to knock him out of the dark dimension and let him fly in the split field like a comet for a few years. ’

This was probably what Dormammu was thinking at the time.

At that time, he was not facing Deathstroke alone. He was still fighting Omar. It was impossible to spend time catching mosquitoes, and there was no point in activating the space system ability and being countered by his sister.

Then neither physical combat nor magic will work. As a dimensional demon and an energy entity, his only remaining options are various means of releasing energy.

At first, Su Ming was worried that he would use energy forms such as space shock or black smoke, which would not be conducive to the next plan. Unexpectedly, Dormammu was so generous that he immediately took out a beam containing dark dimension energy.

So even though he was spitting out the fragments of his internal organs, he was still thinking. His heart was filled with joy, and the pain caused by his body seemed to be alleviated a lot.

He turned his head and looked back. There was a bright dot in the distance that was difficult to distinguish from the high-speed movement. It was one of Dormammu's neighbors, the city of Sephiroth in the dimension of order.

Seeing that, Su Ming tried his best to control the reverse direction and let the energy beam lead him towards the bright light.

This is the backup plan. When a small-scale battle is not enough to eliminate Dormammu, then make the matter as big as possible. It is best to start an all-out war in the divided realm and fish in troubled waters by yourself.

After all, the earth is saved, so it doesn't matter if you reap the benefits later.

With a smile on his face, he was swept away by the thick energy pillar, which hit the outer wall of the city of Sephiroth like a mosquito.

The reason why this dimension is called this name is because Ao Shutu ordered her dependents to build a fortress modeled on humans on Earth. The entire dimension serves as a fortress to block the direction of Dormammu's expansion. The dimension border here is a thick and towering circle. White walls with clouds.

The goddess of the Eastern Star, O Shutu, is also known as the goddess of birds. The Familia clan is a life shaped by her. The shapes of the Asura clan and the Safra clan are white birds and blue birds. The torso and legs are human-like, but the upper limbs are Bird wings and head also look like birds.

In his previous life, Su Ming had seen the Legend of the Condor Heroes for more than eight years. The two tribes of people were almost like the Condor Heroes wearing Tokusatsu leather sheaths. They were half humans and half birds walking upright.

They never leave here, but thanks to the position of their main god, these big birds have a friendly attitude towards humans. However, if someone accidentally falls here, they will probably be frightened crazy when they see their majestic appearance.

Before the energy beam hit the city wall, sentries had already seen this obviously Dormammu-style attack, and alarms suddenly sounded throughout the entire dimension.

Even Su Ming heard the strange chirping of birds, and what was even weirder was that he could understand the meaning of the birds' chirping, which was probably a perk of being the spokesperson of the Weishan Emperor's dimension.

"Dormammu attacks! Warriors prepare to fight! For Emperor Weishan!"

The energy hit the wall and took several seconds to dissipate, leaving behind a radiating circle of black smoke.

Except for his head, Su Ming's whole body became as flat as paper. He slid down from the wall and landed on the ground, strangulating frantically to repair his body.

It took him more than ten seconds to barely regain his mobility. Energy of the same level collided with energy, and he was caught in the middle and almost spit out his internal organs.

"It's so powerful, cough..." He let the strangulation turn his whole body into white. He leaned against the city wall and panted, adapting to the function of his new lungs. He saw the bird people with various flaming weapons wrapped in their wings surrounding him. Coming over, he immediately made the triangular handprint representing Emperor Weishan with both hands: "Guys, I'm here to share the good news with you. Dormammu and her sister are fighting!"

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