The Death Knell

Chapter 1098? Limbo

Maybe it was the handprint, or maybe the army here knew him. They helped Su Ming up without any hesitation, and found a priest to use white magic to treat his injuries.

Under the combined effects of strangulation and magic, Su Ming was alive and kicking again within a few seconds.

A birdman who was obviously a high-level priest came over and said, "Ji? Gu Gu? Hiccup?"

Su Ming rubbed his head. This is really the language of birds, but there are no flowers here: "Ahem! Although I can understand it, can you speak the universal language of the universe - the earth's language?"

"Before you landed, Ao Shutu gave us a revelation, and we gained the ability to use the language of the earth." The birdman tilted his head, and a familiar language came out of the sharp beak that was more than 30 centimeters long: " Are you used to speaking common English? Or do you speak your native Chinese?"

"Ao Shutu knows about my situation?" Su Ming couldn't help but frowned. The problem of the mismatch between his body and soul...

The birdman used his furry wings to help him walk to the resting place, his voice full of pride: "Our God knows everything."

"That's good. Did Ao Shutu tell you to listen to me?" Su Ming changed the topic. It seems that Emperor Weishan knows a lot, so his attitude towards himself is worth questioning.

Because so far, apart from witnessing the contract, Emperor Weishan has never communicated with him directly.

"Huh? It doesn't seem like that. You are the supreme mage of the first dimension, but this is a divided realm..." The birdman priest is an Asura tribe, and his bird face covered with white feathers shows a humanized and incomprehensible look. expression.

Su Ming put an arm on his shoulder and played with his feathers: "If you think about it carefully, you must have said that I am the most promising spokesperson for Emperor Weishan in the universe."

The birdmen are very uncomfortable with human behavior and movements, because their forelimbs are wings and their elbows are bent in reverse. They can only perform human arm-bending movements by strangling their throats from in front of them.

Birdman tilted his head in confusion: "No, I remember correctly..."

"You remembered it wrong. Think about it again. How about we ask Emperor Weishan now?" Su Ming found that the other party was as simple as a bird, and immediately began to attack with words: "Now there is civil strife in Dormammu's dimension. , this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Goddess Ao Shutu will have her birthday in a few days, don’t you want to give her a big gift?”

Birdman's eyes widened, and even the hair on his neck stood up: "It's the goddess's birthday? Why didn't I know?"

Su Ming showed a reserved smile, took out two cigarettes and lit one for himself and the priest. He gently blew out a smoke ring, his eyes filled with vicissitudes of life: "I'm afraid not many people know about the multiverse now. If I hadn't hit it off with you, I wouldn't have told anyone else."

Birdman became serious. He looked at the sky and thought for a moment: "If this is the case, then we will launch a full-scale attack on the dark dimension. In response to the bombardment of the city wall just now, damn Dormammu must know that the goddess It’s her birthday and I deliberately came to make trouble for her.”

The so-called dependent tribe is a race that relies on the blessing of gods. For them, gods are everything.

Su Ming didn't expect that the other party had some brain power, so he would automatically complete the lie? If all the ancient gods of the Earth really have birthdays, then their birthdays are also on the same day, and they were all hatched on the same day by the power of creation.

"That's right. If the goddess is happy, I'm happy. If I'm happy, you're happy too, right?" Su Ming smiled and patted the other party's shoulder, then slowly rose into the air: "Hurry up, I'll leave first. I will go and see the battle situation for you in one step."

"Thank you, Supreme Mage of the Main Dimension, you are a good person." Birdman no longer doubted it. Although the words were a bit strange, the goddess was happy and it was good for their whole family.

"You're welcome, so-and-so, I just did something trivial. By the way...what's your name?" Su Ming waved his hand very politely and secretly ordered Strangler to touch the transmitter embedded in his arm bone.

"My name is Gugu~ji." The name cannot be translated, it is just a string of bird calls.

Su Ming raised his eyebrows with a strange expression: "Cuckoo Chicken? Well... what a good name, I like you."

After saying that, he disappeared instantly.


Teleported to the selection level of the multiverse, looking at his black and yellow 40k single universe, floating in nothingness, he moved his waist and continued his actions.

Today I have seen what the top level of strength in a single universe is. It’s not bad. The upper limit of 40k is quite high. It would be boring if Dormammu was as weak as the MCU.

It just so happens that the brightest universe in the multiverse is the weakest MCU. It seems that there is some truth in my cousin's popularity theory.

Forget it, let’s do a good job in managing our own single universe first.

Now it's not enough to trick Ao Shutu's family members into entering. The bigger the trouble, the better.

While thinking about it, he let the cloak take him back to his own earth. He returned to Zhongsi Academy and met Xiao Wang, a butler trainee.


Wang was cooking at this time, and the principal's office was transformed into a kitchen. If you didn't know better, you would have thought it was New Oriental, a cooking school. The principal's office was full of ingredients and kitchen utensils.

The black pot passed down from his family was sitting on the fire stewing something like insects.

Su Ming lifted the lid of the pot and took a look, then immediately put it down and clicked his teeth. It seemed that he couldn't afford this meal: "It's okay. Have we received our reward? Is the SHIELD team cooperative?"

"Yes, sir, I took some of each of the three boulders and placed them in Kama Taj's large library for father to keep. Later, we observed that the SHIELD team launched a time jump again, chasing the name of Immortality. The power of man has gone to ancient times."

Xiao Wang replied very respectfully, and at the same time he took out a small blue and white bowl, as if he was going to serve the Supreme Mage a bowl of soup from the pot, but Su Ming immediately rejected it.

It seems that the bodies of the three boulders were thrown away by the SHIELD team in ancient times, so that ancient people would pick them up and the timeline would make sense.

"Don't serve it to me. I won't eat it. You can open a portal to Hell's Edge for me first, and then go and see if the situation in Tunguska is stable."

"Tungus has been sealed by the immortal magic due to the intervention of the Divine Spear Bureau. The earth is safe. I will give you the portal." Xiao Wang put down the small bowl and immediately began to draw circles in the air. The fire was splashing, and the opposite side showed A world full of tentacles.

"That's good. I'll be back in a while, and you can keep your home." Su Ming stepped through the portal and entered the palace of the mysterious guest.

The portal closed immediately, and the aura from the opposite dimension began to erode the main dimension in just a short period of time. This was not a good thing.

Only Wang's voice came from behind: "As you command, Master."

Perhaps it was his words that alerted the mysterious guest. She was sitting on the Black Stone Throne not far away, and she opened her eyes while practicing with the sword floating in front of her.

She was now in demon form, with curved horns on her head, her feet turned into hooves, her blond hair turned red, flying in the air like flames, and the facial features on her face were grinning like a demon.

This is not only the sequelae of the blood stone, but also the standard configuration of a dimension lord. If you are fair, skinny, and weak, how can you deter the enemy?

Especially in a large level like the Split Domain where heroes are divided, not being strong enough or not ferocious enough is the original sin.

"Liana, you are training so hard."

Su Ming feels more comfortable in the limbo of hell. Although the environment here is weirder than the underworld, at least this can be regarded as his own dimension.

Mysterio immediately changed back to human form and jumped down from the throne. Apart from herself, the entire Hell Border was filled with indescribable unconscious creatures. What else could she do besides practice?

"Yes, the Soul Sword is the projection of my soul. Resonating with it allows me to see myself clearly and improve my realm." She still hugged Su Ming's arm like she did when she was a child, and asked with a smile: "Teacher, how come you have time to come to my dimension? Did something happen?"

"It can be said that I plan to change the master of the dark dimension, pull Dormammu down, and replace Omar." Su Ming nodded, and sat on the throne of Mysterio without any courtesy at all, placing her on his lap. .

"Omar? This name is very unfamiliar." Mysterio tilted her head. She is the youngest among all the hell lords, let alone compared to other dimensional demons.

"Domammu's sister has been imprisoned by him for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years. I don't know." Su Ming took out a strong drink from his pocket and gave it to her to drink. Liana had always liked soda.

Maybe others would laugh when they heard that a human was planning to arrange the throne of the dark dimension, but Mysterio would not. In her heart, the teacher was always omnipotent. She thought about it very seriously and asked again: "She is a good person. ?”

"Pfft." Su Ming breathed out as if he heard a joke, launched his tactics and leaned back on the throne: "What's the difference between good guys and bad guys? My hero is the other's enemy. In the universe, there are only There is no good or evil in her position. Besides, even from the perspective of an elemental creature, she is an absolute tyrant."

Mysterio pursed her red lips, put the sword on the ground and turned it around in circles: "Okay, so she is very beautiful?"

"Why are you asking this? She does have a good figure and decent looks, but she is a dominatrix type. Besides, I just arranged a pumpkin husband for him not long ago. I have some influence on that man. "

Su Ming touched Mysterio's hair. Her long hair was spread on her back like golden satin.

"Then this is pure use, okay." Mysterio seemed to be relieved, flicking open the cap of the soda bottle with his fingers, and took a big sip: "Then what do you need me to do?"

"The seizure of power is not going well. Dormammu is not very cooperative. There is a fight over there. I am going to make things bigger. Can your Limbo join the war now?" Su Ming also opened a bottle of soda and gently After taking a sip, the only sound in the empty palace was the sound of tentacles squirming in the dark.

Those voices were sticky, and were accompanied by weird growls from time to time.

Mysterio nodded without hesitation: "Of course, my army is always ready to devour the enemy, and the appetite of those beasts is always endless."

"Very good, help me contact Satana. If she wants to share some territory in the dark dimension, she can come together. If her brother Damon is interested, he can also join. This will be a preview for them to overthrow Satanish in the future. .”

Su Ming took Liana off his lap and put it aside, and stood up. Next, he had to drag a few heavyweights into the water and activate several hell dimensions. In the war of the worlds, it was nothing. It can be said that there are more people taking a stand.

However, Mysterio is in a special situation. Her big sword and her dimension can effectively restrain energy beings such as Dormammu. In the comics, the Mysterio of 616 once beat Dormammu to his knees and begged for mercy. Mysterio of 40k It will only get stronger.

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