The Death Knell

Chapter 1100? Get in the car

"Eat, eat to your heart's content! Today's consumption will be paid for by Master Agamon. You'd better eat this meal to satisfy yourself for hundreds of years."

Dormammu's energy beam took him down to a river, creating a large crater hundreds of meters deep and hundreds of meters in diameter, seriously injuring him again.

But he is still not dead. The X-metal skull is very strong, and the physical injuries are not a problem if there is strangulation.

At this time, the river water poured into the deep pit, making him float like oily flowers in a soup bowl.

In this wonderful dimension, any stone you touch on the ground is a gem, any tree you break is a sacred tree, and all flowers, plants, and animals are treasures containing cosmic energy.

Of course, while Su Ming was repairing his body, he gave Cloak and Strangler a break and asked one of them to fish for gems to eat, and the other to eat some purple aquatic animals to replenish their health.

After today, I am afraid that I will be the most unpopular person in the purple dimension, and it will be difficult for me to come to this self-selected supermarket again.

Strangler was eating and repairing the host's body at the same time. Thanks to the host's self-healing ability, otherwise there would probably be no human flesh and blood now, and it would all be symbiote tissue filling holes.

The cloak once again showed its shrewd side, turning itself into a huge dustpan-like thing, like a Western gold digger, filtering through the shallow water on the river bank and separating all the large and small gems.

Not only did it eat by itself, it also kept going back and forth to the river and the Supreme Mage, stuffing gems into Su Ming's pocket and asking him to keep them for itself.

Su Ming lay on the water, enduring the pain of self-healing like thousands of ants eating his heart, and calmly looked at the purple sky.

As a dimension where aboriginal creatures exist, there is an atmosphere here. The aboriginal race is called the 'Purple Tribe'. They were all turned into slaves after the green-skinned man Agamon arrived. .

As for why Su Ming is so leisurely? Because the landing point he chose was a long way from Agamon's palace.

Agamon himself is an alien sorcerer, but he belongs to the most unsophisticated type of wizard - an alchemist.

It’s just that his combat prowess is not worth mentioning. He also has the bad habits of a nouveau riche. As a dimensional demon, he can move instantly in his own domain, but he will never do that. In order to show off, he goes out without leaving home. The sedan was carried by slaves...

Taking an eight-carriage sedan chair, even if the natives of the purple tribe are physically gifted and have nimble legs and feet, it would take several minutes to get here from the palace. This time is enough for Deathstroke to return to his best condition, and the strangles and cloaks are just full.

Agamon looks a bit like a fat version of the Skrulls, and his only weapon is his own alchemy tool, a gemstone lamp.

This lamp can absorb cosmic energy and then reflect it out, which is considered his most powerful method, but the energy beam it emits is... very weak.

If the cosmic energy beam sent out by Dormammu is like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, then Agamon's energy beam is like a child's peeing. Not only is it very thin and short, but it also works sometimes.

Let Su Ming say that in his previous life, he had seen Master Xing's work "Domestic Lingling Lacquer", and he was deeply impressed by the flashlight invented by Da Vinci for Lingling Lacquer in it. The 'Super Invincible Spy Flashlight' must have another ordinary one. It will only light up when the flashlight shines on it. When there is no light, the thing will never light up.

Agamon's amethyst lamp also has something like this. When someone bombards it with cosmic energy, it can emit cosmic energy to fight. Otherwise, it usually hangs around its owner's neck like a big medal as a decoration. Taste.

He doesn't have any magic that he can use. He only has Agamon's dense energy, which is a magic that catalyzes the growth of plants and is somewhat famous. However, he does not rely on lending money to sorcerers to make a living. He is a farming demon who concentrates on development in the purple dimension.

Compared with him, Deborah has more magic, such as Deborah's chain lightning, Deborah's earthquake, etc. Although these magics are not the first choice for mages in battle, they still have the opportunity to appear occasionally. .

The power is another matter, but chain lightning may be one of the most beautiful magics in the Marvel world. It is a large network of silver current that can be used to restrain worms from other dimensions.

Su Ming was floating on the water thinking about this. Anyway, he didn't know magic, so he could take care of these two weaklings with just his fists. How to trick them into going to the battlefield to deal with Dormammu must be done in a different way than before.


"Hurry up! Hurry up! You losers!" Agamon was sitting on his purple sedan, wearing a weird sleeveless purple... robe, and he was waving a whip to beat the slaves. , while urging them to rush to the place where the energy invaded before: "If you don't arrive before I take thirty breaths, you all will go dig mines for me tomorrow!"

Mining is the most terrifying punishment in the purple dimension, because the entire dimension is a mine, and it can heal itself quickly.

When you go down with a hoe, maybe before the ore is knocked out and put into the basket, new ore will 'grow' out of the original defective position.

Working for months or even years without making even a few centimeters of progress and endlessly repeating the work would drive a normal person completely crazy.

Slaves dare to be angry but dare not speak out. There is no other way. Although Agamon is weak among the dimensional demons, and even some big demons who are not the devils of hell can bully him, he still has power over ordinary dimensional residents. Advantageous.

They could only silently endure the sound of the whips exploding on their backs and speed up their pace.

But fortunately, with the joint efforts of everyone, Agamon was still sent to the place. If it was a normal situation, Agamon would definitely default on the bill. He would have said it even after less than thirty breaths, and deliberately tortured these people. Watch them beg for mercy for fun.

But now he couldn't care less, his attention was focused on a figure on the water.

It was a humanoid creature lying on its side on the water in pitch black, with one hand holding its head straight, and its two white eyes that made it look sinister and cunning.

It's too conspicuous. In a world filled with pink and purple everywhere, a black guy appears. You can tell he is an outsider at a glance.

And seeing Agamon arriving, the other party was still very relaxed. He lazily raised his hand that was originally on his side, and spoke in proficient Quechua: "Hey~~~Agamon, I'm here to talk. Conditional.”

Quechua originated in Peru around 2600 BC. It was used as the official language during the Inca emperor's reign in Cusco. It also became the lingua franca of Peru with the expansion of the Inca Empire in the 14th century. .

Deborah single-handedly destroyed the Inca Empire, and then accidentally left the earth, allowing the Spanish conquistadors to take advantage. This was the reason for the secret demise of the Inca Empire in the sixteenth century.

Later, because the Catholic Church chose Quechua as the language to preach to the Native Americans in the Andes Mountains, its use area exceeded the scope of the original Inca Empire, and it was spoken in Central America and even North America.

As a top mercenary, Deathstroke has mastered all the languages ​​of the earth, and he can speak Quechua like his mother tongue. He knew that Agamon and Debolo had been partners for so many years, so they would definitely understand this language.

Agamon was really stunned for a moment, and he even wondered if Debolo had changed his appearance and was joking with him.

Just seeing the other party floating on the water, he gave up the idea. Debolo was a boulder and he would sink when he encountered water. It was impossible to do this.

Speaking the language of Earth... could he be Debolo's friend?

"Who are you? Why did you come to my dimension? How did you get in?" He secretly took out a magic prop and sent a message like an alchemy version of a mobile phone to secretly contact Debolo. Regardless of whether he was a friend or not, he first sent the bodyguard Let's talk to the army.

He was a little panicked when he saw the other party's fearless look. He didn't feel any energy from the dark weirdo, but he could feel that he was staring into a dark abyss.

This was just a simple feeling. He felt that this small weirdo might be darker than Dormammu.

There is no reason for this feeling, but as a dimensional demon, he is always careful, and the more bizarre things happen, the more vigilant he must be.

Unexpectedly, the other party just put down his arms and resumed his lying posture: "Are you contacting Debolo? That's fine, call him and let me talk together."

"I'm coming! Say it!"

Because Diplo relied on the logistics of the purple dimension, he did a very good job in security. Almost as soon as Su Ming finished speaking, he arrived in the form of a bolt of lightning.

A huge living stone statue appeared next to the puddle. He looked about twenty meters tall and was wearing Inca-style gold armor.

Su Ming, who looked like 'Suspect Xiao Hei', sat up and floated cross-legged on the water. He made random gestures on his chest for a while and made some specious handprints as a greeting: "Lords of Les Miserables, I am your new neighbor. , you can call me 'suspicious person'."

"Are you from Earth Inca?"

Debolo blocked Agamon behind him, and a serious expression appeared on the stone face. He had not heard this language for hundreds of years.

To be honest, the other party's dark appearance, coupled with these words, and the sudden appearance in the purple dimension accompanied by external forces, are indeed suspicious.

"The Incas no longer exist, and are now called Peru, haha." Su Ming stretched out his hand to stir up the purple water: "I just arrived in the Split Territory not long ago, so it's normal that you don't know me."

Debolo did not relax his vigilance. He summoned some giant soldiers to appear and faintly surrounded the small pond: "What is the name of your dimension?"

"Dimension 666 was originally an aboriginal dimension. I occupied it. It is probably on the other side of the city of Sephiroth."

Su Ming had been prepared for it. He changed the protagonist and time of what happened to Diplo in the early years and gave it to himself. It was a perfect background story.

Deboro wanted to say that this was impossible, but then he thought about it and realized that it was actually possible.

Because he himself has proved that there is an ownerless dimension in the split field, and every day old demons die and new demons are born. This field is always under the rules of chaos.

"Okay, even if what you said is true, but you invaded the purple dimension with Dormammu's energy, how can you explain this?" Diplo has never been good at eloquence. He was really disturbed by Deathstroke's nonsense. Convinced.

I saw 'Xiao Hei' showing his reflective white teeth and narrowing his eyes:

"The other demon gods in the Split Realm are currently attacking Dormammu. There are hundreds of them. Dormammu is about to be finished. Everyone can benefit from it. I was inadvertently captured by Dormammu. Cosmic rays came here, and I recognized the purple dimension, so I stayed here to send you a message and make a friend."

Agamon and Diplo looked at each other, they were a little hesitant. They were really afraid of Dormammu. They were bullied by that guy back then.

If there is an opportunity to recover past losses, then I would be happy to do so. But they were a little worried about whether it was Dormammu's trap. With their strength, if they rushed into the dark dimension rashly, they would be in trouble.

Seeing their silent exchange, Su Ming came up with a plan to retreat: "Because I and Debolo are compatriots, I originally thought that we could all go to fight Dormammu to make a fortune together, but since you still have doubts, let's forget it. , you are too weak to seize the opportunity, alas...I'll leave first, otherwise the dark dimension will be divided."

After saying that, Su Ming floated up and pretended to leave.

Diplo nodded towards Agamon. Strength is the eternal pain in their hearts. As a dimensional demon, in a split field, whoever doesn't want to be stronger will have to die.

He raised his hand and made a posture and expression similar to Erkan's: "Friends, help us occupy two positions. Please be sure to give us some time to prepare the army."

The little black figure slowly rising into the sky smiled. He not only agreed happily, but also talked a lot of nonsense about common progress and common prosperity...

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