The Death Knell

Chapter 1101? Black Dragon King

"Dormammu! Beat me to death!"

Deathstroke came back again, and as expected, he was sprayed away by Dormammu with an energy beam. No one noticed, and this time he flew in another direction.

Faltin and Omar were both a little numb. This was already the third time. Deathstroke seemed to be unable to get rid of him, appearing in front of Dormammu again and again to disgust him.

There is a big gap in strength, but the fighting spirit of Deathstroke makes Omar admire her. It turns out that the Supreme Mage in the main dimension does not just have fun and play. This fighting spirit reminds her of her never giving up on earth. day.

So she cheered up again and got into a fight with Dormammu. She didn't know what Deathstroke was planning, but she wanted to buy time for him to complete his plan.


In another distant dimension, this dimension looks like a majestic black mountain. There is a huge bird's nest-like building on the top of the mountain. The nest is made up of numerous bones of various creatures, many of which are also infected by alien species. The flames burned through it, shining like glass.

At this moment, there is a huge black dragon in the lair, tens of thousands of meters long, curled up among the bones, as if sleeping.

However, the wings that flapped up and down with his breathing, and the long tongue that stretched out to lick his paws from time to time, showed that he was not asleep.

In addition to this giant dragon, there are many creatures in the form of beasts, wandering around the mountains, fighting and preying on each other.

This is the dimension of Fatalis, the Black Dragon King of the Demon God Universe. This dimension is called ‘Black Dragon’, and it is a dimension where the law of the jungle is the rule.

Any creature here except Fatalis is in danger every second. Even a hunter one second may immediately become a prey the next second.

Fatalis selects powerful men in the same mode as raising gu and leads them to fight in all directions. At the same time, these scenes of blood splattering and wailing are also one of his few entertainment activities.

In the past, he often squinted his eyes, opened a crack from time to time, and stood on the edge of the nest to look down. Occasionally, a satisfied smile would appear on the dragon's face, and some black sparks would spray out from his nostrils.

This shows that he is happy. If something comes into his eyes, he will let out a cold snort, indicating that even though he is a little satisfied, it is still far from him.

It highlights an invincible loneliness.

Really invincible? No, not long ago, the 'Black Dragon' and the 'Dark Dimension' had a great battle, king versus king, versus general.

Unfortunately, the beasts under his command are still beasts after all. Although their brute strength is strong, they are no match for the 'Heartless' group under Dormammu.

Those Dormammu worshipers from different dimensions voluntarily responded to the call of the devil and crossed many dimensions to fight for Dormammu, just for the benefit of a little bit of 'minced meat' that seemed insignificant in Fatalis.

Many of the Heartless are powerful sorcerers, who can just restrain the mindless beast army.

Even though Fatalis was successful in his fight against Dormammu, his men were completely defeated and he had no choice but to retreat. Dormammu also took the opportunity to leave a wound on his claws, which made him very unhappy.

Although Fatalis reminded the giants and his men were all brainless beasts, as a dragon himself, he was very intelligent.

While he was lying in his nest recuperating from his injuries, he was also thinking about his own development direction. Believers from another dimension were so easy to use. They were an army of cannon fodder that prepared their own dry food. Should he also develop some followers?

Unfortunately, he is not a sorcerer. The entire dragon can be regarded as a magical insulator. Although it can use cosmic energy, there is no way to distribute this energy through transactions and loans like other demon gods.

Since he couldn't make a deal, he naturally couldn't gain faith. The path he took was almost the same as that of the old rulers, a path of breaking through the limits of the physical body.

The concept he grasps is 'dragon', which represents dragon-like creatures in all dimensions in the single universe, and also represents the natural selection of the weak and the strong in nature.

In fact, a demon like him who has reached the Heavenly Father level by relying solely on his own strength is the real strong man. Every bit of his strength comes from his own cultivation and does not rely on any external force.

But his subordinates are not strong enough to play the sinister and despicable role of Dormammu, which makes him very angry.

The idea of ​​developing followers has been lingering in his mind. He suddenly thought that he could not develop followers, but he could win over people who could develop followers to form an alliance. In short, he must earn back his face from Dormammu.

Although his dimension looks like a barren land, with nothing but bones and rocks, he still has a good bargaining chip, and that is himself.

It is estimated that many demon gods are willing to trade with him, just so that he can help once in the future.

The Black Dragon King actually came up with the idea of ​​becoming a mercenary at this time, and the more he thought about it, the more suitable it became. He made up his mind and already had a cooperation goal.

If there is anyone in the Split Realm who has the most subordinates and the strongest group fighting ability, then it is undoubtedly the Demon God Denak.

Known as the 'King of Thousands of Mirrors', he creates armies by constantly creating secondary copies of himself.

If there is an energy supply, he can have as many armies as he wants. Each mirror image is an extremely weakened version of the small demon god, but it can still reflect energy attacks like a mirror. It is a terrifying demon team.

Some of the top sorcerers on Earth prefer demonic spells, but also dislike the incompetence of the hell lords' summoning spells. If they need a large amount of cannon fodder, they can borrow troops from the demon god Denak. That magic is called 'Denak's Demons'. It is an interdimensional collective teleportation technique.

Casting the spell once, it takes effect instantly and summons hundreds of identical mirror demons.

They look like moving humanoid mercury. The only weapons that can effectively kill them are cold weapons driven by huge force. Most magic or low-level energy methods are ineffective against these demons and will only be reflected back to attack the energy user.

Of course, the price of this black magic is also very high. If it is used by humans, then ten times the number of summoned demons will have to be replaced by living people as blood sacrifices, and one of them will have to pay an internal organ as a price.

Just as Fatalis was waiting for his wound to heal, his squinted eyes suddenly widened, and his neck covered with huge black scales also stood up amidst the friction of scales. He looked into the void in the distance.

Not far away, there seems to be a purple star that lights up?

Fatalis, who had experienced hundreds of millions of battles, immediately realized what kind of star this was. This kind of coquettish purple color was only the cosmic energy spitted out by Dormammu, which was this kind of black fire.

Seeing the purple comet slightly adjusting its angle and rushing straight towards him, getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision, Fatalis suddenly opened his sky-shielding wings and soared into the sky. The powerful wind pressure swept thousands of people around him. All the beasts near the top of the mountain were crushed into powder.


He roared in dragon language, then spit out a black energy beam, facing Dormammu's sneak attack.

The two energies collided outside his dimension, unleashing a powerful energy explosion. The space shattered like glass, and the void let out a silent wail.

Something crashed into his dimension, making a loud noise at the foot of the mountain, and all kinds of creatures in a large circle around him died immediately.

Fatalis did not look at what fell into his dimension. His heart was filled with boiling murderous intent. This must be Dormammu's provocation to him. He could not tolerate this behavior.

So he flapped his wings, looked up to the sky and let out a roar, then dragged his body burning with energy flames and flew towards Denak's dimension.

A few days ago, you beat yourself once and you thought it was the finale? Are you still directly attacking your own dimension now?

He will form an alliance now, and then bring his allies and troops to settle accounts with Dormammu!

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