The Death Knell

Chapter 1102? Time Aggregation

Su Ming, who turned into a little pancake again, was the inconspicuous thing that fell just now. He was lying in a pit, watching Fatalis disappear into the distance with burning tail flames like wings of death. in the void.

That side is not the direction of the dark dimension. It seems that he is looking for reinforcements. He really has no choice but to go to the dragon.

"You took the bait before I even exerted my strength..."

Su Ming controlled the metal skeleton and rubbed it against the pit, choosing a more comfortable position. If every demon god could be as conscious as Fatalis, the next step would be much easier.

At this time, various wild beasts in the distance gradually gathered around. They wandered tentatively around the pit. Some went to eat the corpses of the dead beasts, while others looked at the death knell with large and small glasses, as if waiting for him to die. .

The beasts in the black dragon dimension are obviously dragon beasts, but now they are raised to be as cunning as hyenas.

He sighed and shouted at these monsters: "Look again? If you look again, I'll drink you up!"

The beasts couldn't understand what he said. There were no birds here. On the contrary, the ferocious beasts were interested, and some of them were getting closer and closer.

Although the body is in tatters, the X-metal skeleton can be controlled with thoughts, so Su Ming is still capable of fighting.

But when facing some brainless beasts, there is no need to take action personally.

"Strangle, drink 'em."

Strangler, who was repairing the host's body, immediately separated out many tentacles with mouths, wrapped around these monsters like pythons, then drilled into their skulls through the orifices of the facial features, and drank the contents.

These beasts have strong scales and shells on their bodies, so brute force will not work to knock the watermelon off. Although Strangler does not have an organ like a brain on the physical level, it is very smart and learns from its host to find the enemy's weaknesses.

For a while, screams and sniffing sounds could be heard all around, while Su Ming continued to rest peacefully with an expressionless face.

Who will you choose as your next target?


"Dormammu! Come and hit me!" Su Ming was breakdancing in the void in front of Dormammu.

"Boom!" Dormammu flew him away again.

Ten minutes later.

"The opponent, the great King of Hell, I am the 'Suspicious Person' from the 666 dimension. I am here to tell you good news..." 'Xiao Hei', who was lying in the deep pit repairing his body, looked towards the edge of the pit. The horned devil holding his chin smiled.

The Demon King, who looked like the ultimate muscular man, held a giant axe, raised his hand and waved away his demon army. With a sinister smile, he motioned to the outsider to continue. He was somewhat interested in the good news.


"Dormammu! Hit me!" Su Ming gestured with his middle finger in front of Dormammu again.

"Boom!" Dormammu sprayed him away without even looking, focusing on his sister who was getting stronger with each battle.

Another ten minutes later.

"Margari, the witch who can spy on destiny, I am Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage from Kama Taj, and I am here to negotiate terms!" Su Ming, who hung like a noodle on the crescent moon, crossed his legs and drew cards downwards. The black-haired woman said.

The stars and crescent moon in this dimension are like cut outs of yellow cardboard, and the night sky is like a background painted with oil paint. The gypsy witch turned over the tarot cards in her hand and sighed: "I knew it, Ancient One My disciple will come to me one day and tell her that after this time I am even with her, and I will definitely kill her if we meet again."


"Dormammu! Kill me!" Su Mingzuo flew around in front of Dormammu, like a silver snake dancing wildly.

"Boom!" Dormammu was fighting fiercely with Omar. He turned his head and sprayed Deathstroke away.

Still ten minutes later.

"Slorios! Come after me. If you catch me, I'll let you eat it."

Stepping in a dimension like a corrupt swamp, all the surrounding scenes that can completely destroy the human mind came into view. Su Ming seemed not to have seen it, waving a luminous weapon in his hand and heading towards the mountains covered with tentacles. The Titan provoked.

Unfortunately, Omnivore Slorrios' thinking is only chaotic. As the Old One, he does not need to understand lower creatures like humans.

He didn't even look at Su Ming, he just raised his head and looked into the void, silently drooling green sticky saliva.

"Cthulhu asked you to go home for dinner!"

The 'Cthulhu System' exists in the Marvel world, and many of the Old Ones were hatched from the 'Eggs of Cthulhu', which is somewhat different from the original setting of Love Craftsmanship.

There are not many Old Ones and Outer Gods who are often active in comics. Most of the time they are just high-level background panels, but they are always somewhere in the universe and have not disappeared. The concept setting of the supreme god Azathoth is even only A little bit worse than TOAA.

In the comic "The Order of Thanos" that Su Ming read in his previous life, the codenames of several evil gods were vaguely mentioned, implying that terrifying existences like Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth exist in the Marvel Omniverse. Wandering.

Humans cannot pronounce Cthulhu's name completely correctly, because the structure of the vocal cords is not that of a fish, but as long as it is somewhat similar, Slorios can understand it.

This time the opponent reacted. In the swamp full of putrid odor and green slime, its tentacles that were entangled like vines waved over, as if to catch Su Ming, but the Supreme Mage, who had been prepared, let him strangle. Press teleport and disappear instantly.

The tentacles on Slorios's face wriggled a few times, as if to distinguish the smell and direction, and then he rushed straight into the void with the muddy water in the swamp dimension.


"Dormammu! I'm back!" Su Ming put up a jojo stand in front of Dormammu, and then was knocked away again.

"Dormammu! You still didn't kill me!" Su Ming performed a Kamen Rider transformation in front of Dormammu, but was knocked away again.

"Dormammu!" Su Ming appeared, but was knocked away before he could finish his words.

"Dormammu!" Just as the first one flew away, another one appeared. The green light on his body flashed past, and he was knocked away again.

"Dormammu!" As a result, the purple beam of light was still in the field of vision, and another death knell returned from the void, came to Dormammu, and danced again.

Time and time again, Dormammu couldn't remember how many times he knocked Deathstroke away, but the opponent kept appearing one after another.

Dormammu didn't know why Deathstroke did this, but he had a bad feeling. He was very annoyed now. I'm afraid it was the effect of the Time Stone.

It’s annoying for anyone to be stuck in multiple time planes.

The same goes for Su Ming. The other demon gods only spent five minutes in the dark dimension, but he himself was knocked away and then came back. This time loop of coming back and being knocked away again probably accumulated for several months.

In other words, Deathstroke, who was knocked away, was actually in different dimensions at the same time, talking to different demons.

Then, through the time gem, these different timelines are forcibly kneaded together to form a summarized timeline, and the time of being knocked away and appearing each time is forcibly linked together to form a new time flow, forming a unified world for all the princes. Discuss the situation of Dormammu.

This method of utilizing time is similar to the one used by the DC next door to travel through the 'hyper-time flow'. It is to modify the continuity of one's own time and thread all the independent time paragraphs in a line like 'pearls'. on, even if they are different sizes.

Strictly speaking, this does not comply with the basic linear laws of time, but in this regard, the Time Stone can do what the Speed ​​Force can do.

Using this method, Su Ming can become the only existence on the timeline, or he can incarnate into thousands of people to do different things, all in one thought.

In fact, it can't be said completely. He uses X metal to drive the time stone, which consumes a lot of energy. After working hard for several months, he feels that his bones are really light and his spirit is even more exhausted.

This feeling is like staying in an Internet cafe for several days in a previous life. There is a strange and familiar feeling, which makes my head hurt.

However, the matter has been settled. As long as Dormammu is taken care of next, I will have plenty of time to recuperate.

Flying back to the dark dimension for the last time, he did not get between Dormammu and Omar. Instead, he got into Faltin's small area and simply lay down on the ground to rest.

Falting looked at him with some sympathy, and her facial features were gradually visible on her glowing face, indicating that she was constantly getting weaker: "If it doesn't succeed this time, I will find a way to send you back to the earth. A tough human like you can't Damn here, he won’t do anything to me and Omar.”

Su Ming, who had his eyes closed, turned over, rested his head on his arm, and waved his hands indifferently: "I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about the Supreme Mage. I have already won, and the next step is up to you."


Faltin didn't understand it at all. She had heard that flesh and blood creatures could dream, but wasn't that something that only happened when they were asleep?

Why is Deathstroke talking in his sleep even though he is awake?

Outside this small flame field, Dormammu has gradually gained the upper hand in the battle against Omar. After all, he has 60% of the power of the dark dimension, and he has participated in more battles than Omar. many.

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like winning.

Just when Falting was at a loss, through the thick dark matter around her, she suddenly saw various lights lighting up in the distant void. At the farthest end of the field of vision, an unprecedentedly huge army formed a halo. ', are attacking here from all directions.

The 'stars' in the halo that emit cosmic energy of various colors are all demon gods from different dimensions. For some unknown reason, they all came to attack Dormammu at this time, as if they had made an appointment.

Among them were top experts who were famous in the splinter field, as well as strangers that Faltin couldn't even name. She had no idea why these demons would come together.

She looked at Death Knell like a salted fish: "Is this your plan? How did you persuade so many dimensional demons to help?"

"This is a secret, but help? They are not here to help." Su Ming felt his shoulders heat up, and his eyes were actually warm. Falting's eyes really lit up: "They are here to eliminate all of us and then divide us. Of the dark dimension.”

"Ah?" She was shocked. Her dimension was still wrapped in the dark dimension at this time. If these enemies destroyed Dormammu, she would not be spared.

When Su Ming saw that she was planning to stare at him again, he quickly waved his hand to signal her to calm down: "Don't worry, the Split Domain has its own insurance all year round. I have been prepared for it."

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