The Death Knell

Chapter 1103? Surrounded by enemies

The Demon God Alliance was already leaderless, and there was no communication with each other after arriving at the outer edge of the dimension. Fatalis took the lead, throwing himself straight towards the dark dimension like a huge cannonball.

His body is extremely hard, and the dragon clan's strongest weapon is their body. At this time, the red-eyed Fatalis came up with a lose-lose strategy.

Dormammu, who was still fighting Omar, naturally noticed the situation. Only now did he understand what Deathstroke had done with the Time Stone before he was knocked away again and again.

But he still couldn't figure it out, because it was impossible for the Supreme Mage in the main dimension to pay so much to mobilize so many people. Even if the main dimension was dismantled, it wouldn't be enough, unless...

Thinking of that possibility, Dormammu couldn't help but feel his heart sinking. That possibility was that Deathstroke used the dark dimension as a bargaining chip to trade!

"Damn it! Despicable bug! I @%!@#@!%." Dormammu looked at the Black Dragon King, whose body was burning with energy flames and whose eyes were spitting fire. He didn't care about maintaining the power of a mage. He was so magnanimous that he even began to speak fragrantly in the ancient earth language: "Sister, we have a truce! Deathstroke betrayed you! He betrayed our dark dimension!"

Omar's heart also sank. She naturally saw the army not far away. In fact, she had already stopped when these demons appeared.

Even if the brother and sister fight over each other in the dark dimension, it is still their family's business. As a result, the demolition brigade from the outside world is coming now, and the brother and sister must join forces to resist, otherwise no one will survive.

They know how much the Black Dragon King hates the dark dimension, not to mention how many people Dormammu has offended over the past tens of thousands of years, and those old enemies have been waiting for an opportunity.

In the past, the reason why he acted recklessly because of his strength was because he knew very well that it was impossible for the demon gods to unite to resist him, so he always felt at ease.

Everyone has their own plans and pursues different things. They are all in disarray.

The divided field is all about checks and balances, confrontation, and calculations, but there is no concept of unity.

However, Dormammu has been away from the earth for too long, and he did not think of another situation. In human terms, this situation is called "the wall falls and everyone pushes it", which is also called "breaking the drum and ten thousand people beating it".

Su Ming spread rumors everywhere, saying that Dormammu was besieged and the Dark Dimension was about to end, so those who wanted to take advantage without contributing would unknowingly become supporters of the plan.

Some of them are even just curious to see the fun, but when they get here and meet more and more other demon gods, what the mysterious little black shadow said before will become more and more credible.

'Dormammu is truly under siege. ’

‘Everyone can really benefit from it. ’

‘With a strong person in front, there is no risk. ’

'Domammu also has this day, kill him to take revenge, Jie Jie...'

'That suspicious person with a black body and sly eyes is really a fool. He told me to come and get the benefits. I will give him a good time next time I kill him. But where is the 666 dimension? ’

Although the demon gods did not communicate with each other, everyone had similar thoughts. There were demon gods who were closer, but they only looked at familiar people across their own troops, and everyone understood.

Dormammu is dead today.

Su Ming sat up and looked outside quietly in the flame field. Compared with these demon gods, Falting's light was like a firefly.

He was very calm and didn't even have any emotional fluctuations because everything was planned.

Lies become reality. This is the power of time. Human history has proven countless times that if a lie is repeated, it will become the truth.

And as long as the time is right, it is not difficult to transform reality into a dream.

So what if the destructive power is great? Marvel has never been a place where victory or defeat is determined solely by destructive power. The records of countless characters are all about the weak defeating the strong.

Among the demon gods that Su Ming found, except for Agamemnon's useless team, none of them are easy to mess with. Each of them can be used as the boss of a major comic event.

But this does not prevent Deathstroke from using them at all. The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans can make and use tools.

The most indispensable thing in the split field is tool people.

It's too late, now even if there are tool people who wake up, they are trapped in the army and unable to escape. What's more, everyone is greedy and uses various different desires. Deathstroke's plan has been completed.

Seeing the Black Dragon King's body burning with aura of energy passing in front of his eyes, leaving a long shadow on his retina, Su Ming turned to look at Falting, who was uneasy.

"Get ready. When the door is closed, you will deal with Dormammu."

"Me?" Falting felt very guilty.

"Yes, when Omar sees this scene, he will definitely work with Dormammu to compress and seal the dark dimension. If a few demon gods like the Black Dragon King really break in, everyone will be dead." Su Ming took off his helmet, took out a cigarette to light it, and took a deep breath: "So when they use all their strength to control the dark dimension to fight against foreign enemies, that's when you win. You are also a demon god, right? "

Falting is weak. If the racecourse is used as a metaphor for the divided realm, she is probably equivalent to a donkey.

But when the original two winning horses were huddled together with other horses, the donkey could run faster than them.

Looking at the menacing Fatalis, the brother and sister who had fought to the death just now joined forces to fight against the enemy again. Together, they activated the 100% strength of the dark dimension. At the same time, Dormammu also notified the Heartless from all dimensions to come. Go to war.

The dimension that originally looked like boundless black clouds turned into a big black ball under the control of the brothers and sisters, with layers of magic protection on the outside.

When Fatalis rushed over, he just pushed the dark dimension away a certain distance like a seal heading a ball, but failed to break in.

"Deathstroke actually lied to me." Omar was very disappointed, but he could only stand with Dormammu with eyes blazing, and the two of them worked back to back to maintain the existence of the dimension.

Dormammu sneered, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the black pumpkin head: "He is the Supreme Mage. The Supreme Mage is all liars and thieves. I have told you a long time ago, my stupid sister, in this universe, I am the only one." I am sincerely devoted to you."

Omar: "..."

She felt speechless, because the death knell had indeed attracted countless enemies. Maybe both her brother and sister would be dead, but he might be able to get some fragments of the dark dimension and gain a lot of dark energy compared to humans. .

Magician, who is not passionate about energy? Sigh... Humans are so despicable, how did they evolve into such creatures?

"Wait a minute, I don't agree with what you are saying." Seeing the two of them stretching their arms to emit energy and struggling to keep their dimensions intact, Su Ming slowly floated out of the flame field: "I have never They are all operating with integrity, and if they say that the elder brother will step down and the younger sister will become the king, then we will definitely do it."

"Deathstroke! You...ugh!"

Omar still wanted to hit him, but Fatalis from the outside collided with the dimension again. She could only put her energy on dealing with the impact of the Black Dragon King and let out a muffled groan.

As Fatalis took the lead, more and more demon gods joined the battle. Thunderous sounds could be heard in the dimension, and the vibrations became more intense each time.

"Can't you find the strength? Haha..." The death knell fell on her shoulder, smiling and completely ignoring her ferocious eyes: "It's not just you, Dormammu is the same. Ask him now Do you dare to let go? The coalition forces outside are really scary because of their large numbers."

If they are allowed to rush in, they will undoubtedly let a group of bandits into the house. As long as Fatalis or several other powerful demons entangle their brothers and sisters, others will divide the energy of the dark dimension in two in a short period of time. net.

The only way now is to fully protect the outer shell of the dimension, which is the most reliable and last layer of defense.

Dormammu hated Deathstroke so much that although his energy and body could not be used, he still had a mouth to say: "You damn thing, despicable insect, I will definitely kill you, kill you!"

However, the little figure made a gesture of picking out his ears and blew out a smoke ring: "If you could do it, I would have died long ago, wouldn't I?"

Dormammu opened his mouth, you might as well cancel the effect of the Time Stone! He was so angry that he couldn't speak: "..."

"Tsk, tsk, originally I came to negotiate terms, Dormammu, you must not cooperate." Su Ming sighed, and walked on Omar's huge shoulder: "Forced me to use a backup plan, now everyone is satisfied Bar?"

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