The Death Knell

Chapter 1104? Crazy dragging people into the water

Looking at the expressions of Dormammu and Omar, the black-fire pumpkin's face was full of ferocity, Su Ming knew that they must be very satisfied.

Also, the hundreds of demonic neighbors in the Split Domain near Dormammu have found three-quarters of them. Now the sounds of 'smashing doors' can't be distinguished together, and the entire dark dimension is like a rubber ball. Being chased and filmed by the demons.

Su Ming also saw Liana and Satana. Among the army of tentacle monsters, the two people were laughing and chatting while paddling easily.

Mysterio pressed the soul sword against the barrier of the dark dimension and dragged it back and forth like a saw, making a creaking sound. Satana sprayed out a little flame from her hand and slowly burned the barrier. The fire was too small for cooking.

However, they are not the only ones among the demons who are paddling, more people are conserving their strength in unison.

After breaking the barrier, we still have to scramble to divide the energy. Now let a strong person like Fatalis take the main attack and take advantage of it later.

This is the normal thinking of the demon gods. They all have their own calculations and never know what unity is.

Except for a very few demons who have shown real abilities, such as the duo of Agamon and Diplo, they are too weak. No matter how hard they fight, they are still essentially mascots.

This is why Su Ming judged that so many people could not break the dark dimension barrier in a short time, because everyone was paddling. It seems that the offensive is overwhelming, and the various operations are like a tiger descending from the mountain. In fact, even the energy of the universe is not used, and it is just a show.

The power of a dragon in Fatalis cannot break the defense. After all, this is Dormammu's territory. Slorrios, on the other hand, was full of confusion. Not only did he not cooperate, he always attacked the friendly forces around him, and he was completely isolated.

Balzac, who represents 'pure destruction', only knows brute force. He sends the dark dimension flying and adds pure chaos to Fatalis. The nightmare that represents 'malice' is of the spiritual system. At this time, he is the one who paddles the water most openly, because it is not something he can do at his level if he wants the spiritual system's ability to have an effect on space.

The situation in the dark dimension seems to be in danger, but in fact it is as stable as an old dog in a short period of time, but it would be fine if Su Ming himself knew this.

"Faltin, let's do it. We'll cut off the Regent's Fire from Dormammu's head, and you put it on Omar." He took a sip, put out the cigarette butt, took out the God Killer from his pocket, and put it on Omar. It becomes a long saw.

"Hmm..." Falting hesitated. She turned into a flame giant and gradually approached Dormammu but did not make a move.

Su Ming knew what she was thinking, and shook his head helplessly: "Don't think about wearing it yourself. Regent Fire will not recognize you. Although they can be regarded as your children, you cannot take away the dark dimension. Its premise is that blood is connected at the level of flesh and blood, and you never have flesh and blood.”

After turning into a fire giant, Falting's facial features became clearer. Her energy was dispersed throughout her body. In exchange for her larger size, her energy density also weakened.

After listening to Deathstroke's words, she closed her eyes to calm down her mood, then reached out to grab the twisting flames above Dormammu's head, and the flames suddenly burst out.

"Ok, I see."

The Regent's Fire comes from Faltin, and was created by Dormammu using the energy taken from Faltin. In the Split Realm, she is probably the only one who can forcibly touch it without any side effects.

Dormammu looked at Faltin bitterly. He still couldn't use his hands to resist. He had to hold the seal with both hands to maintain the stability of the space.

At the same time, it is also because he knows that giving the crown to his sister is probably the best outcome of the matter. These two people reached a consensus with their sister and were determined to help her sit on the throne.

Anyway, at least the dark dimension still has a glimmer of hope, and the cunning Deathstroke must have a follow-up plan.

Because Dormammu has already seen that the Supreme Mage has attracted so many enemies and controlled the general trend, then he must have a big goal, and it is not the level of wanting to get a piece of the dark dimension.

It's just...he couldn't figure out what the purpose of the death knell was.

"Faltin! Deathstroke! Remember this! Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will make you pay the price!"

Dormammu said harsh words, and the fragrant words kept coming from his mouth, wanting to test something.

Su Ming, holding a big golden saw, had already flown above his head and started sawing from the junction of black and red flames. Liana gave him some inspiration. Sometimes a saw is better than a big sword.

Hearing Dormammu's declaration in a rage of incompetence, Su Ming saw furiously and nodded, with afterimages appearing on his hands: "Hmm, I'm so scared. Dormammu from the dark dimension is eyeing me. What do you mean? You’re not going to pop out of the toilet and attack me when I’m going to the toilet, are you?”

Dormammu's eyes suddenly widened: "How dare you insult me ​​like this!!!"

"Then beat me to death!"

Su Ming stopped what he was doing and danced the "One Finger Divine Skill" disco in front of Dormammu again.

Dormammu has a shadow over this sentence now. If he could kill the opponent, he would not be in the current situation. For a moment, his momentum was actually suppressed, and he could only let the death knell operate on his head.

When the two people were bickering, Omar was a little dizzy. Deathstroke didn't break the contract? Still want her to become the king of the dimension?

But I can't understand this series of operations. I'm afraid this king of the dimension won't last a few minutes. If the enemies outside rush in, everyone will definitely be finished. Is it meaningful to still fight for dominance at this time?

She didn't come back to her senses until Faltin put the crown on her head.

During those years of being imprisoned, what I had always dreamed of was now so easy to obtain.

The intense joy left her speechless. No matter how short-lived the joy was, she truly felt the weight of the crown.

Before she put on the crown, she was still thinking about this and that, but after putting it on, she only had one thought.

Worth it.

Seeing the black pumpkin head's eyes narrowed and his grin almost splitting, Su Ming fell on her shoulder helplessly.

He has always understood why some fools, knowing that they can only be emperor for a few days, still want to climb to the highest place to enjoy that kind of enjoyment.

Human beings are not the only ones who have the desire for rights. This kind of thing is common to all living things, even elemental creatures.

Even the cave dwellings in Orini are larger than others, which shows that the Faltine people have social classes. With classes, there is a power structure, and ambition will be born.

Omar is both a Faltine and a human being, and the temptation to power is stronger than others.

What's more, the Regent's Fire is not an ordinary crown for human beings. It is both rights and strength. And Omar has been under house arrest for a long time. At this time, he is like a pie falling from the sky. It is not incomprehensible that this behavior occurs.

As the saying goes, the ups and downs of life are really exciting.

"Hey, stop being pretty. My contract has been fulfilled. Are you still satisfied?"

Su Mingfei waved in front of her, asking her to quickly come to her senses. If her body hadn't been instinctively supplying energy to the dark dimension, Fatalis would have almost rushed in just now.

Omar was awakened from all kinds of fantasies, and the way she looked at Su Ming changed, and she said in a somewhat emotional tone: "Death Knell, Supreme Mage of the Main Dimension, how did you come up with the plan? We still have a way to escape. ?"

"The content of our contract is to help you sit on the throne, isn't it?" Su Ming stretched out his hand, as if checking whether the paint on his gauntlets had peeled off: "Mercenaries don't have after-sales service, so I didn't take the opportunity to betray you and kill you. , which can be regarded as professional ethics.”

Omar still maintained a posture similar to holding an orchid and pointing at the king and lifting the cauldron, but a smile appeared on his face: "Mercenary? You are talking about killer, right? This is one of the oldest professions in mankind. But the contract also contains The peace agreement between the dark dimension and the earth can only benefit you the most if I am in office and the dark dimension exists, right?"

Su Ming smiled and nodded. He looked outside the dimension, where countless people were attacking through complex magic array patterns: "Your wisdom is really like the sea. Don't worry, I have already made arrangements."

Yes, Omar’s wisdom truly ebbs and flows like the ocean, like the ebb and flow of the tide.

"If you have any idea, you'd better use it quickly. We can't support it for long." Omar didn't hear the sarcasm in Su Ming's tone. Instead, she looked much more relieved after receiving the assurance.

Su Ming turned around in the air, patted his pocket, and made a popping sound: "Do you know why I haven't witnessed the contract yet?"

"Your package is some kind of space prop. You put the contract inside to isolate Emperor Weishan's perception. Otherwise, they would have been triggered as soon as you left the dark dimension... What do you mean? ?”

Omar was halfway through the analysis when she suddenly understood. She knew what Deathstroke was trying to do.

Su Ming took out the two pieces of paper, which were the contracts he signed with Omar and Faltin respectively. He shook them in his hands and showed the sacred emblem of Emperor Weishan to several people:

"Perhaps you don't know that I was almost forced to take over as the Supreme Mage. Emperor Weishan and Ancient One seemed to have identified me... The specific reason is still unclear, but it means that I have no respect for them. It’s valuable, and you can take advantage of it. By the way, I won’t admit this sentence after leaving this dimension.”

"Hahaha... But with so many demon gods, Emperor Weishan will not be their opponent." Dormammu couldn't help laughing when he heard the death knell, even Emperor Weishan wanted to plot against him, as if he had lost his throne. It's nothing to him, or he has already figured it out.

He took the initiative to remind Deathstroke that Fatalis was already red-eyed and the opposing coalition forces were full of confidence. They didn't care who stood in the way.

"Calm down, Dormammu, summoning Weishan Emperor is only the first step. Do you think the third dimension is a place outside the law?" Su Ming put away the contract and replied very calmly: "Now you might as well think about the future in the prison. It would be better to do something, I suggest you wear a sweater."

After saying that, without waiting for Dormammu, whose face turned completely black, to retort, Su Ming turned into a 'suspicious person' in a black vest, and let Strangler touch the transmitter embedded in the forearm bone, and disappeared from the scene.

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