The Death Knell

Chapter 1106? Three Saints in One

The void surrounding the dark dimension looks like a burning galaxy. Various light and shadow effects keep this huge area shrouded in various lights. Often accompanied by strong light, earth-shattering events occur again and again. s attack.

If it was not the dark dimension but the material planet that was attacked, it would probably have been destroyed.

Su Ming didn't care about what was going on in the black ball. He saw the right opportunity and flew to the route where Fatalis collided with the dark dimension. He took out the contract from his pocket. In the void, the two pieces of paper ignited without fire. The mountain emperor's holy emblem glowed brightly.

As before, when witnessing the contract, the shadow of Emperor Weishan will flash in mid-air. But this time the situation was different. The three shadows gradually solidified, and a huge woman appeared with a silvery bald head and a tiger head.

The white realm opened instantly, and Fatalis, who was rushing into the dark dimension, was knocked back by a wall that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the flames on his body dimmed.

He was not injured, but the conflict of laws made him a little dizzy.

The rules of Emperor Weishan are order, and the 'cannibalism' represented by Fatalis is not considered order in any way. If there is a conflict between the two, whoever is weak will be unlucky.

Su Ming flew behind Emperor Weishan and hid pretending to be frightened: "Emperor Weishan, you are finally here, the demon gods here have gone crazy."

Ao Shutu stared at him calmly, not believing a word of his performance, and said in a voice like a bird singing: "Death Knell, we know your plan and have seen the future, you don't need to perform such a useless performance .”

Su Ming shrugged and changed from the suspect Xiao Hei state back to his original appearance. He asked calmly: "How can you say it is useless? At least now I am sure that you can see the future, right? And I also know that you are 'Big Brother' is always monitoring my actions."

"This is just the price of becoming the Supreme Mage. The moment you obtain this glorious title, your life no longer belongs to you, but to the entire earth."

The bald Agamotto looked at the battlefield situation. After Emperor Weishan appeared, many demon gods who knew they were not strong enough ran away, leaving only some "iron" demon gods headed by Fatalis in front of them.

But he did not relax his vigilance. On the contrary, it could be said that since arriving on the third level, he has always been facing a formidable enemy.

Su Ming crossed his arms and floated next to Ao Shutu's head: "Then I won't do it. I will go back to Earth to find a beggar and pass on the position of Supreme Mage to him so that he can enjoy this glory."

"You!" Silver flames appeared on Agamotto's bald head. His facial features were squeezed together and he looked a little angry: "Oshutu, look who you choose! This insignificant human being is so disrespectful to us!"

Su Ming was not to be outdone. Wasn't he just complaining?

"Oshutu, Agamotto is a life created by the energy of the universe after you left the earth. You are his mother. How can a child yell at his mother? Discipline him quickly."

The eyes of Hogs, who was acting as a melon-eating crowd on the side, lit up, and the long beard on the tiger's face stood up. Instead, he found this human being very interesting, different from the submissive people in the past.

He transformed into his favorite bug shape, which looked like a fat, large caterpillar, with two white eyes like a cartoon character, and a humanized nose and mouth.

He materialized a sofa in the void, coiled himself on it, took out a large hookah from nowhere and placed it next to it. He pulled the long hose and started smoking.

Exhaling a nebula-like smoke, the insect said: "Don't argue about this matter. We choose our own destiny. Agamotto, even if you feel a little dissatisfied with being plotted by humans, don't argue here."

Ou Shutu glanced at Agamotto. He had already seen the future clearly, so don't let trivial matters create complications.

Agamotto took a deep breath, glanced at Deathstroke again, and said angrily: "I'll deal with Fatalis and the others."

After saying that, the silver giant flew out from the Three Saints and slammed into the Black Dragon King with a shoulder-to-shoulder collision.

Agamotto was not as big as the black dragon, but he clearly had the advantage. Fatalis was immediately at a disadvantage, and the silver flames naturally restrained it. There were hugs, throws, and kicks, and there were space fluctuations like earth shaking and the screams of Fatalis.

Speaking of which, the human incarnation of Agamotto was the first Supreme Mage of the Earth. At that time, he still had long flowing hair. Later, he returned to form the Weishan Emperor with two others. He became bald and became stronger. , the fighting method now is the same as that of a wrestler, without using any magic.

"Master Hogs, what are you smoking?"

Agamotto was stunned and had to find the stairs by himself. However, Su Ming seemed to be fine and had already moved closer to the caterpillar.

He landed on the smoke pot that was tens of meters high. He looked at the transparent pot under his feet as if there were galaxies flowing inside. Hogs opened his mouth and spat out a shining galaxy. He found it very interesting.

The big insect glanced at him with a smile, and the countless little legs on his belly moved: "This is the manifestation of the energy of the universe. Human beings cannot enjoy this, but the things that humans can use are... hiss~ ~~~Fu~~~~"

As he spoke, he deliberately took a deep breath and blew out a smoke ring towards Su Ming. The surging energy was much more powerful than Dormammu's cosmic energy beam. It was indeed a good thing that humans could not tolerate.

Su Ming walked through the smoke ring and shook his head. Among the three saints of Emperor Weishan, Hogs was the most interesting. The origin of this extraterrestrial god was unknown. He often seemed... very social.

Although his attitude towards human beings is not as enthusiastic as he appears, he seems to have human nature.

He likes all kinds of entertainment, is good at joking and telling stories, smokes and drinks when he has nothing to do, and also likes to turn into a big caterpillar, which is unimaginable for other demons.

The more decent demon gods are basically like O Shutu. In addition to developing their own power, they also maintain peace everywhere. The villainous Demon God either goes around doing things to get benefits, or just stays at home in his own dimension, but he doesn't have hobbies like Hogs.

However, among the Weishan Emperors, Hogs' status is similar to that of O Shutu, which means that his strength is stronger than Agamotto. I am afraid that this strength is derived from 'smoking'.

Absorbing cosmic energy through the respiratory tract? Is this guy some kind of alien god...

"Good things that humans can enjoy? Let me have a taste." Su Ming was full of speculation. He calmly took out some snacks and wine from his pocket and expressed that he wanted to exchange them.

Hogs turned his huge body into about the same size as a human being, snatched away those things in one swoop, hid it in the space behind himself and grinned: "No, the Anti-Trinity is coming soon, I will take some time to rest. That’s all, haha, were you deceived by me?”

Su Ming's eyes turned into dead fish, this Hogs was really worthless.

And sure enough, just like O Shutu said, they already know their plan, and may even know the result.

Also, he can use the Time Stone to examine the future, and Agamotto also has a series of time-related abilities. There is no reason why Weishan Emperor cannot do what he can do.

Su Ming simply sat on the armrest of Qingchong's sofa and thought quietly.

At this time, Ao Shutu was just standing calmly in the void. She was wearing a white gauze skirt. Her crown and skirt were shaped like large white feathers, making her look dignified and beautiful.

The field of order she opened protected Su Ming, preventing him from turning into a cookie in the aftermath of the battle between Agamotto and Fatalis.

But she didn't care about what game Hogs was playing with the human spokesperson. Her eyes spanned the void and stared into the dark distance. Her fluffy white eyelashes and eyebrows trembled from time to time.

The bird families in the city of Sephiroth have retreated under her silent command. This place will soon become a battlefield. After a three-on-three fight, the already divided third level will become More broken.

In this kind of battle, even a slightly weaker demon god would be killed on the spot, let alone a dependent.

"Coming." One word came out of her pale lips.

"Okay, I'll go to Earth to play with you next time." Hogs, who was slumped on the sofa like a boneless insect just now, transformed back into his tiger-headed human body as he spoke, and then turned into a human body as if blown by air. giant.

As he pointed, a wormhole was formed in the space. The opposite side of the wormhole was Kamathaj's meditation room.

He was asking Su Ming to go back to Earth and wait for news. Anyway, the outcome was already determined. Emperor Weishan's arrival here meant that they recognized the chosen future. The timeline had already taken shape, and it made little difference whether there was a death knell or not.

Because the sofa suddenly disappeared, Su Ming swayed in mid-air, holding his arms: "Since you already know that I won't leave, why bother to test it?"

"Haha, I just want to see how much the timeline can be changed." The tiger-headed Hoggs was very relaxed, but when he cast his gaze in the direction Ao Shutu was looking, his tone became much more serious: "Although your plan is good, I'm afraid your situation will be a little more difficult afterwards."

"It was expected."

Su Ming looked very calmly into the distance, where there were already three huge figures solidifying. An unknown red light began to diffuse and shine among the stars, making a sound like boiling water after colliding with the white field of Ao Shutu.

Agamotto sent away all the demons that were in the way, returned to the two of them, and assumed a posture ready for battle.

Hogs did not look back, and his aura became stronger and stronger. He said in a way that only Su Ming could hear:

"Perhaps only humans like you can see the vision in your heart. We, Emperor Weishan, will be waiting in the universe for the day when your plan comes true."

Deathstroke was silent for a moment: "I hope."

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