The Death Knell

Chapter 1107? White and red

Just as they were speaking, the transmission of the Anti-Trinity had been completed. At this time, the three of them were facing the three of Emperor Weishan with black and red energy fluctuations.

In a void full of starlight, countless distant stars are shining, colorful nebulae are constantly rotating, and strips of the Milky Way lie beside them. Perhaps for some people, this kind of beautiful battlefield is what they have longed for all their lives.

Neither party meant to talk, they just stood quietly, letting their own energy come into contact with the other's energy, making a crackling collision sound.

When things have reached this point, the Demon God Alliance has begun to watch from a distance. The six Demon Gods confronting each other are all top powerhouses in the universe.

It's not that there are no demons who can intervene in their battles, such as the Black Dragon King and his opponents. They have the strength to intervene in the battles of top experts, but this is obviously of no benefit. As his head cools down, Fatalis has also flown to the edge of the battlefield, Jing Jing. Just wait and see.

Several blind and foolish old rulers were recalled by unknown superior beings and disappeared among the stars.

Although Su Ming stayed on the battlefield to see the high-level forces, he would not be stupidly caught in the middle of the battlefield. He chose a seat behind him not far or close to Emperor Weishan, which was equivalent to a VIP seat.

Because many demon gods have recognized their identity, all kinds of murderous intentions come across the void. There is never a shortage of smart people in this world. It seems that someone realized that they were deceived and told everyone. The fact that they were all fooled.

The person involved, Deathstroke, was very satisfied. What he wanted was the attitude of the demon gods. Besides, as long as Emperor Weishan was still there, could these demon gods bite him?

He was observing the manifestations of the Anti-Trinity.

When Emperor Weishan appears, Ao Shutu always stands in the middle, which also shows that she is the one in charge. The opponent is the anti-Trinity. Standing in the middle is a 'cloaked man' wearing a black cloak. It is impossible to see what is under the hood.

The cloaked man's whole body exuded a disgusting and ominous aura. He was clearly standing there, but the feeling was infinitely magnified, as if he was everywhere.

That cold and slippery feeling, like a slimy amphibian licking the top of your head with its oversized tongue and about to be pulled under the mask in the next second.

But this is just an illusion, he hasn't done anything yet.

To his right is the 'Son of the Goat' with a black goat head. He looks like a strong man with a human torso. His muscular upper body is exposed, and he is covered with black wool from the waist down. He has two big hooves. In the void.

On the left is the 'Burning Snake', a monster with the head of a beautiful woman but a snake-like body with blue scales. She is coiled there, like a cobra before it attacks, with the front half of its body branched out and branched high. The tongue pops out of the mouth from time to time.

"An invisible mass of mud, a demon wearing woolen pants in the void, and a pair of green eyes." Su Ming touched his chin. He wanted some popcorn, feeling that the next battle might be fierce.

Omar has already controlled the dark dimension and escaped at this time, because the split field is composed of countless fragments, like a basin of water filled with broken ice cubes, so as long as they can squeeze out other people's dimensions, they can move their territory. .

Mysterio and the others slipped away earlier. After the sacrifice work was completed, the two hell lords, who were the size of ordinary people, left, and their small targets would not attract anyone's attention. Afterwards, as long as you pretend to be a victim who was also deceived, you don't have to worry about being called to settle the score.

Just when Su Ming thought that the two groups were going to confront each other and play some kind of qi-fight, he realized that he had really overthought it. After all, Meiman was Meiman, and Emperor Weishan took action first.

They have fought against the Anti-Trinity more than once, and they have won basically every time, so they naturally have confidence.

Agamotto first stretched out his hand. He looked like a white-light version of Dr. Manhattan. A sun-like white energy ball appeared out of thin air, which emitted powerful heat. The silver fire light kept fluctuating, twisting like mercury. .

Next was Ao Shutu. She closed her eyes slightly, mobilized the energy in her body, stretched her hand towards the light ball, and instilled the power of wind and rain into it.

Finally, there is Hogs. His furry tiger claws are not afraid of being burned. He also stretches out his claws to contribute the life energy he represents.

The bright light became brighter and brighter, gradually engulfing their figures.

The moment Su Ming blinked, the three demon gods, who were already giants, began to expand in just an instant. The melon-eating crowd discovered that the current Hogs, even a hair on his body, was bigger than the Himalayas. The mountain is even more magnificent.

Deathstroke was squeezed out by three demon gods. They blocked the space around him, as if they were planning to make some big move.

"Is this...creating a dimension?"

Standing on his feet with the help of the cloak, he watched with some curiosity as Emperor Weishan kneaded out a dumpling. The ball of light had now become larger than the earth, and was filled with various rules and energy. , and it is rapidly evolving into a new dimension.

Not only that, it continued to expand, getting bigger and more complete. Su Ming could even see creatures being born in it, and then these creatures seemed to have been pressed on the fast forward button, evolving, prospering, dying, and reincarnating. .

In the transparent dimensional shell, there were vicissitudes of life, rise and fall. In just a short moment, this dimension came to an end. It began to collapse unstablely from the inside, and screamed in pain.

Su Ming never knew that things like dimensions could scream. Even though he used the power of the Upside Down to destroy a dimension in DC next door, he didn't have such an intuitive experience at that time.

Perhaps the authorities are obsessed with it, and only bystanders can see clearly.

Deathstroke hid further away, and many other demon gods began to flee desperately. Emperor Weishan created a new dimension, although it was nothing compared to the real world, with incomplete rules and rapid decline.

But it is essentially a disposable weapon, used to deal with the anti-Trinity bomb dimension. Su Ming's mind is focused on this dimension that is born and dies, and he is thinking about the purpose of Emperor Weishan showing him this scene.

At this time, Ao Shutu nodded, and Weishan Emperor and the other two people worked together to teleport the dimension that was about to collapse and threw it in front of the Anti-Trinity.

Perhaps because the two sides are old enemies, the Anti-Trinity also repeated similar actions to Emperor Weishan, creating a black dimension glowing with red light and teleporting it to Emperor Weishan using the same method.

Then, as if there was a tacit understanding, Hogs took action and knocked away the black dimension, and the opponent's Son of Sheep also kicked away the white ball of light with his hooves.

The two new dimensions collided directly in the void, with no sound or explosion, only distortion and annihilation.

Rules and energy collided with each other. The most important thing was the conflict between order and chaos. The void was torn apart, revealing another dark layer of space. Everything around it seemed to be drawn into a whirlpool.

The void seemed to be just a small opening in the ink-stained paper. It looked like nothing serious, but the attraction that could distort and erase all existence came from the small hole, which showed that the vortex was not a good place.

At this time, Deathstroke was the only bystander left on the battlefield. Some unlucky ones had been sucked away just now. Even Su Ming couldn't tell which demon was deceived because he was squeezed into a noodle shape by the space.

Some people died before reaping the benefits, and the demon gods gradually began to retreat, but the suction force seemed to be very effective on them. Many demon gods had to completely reveal their trump cards before escaping.

The treasures at the bottom of the box may be hidden abilities that were originally intended to trick people, or they may be new progress in cultivation. Now, exposed in front of almost everyone...

How can this make them kill their neighbors in the future? !

Thinking of this, the demon gods once again stared at the death knell from a distance with eyes large and small, filled with hatred, and then left without looking back.

From now on, they will no longer trust anyone who comes to share good news. If anyone comes to sell again, they will be beaten to death.

The battle was fierce from the beginning. Both sides used strength far beyond what ordinary people could understand. Strangely, this terrifying suction was of no use to Su Ming. The demon who was twisted into the small hole struggled desperately and was unable to escape. , but Su Ming only felt a little bit of wind.

The suction power of that whirlpool seems to be worse than that of a bathtub drain.

"Really? Am I stronger than these demon gods?" He crossed his arms and reached out to touch the strangled head on his shoulder.

Hogs's secret voice rang in my ears again: "You are overthinking. The reason why you were not sucked away by the outer void is simply because your body and soul are not from our universe, you know."

"I don't understand." Su Ming pretended to be stupid with an expressionless face.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Now stand back, we're going to do it." Tiger Head moved his arms, and the opening test was over.

The demon gods Agamotto had just beaten away were actually saving them. After all, he had chosen strong men with names, and those existences were necessary to maintain balance.

The people who died here were simply those with poor strength and bad brains. Neither words nor fists could save the ghosts seeking death. Their dissipation can only be regarded as fate, and the Split Domain will find them soon in the future. substitute.

At this time, half of the boundless magic level was dyed white, and the other half was colored black and red, just like the end of the world.

The two groups of demon gods ignored the rift in the void, each bursting out their own energy and rushing toward the other silently.

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