The Death Knell

Chapter 1108? A strange combination of circumstances

Su Ming, who was taking out some snacks to eat, stopped. From his perspective, the battle seemed to be over in an instant.

There was no light, shadow, sound, nothing. I saw the red and white lights split at the touch, and a huge golden figure appeared on the battlefield. I don’t know who repaired the original hole. .

Four of the six demon gods were defeated. Only Ao Shutu and the cloaked man were unscathed, but now they looked exhausted and obviously couldn't fight anymore.

"Is this the end?" Su Mingfei flew to Hogs' side and asked in a low voice. The tiger god's chest was scorched black, exuding a rotten smell, and black sparks appeared around the wound from time to time: "I'm still waiting to see. As for the disintegration and reorganization of levels, isn’t this too short-lasting for you?”

The Demon God glanced at him, then turned into a caterpillar and snatched away the snacks: "We have been fighting with them for more than three thousand years, and the time stream has been broken several times, but the battle took place on the time level. You can’t understand it without using the time stone. Human beings always rely too much on their own vision, just because it is an intuitive feeling.”

"Tch, I also want to see your respective methods." Su Ming was a little regretful. This opportunity to learn was right in front of him, but he missed it in a flash.

"If you want to watch it, you can use the time gem to replay the time in this space, but that thing is not your own power. I suggest you not do it." Hoggs drank snacks from the hookah and said indifferently: "Far beyond It’s best not to read too many things that are at the limit of human cognition, I’m afraid you’ll go crazy.”

"I know what the Time Stone is, and so do the other ones, but did you really use so many unimaginable methods?" Su Ming looked at the huge figure on the battlefield.

Hoggs touched the wound on his belly. As he absorbed the energy of the universe, the injury was improving rapidly: "Although I don't know where the limit of your imagination is, our omniscience and omnipotence are actually just words. The future we can see is Limited, you'd better not take risks. The human brain cannot bear things that exceed cognitive limits. There is a human term for it..."

"Going crazy is because the willpower cannot withstand things that are beyond reality, which leads to going crazy." After hearing what Hogs said, Su Ming seemed to be more interested, but he just needed to prepare...

"Yes, don't be too curious. It's good like this now. You see, the plan is going well. The Life Tribunal has arrived, and the third level of our universe will restore its original order." Hoggs was not worried about being heard by the enemy at all. Because the Anti-Trinity obviously thinks the same way.

"Ahem, actually my plan is just to attract the 'Eternity' of the single universe. His ability is enough. What should I do now? You have beaten me too hard and attracted the almighty universe-level Life Tribunal... ..." Su Ming whispered on top of Qingworm's head, next to the Shrek-like ears.

Hoggs's eyes suddenly widened: "What? Isn't your plan to attract the court? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask me, I thought you knew." Su Ming spread his hands, and it turned out that Emperor Weishan was still unreliable. Didn't this operation expand the situation unnecessarily?

He had not originally planned to enter the court's sight so early, but as expected, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

"I told you that we are not omniscient and omnipotent. We may be able to see some of the future, but we can't see what you are thinking." Hogs gritted his teeth. He also felt a headache because he might have misunderstood. Emperor Weishan guessed that Deathstroke was Part of the plan, but didn't see who was coming.

The Living Tribunal is a very powerful concept, one that has existed since the multiverse entered the 'visible' realm.

It takes orders from TOAA, works for the Unseen One, and is responsible for all life in the multiverse.

There is a saying that the single universe 616 is the only reality, and the multiverse is just a collection of alternative timelines with similar properties and universal levels. Due to different choices at some points in time, all kinds of strange parallel worlds have developed. These parallel worlds are in coexist on a temporal level, forming a multiverse.

The existence beyond time is theoretically the only existence in the multiverse and even larger levels.

However, Su Ming does not fully agree with this view. For example, Earth-TRN 565, Gwen's hometown, is a completely ordinary world just like his previous life. Marvel and DC only exist in comics.

As a big fan of Spider-Man, Gwen was typing with Batman fans on the Internet. There are more DC fans in the United States than Marvel. She was outnumbered and felt angry. She traveled into the 616 universe while lying on the bed reading comic books. .

There is also Universe 1212, which is purely an ordinary world without any superheroes.

Those Earths are very different from other Marvel Earths. It is no longer a matter of historical choice, but the upper limit of their abilities is different from the universe with superheroes.

There are also the Men in Black universe, the Dark Tower Gunslinger universe, and the Star Wars universe that are all in the same omnipotent universe. These are not replicas of Earth 616 in different timelines.

So in Su Ming's view, things are not that simple. Although the existence of part of the multiverse can be explained through time theory, it is not universally adaptable. Time is a necessary condition for the formation of the multiverse, but it is not a sufficient condition.

So what kind of existence the Life Tribunal belongs to is still a mystery to Su Ming.

The appearance of the Living Tribunal is a giant with a golden body, a light source on its chest, and four faces on its head, covered by a purple turban.

The frontal face is fully exposed, which represents 'justice'. This face is the 'mirror of the universe'. When different people look at it, it will show different appearances, which means 'when looking at others, you should also look at yourself' . ’

The lower half of the face on the left side of the head is exposed, which represents 'revenge'. It can be seen that it is a cold and ruthless face, indicating that he never shows mercy.

The face on the right side of the head is completely covered, which represents 'inevitability', because necessity only happens in the dark and is the rule of invisibility.

Many people think that the Life Tribunal is also a trinity, but this is not the case.

The reason why Su Ming did not count him as a member of the Trinity was because he also had a fourth face that was completely hidden behind his head. That fourth face with no facial features could embody the appearance of any person or existence. Represents 'mystery' and 'infinite possibilities'.

Concepts such as eternity, infinity, death and oblivion. Life is subject to the jurisdiction of the Life Tribunal. The Life Tribunal has a special dimension called the 'Star Chamber Tribunal'. Its location is unknown and no one is invited except by the Life Tribunal. Able to enter there through magic or technological means.

In that dimension, he was helped by a group of dependents called Magistrati, who helped the Life Tribunal deal with things that he didn't like but that affected the balance of the multiverse.

The Living Tribunal has no personal motives or desires, he is completely impartial and only acts for the greater good of the universe.

He is very willing to sacrifice a few people for the many. Take the game that the clown next door likes to play. If you put two groups of unequal numbers on two ships, and then load them with bombs.

Batman will find a way to save everyone on both ships, while the Living Tribunal will directly blow up the ship with fewer people to ensure the safety of the one with more people.

Who are the good guys and bad guys, or who are the elderly and children, are not within the scope of the court's consideration. He only considers the number, and his style is so simple and crude.

Of course, this is just an analogy. The clown does not have the power to force the life court to make a choice. There are not many beings who can use their strength to force the court. Most of his actions are effective.

But Su Ming knew that the Life Tribunal also had its own shortcomings.

It is called a court, but it is actually a three-in-one police, judge, and executioner. However, it does not have a lawyer, so the people or things being tried by it can defend themselves or find an attorney to defend themselves.

To be honest, the court's law enforcement is logical, but the lack of humanity makes him often fall into language traps and slap himself in the face.

The greatest weakness of the Life Tribunal is that he is 'reasonable', and anyone can reason with him.

The most terrifying thing is a strong person who is completely unreasonable and even unable to communicate verbally or mentally. Such a reasonable person is naturally restrained by an intelligent race like human beings. In the comics, the superheroes who deceived the court of life are too many. too much.

In the beginning, there were only Doctor Strange publications, and the wizards deceived the Living Tribunal for fun, but later, a masked man could deceive the Living Tribunal.

His strength is like the ocean, ebbing and flowing. As an omnipotent universe-level existence, he died four times in a row in the single universe 616. At the worst time, he was stabbed to death by the future Thanos with a knife. .

You must know that even Deadpool cannot be killed by Thanos's sword. Therefore, the one with the fastest B-cell drop in the Marvel universe is undoubtedly the Life Tribunal. Before it became a unit of measurement of combat power like Galactus, the editors used Adam the Sorcerer replaced him and created the 'New Life Tribunal'.

The New Life Court is much better.

What appears in front of everyone now is undoubtedly the original old version of the court. Su Ming is actually not as panicked as he appears. He is just testing whether Emperor Weishan really does not have the ability to read thoughts.

The conclusion is that it is not true. After Hoggs knew that he would be wrong, the surprise he felt could not be faked. Tiger Head was never a scheming demon, and Ao Shutu was always responsible for using his brain.

As for why Su Ming didn't panic? That's because he is best at convincing people with reason, and he likes it best when he can reason.

The Life Tribunal came here obviously to prevent the war between Emperor Weishan and the Anti-Trinity from continuing, causing the single universe to become unstable and then destroyed.

Isn’t that the end? The six parties involved in the fight are all here, what does this have to do with his death knell?

To be fair, he didn't do anything, he was just a casual passerby who just passed by to make soy sauce, couldn't he?

Deathstroke is as clean as a blank slate.

"It seems that you haven't seen the future where the Life Tribunal appears." Su Ming wiped Hogs's limbs as a handshake to say goodbye.

Hoggs sighed and seemed no longer interested in smoking: "The Life Tribunal's power level is higher than ours. How can we see the future related to him? You have tricked us to death."

"It's okay, relax, take a deep breath, inhale~~~~vomit~~~~How about it? Are you feeling better?" Su Ming handed him another bottle of wine from the bag.

"It's better. Alas, what are you planning?" Hoggs asked in a low voice: "You have gained nothing except making everyone hate you."

Su Ming shook his head with a smile, put an Earth cigarette in the insect's mouth and lit it: "It won't work if I say it out loud, there are always people who like to eavesdrop, but I really want to use hatred to connect all the demon gods with my earth. .”

"..." Hoggs rolled his eyes.

"Hate is a very strong emotion. This emotion is much stronger than love. The multi-layered dimensions can not only be seen as eggshells, but also as a big tree. The closer the branches and roots are, the stronger the relationship will be when facing a violent storm. The more reliable it is." Su Ming also lit a cigarette for himself and replied with a smile: "I just hope they will retaliate against me violently and take the initiative to attack the main dimension of the earth. I will let the sorcerers find ways to collect and store this energy. Get up, it will be useful in the future.”

"You want to form an overall connection between the third level and the main dimension, using the earth as some kind of energy storage medium... Is this... everything related to the future at the end of time?"

Hoggs understood, and at the same time, he was once again amazed by the capabilities of human beings. As a short-lived species, almost no one can plan for things in a few decades.

But Deathstroke did it.

The earth is special. First, the 'Creator' created countless lives on the earth, and then the corrupted gods fell on the earth. This planet is not comparable to other planets in the universe. Alien energy always accompanies the earth. This is The reason why so many aliens want to take over the earth.

"Shh, don't you all celebrate your birthday? How can you tell me your birthday wish?" Su Ming took out a piece of black cloth from his pocket and pretended to cover the caterpillar's eyes: "There is a mustache that inspired me, I will Be the true root of hatred, for the eternal survival of this world.”

"...You are indeed very unusual. Neither Ao Shutu nor Gu Yi saw the wrong person. Wait...why are you covering my eyes with a black cloth?" Hoggs showed relief. His expression quickly turned into confusion due to surprise.

"I've eaten the snacks on the way and smoked the last cigarette. The next step is of course to go to the execution ground. Blindfolding before being shot is called humanitarianism." Su Ming's expression looked even more puzzling, as if he was doing the right thing and was disgusted. Hoggs looked very ignorant.

"You think I'm dead before the trial even starts!?" Qing Chong's plump hand slapped the black cloth away, and he directly beat the piece of cloth into a molecular state and dissipated into the void: "You It has caused misery to all of us, even if we Emperor Weishan doesn't care, you'd better find a place to hide from the limelight and keep a low profile."

Su Ming put out his cigarette, looked at the huge golden body of the Life Court not far away, and raised his hand to press his blindfold.

He floated up and down slowly, spread his hands and said with a smile: "For me, it means I have retired. As for where I will go? Of course, I will go back to the best planet in the universe and continue to be my supreme mage."

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