The Death Knell

Chapter 1109? The real root of hatred


A voice echoed through the third level, and the Life Tribunal struck the void with its fist, announcing the opening of the court.

He can transform tangible things into intangibles, and the invisible void can naturally become touchable. This is the authority of the court. He is much more powerful than most demon gods.

The melon-eater Su Ming knew that this was a court eviction, and he might be thrown out if he didn't leave. In order to be able to choose his own destination, he simply said goodbye to Hogs and patted the tiger's butt.

Oshutu smiled and nodded at him, and Agamotto gave him a slap on the back of the head.

When the court opened its mouth, Hoggs transformed back into his tiger form, and now he put on a ferocious expression: "When you return to Earth, you must prepare a sacrifice for me. I will suffer a big loss by standing up for you this time. No." Give me something nice to eat or drink, or I’ll kill you.”

Su Ming made an OK gesture and disappeared instantly.

The Life Tribunal stared at the location where Deathstroke disappeared for a while as if intentionally, but until he teleported away, there was still no intention to stop him.

Just like Su Ming's previous analysis, in the court's view, the culprits that caused dimensional imbalance, space damage, and the erasure of six parallel universes on the timeline were the six demon gods in front of them and had nothing to do with little humans.

In fact, the Living Tribunal found it incomprehensible just for such a weak creature to appear on the battlefield.

But he is responsible for the affairs of countless multiverses, but he is the only existence. He does not have a clone of a single universe, and he cannot interfere with the time of a single universe without reason. If there is any big thing, he has to do it himself.

Therefore, he cannot stay in this single universe for too long. After dealing with this, there are still accidents in other universes waiting for him to deal with.

He materialized a huge golden scale and placed it in the void between the two sides, and the trial officially began.


A few days later…

Dormammu was imprisoned, and Omar prepared a new cage for Dormammu according to his previous living standards. Not only was the big pink bed left behind, but Dormammu was also left with a dressing table.

It was empty. Not only was this small plane empty, but Dormammu's heart was also empty.

He had long since given up his flesh and blood body and could not transform into a human form like Omar. Where did he get his hair? What's the point of needing something like a dressing table?

At this moment, he was sitting by the bed, his head drooped, thinking quietly about the reason for his failure. Is material existence really that important?

Suddenly, a voice that made him want to vomit came from a voice that should only be heard in the nightmares of flesh and blood creatures:

"Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms!"

The former lord with the black pumpkin head covered his face in pain and fell on the bed as if he had lost his strength: "Are you here to laugh at me? Get out! Despicable and shameless bug! I will catch you in the future and give you Your endless torture!”

The dark dimension was safe, and Dormammu began to feel sorry for his throne again, not to mention that he had been beaten up by various demon gods before, and the amount of dark energy consumed was staggering.

Although the 'house' is no longer up to him, he still feels uncomfortable when the bricks used to build the house are broken by others.

Su Ming, who was wearing yellow and black armor and smiling, sat down next to him cordially: "You don't want to kill me anymore? This can be seen as a good start."

Unable to kill him, and falling into a trap, Dormammu turned over and turned his back to Deathstroke, looking very aggrieved, without speaking.

"Hey, don't you want to hear my deal terms? Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to" Su Ming patted his shoulder, and Dormammu's black armor made a sound.

Along with the crisp sound, the sinister voice appeared in his ears again, and this sentence made Dormammu's heart move.

"what do you want?"

Su Ming smiled even more happily: "It's very simple. If Omar betrays the peace agreement between me and her, I will get her down and replace her with someone else as the king of the dimension. You know, this requires your efforts."

The substitution was true, but the new lord would not be Dormammu, so he didn't need to know that.

Dormammu put down the hand covering his face, sneered, and retorted loudly in a high-pitched tone: "Use me to check and balance my sister? You can even betray your allies. It's really a dark style. Do you think I will agree? Do you think I, Dormammu, am a human child?!"

"Oh? No way?" Su Ming tilted his head.

"Don't even think about it! Even if I starve to death here and be wiped out by the Life Tribunal! I won't write a word on your contract!" Dormammu turned around and sat up, with sparks coming out of his mouth.

"Tsk, this is your only chance. Think about it, how did you treat Omar in the past? I seemed to have overheard her saying something like double repayment. She trusts me now. If I tell her Something that shouldn’t be said…”

Su Ming sighed, expressionlessly took out a contract, lowered his head and wrote on it, thinking about it from time to time.

"...You're right, I'll sign."

Dormammu seemed to be discouraged, no longer as high-spirited as before, as if he looked away instantly, he didn't know whether it was fragrant or not, but he had no choice.

Su Ming handed him the drafted contract. In addition to the previously mentioned agreement, there was also a new peace agreement that stated that Dormammu was not allowed to attack the Earth.

This is understandable. Dormammu checked it carefully several times, and there was no trap in just a few lines. He took out his handprint, and a black lotus bloomed on the paper.

"That's right. If you sign this, you still have a chance of survival. This is hope." Su Ming smiled and shook hands with him, then nudged him with his shoulder very intimately, as if the previous battles did not exist. .

Dormammu waved his hand angrily, signaling Deathstroke to get out of here. He felt a headache even without flesh and blood: "Because I have hope, I can be used by you, right? Are you really not a devil in human form?"

"If it's true, I'm just an ordinary human being." Su Ming stood up with a smile, clapped his hands towards where he appeared, and several more people appeared in the dimension: "Why don't you get out and wait for me to invite you? !”

These people all have dark circles under their eyes, and they look like they have been staying at Internet cafes for decades. Everyone is as lifeless as a living corpse.

But when they saw Dormammu, their eyes shone with light, and they all knelt down in unison.

The unintentional ones, also called the unintentional ones, are simply a group of cultists. They are crazy magicians who have entered the body with dark elements. They can also be called patients with magic addiction.

Dormammu noticed the movement. Feeling the familiar smell of being worshiped, he asked Deathstroke doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

"They are your 'unintentional ones', your believers from another dimension. I brought them to you to kill your boring time, as long as Omar doesn't find out." Su Ming took out a cigarette and lowered his head to light it vaguely. to answer.

"Them?" Dormammu didn't understand what Death Knell meant. Just relying on these five young humans, they obviously had no fighting ability.

"Yes, it took me a lot of effort. After you were defeated, the Heartless Group was scattered everywhere and hiding. Do you know how many dimensions I went to before I could gather five people with both talent and beauty?" Deathstroke's tone was somewhat emotional. , flicking the cigarette ashes casually: "In order to snatch people, I even had a fight with the Ashes Supreme. He insisted that the lost careless people he picked up were his, and he also wanted to make those people convert to the Ashes Trisolaris. It was really too much. Shameless."

"Hmph! A mere human actually wants to take action against me on behalf of their master?"

Dormammu snorted coldly, raised his hand, and the invisible power of space lifted up all five female believers.

Su Ming nodded and expressed full agreement: "That is, if the Ash Trisolaris really came, I would have to take a detour, but he, an ordinary mage, dared to challenge me alone. At that time, I shouted your name. The sword divided his body, and then threw the body parts to the edge of the dimension of the three felonies."

"You!!! Sigh...can't you take a few days off? I thought you would keep a low profile for a while after the Life Tribunal left." Dormammu let out a long sigh, angry at first, and then quickly turned into helpless.

He found that he was really no match for Deathstroke, mainly because this human being dared to think and do anything he thought, and his thoughts were too dark.

"Aren't you keeping a low profile? Didn't the Ashes Trisolaris and the Three Felonies start fighting? I've been very restrained. Okay, don't think about those unpleasant things. I brought them here just to make you happy." Su Ming patted Duoduo. With Mam's shoulder, he turned to the five girls who were neither humans nor ghosts and said: "Now you know I didn't lie, right? Why don't you show your rehearsed show to your gods!"

They didn't know what Deathstroke had done to them. The five girls, wearing high heels, black leather skirts and permed hair, all trembled at his order, with fear on their faces.

But one of them still stepped out and stood in the C position, forced out a cry-like smile and announced: "We are a magic girl group, please enjoy our debut single, "NoBody"!"

Su Ming nodded slightly. This was the new idol he had transformed in the past few days, the magically modified version of the Spice Girls. Dormammu is a twisted girl-controller, and it is definitely right to follow the girl-type route, and it is not the girl-type of the little devil, but the stick-type one.

They are extremely weak. Even if Dormammu is added to them, they will not be able to cause any trouble in front of Omar, who possesses the regent's fire. There is no need to worry about anything.

After the announcement, they immediately used magic to conjure five standing microphones, held the stands with both hands, and started a twisting dance.

"I want nobody nobody but You, I want nobody nobody but You..."

The waving of the hips, the flashing of the thighs, and the pointing of the hands were exactly the same as the MV that he had seen back then. Su Ming was still barely satisfied, but it was enough for Dormammu who had never seen these before.

Tell Dormammu that there are still people who need him, stimulate his ambition, and then use the various desires brought about by ambition when necessary...

Accompanied by the melodious singing and the crackling sound of applause during their performance, Su Ming gave Dormammu an expression that every man would understand: "No need to thank me."

After saying that, the black and yellow mask instantly rose, and he floated away dragging a thin red light in the darkness.

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